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Everything posted by Virt

  1. The word naive are often used as negative word. In my opinion it's a positive word. Don't confuse naitivity with ignorance or being dumb. Should they have researched a bit more. Yes absolutely. Is it easy to find info what will happen if you test positive on arrival. Not in those pages i browsed through. It should be headlines and written in bold, since it can have such a big impact on the vacation.
  2. A small danish study that has not yet been peer reviewed indicates that omicron are not on par with measles as some say. It's spreading so fast because it's better to break through immunity compared to the other variants. Study indicate omicrons transmissibility is more like the alpha variant with reproduction numbers of 3-4 where measles are 12-15 Study also showed it's still a good idea to be vaccinated since it also covered naturally immunity and immunity by vaccination. Site in danish but can you Google translate to read it. There is also a link to the study itself in article. Not peer reviewed.... https://videnskab.dk/krop-sundhed/unikt-dansk-corona-studie-bekraefter-omikron-er-bedre-til-at-undslippe-immunitet-end?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  3. Might be a bit of topic, but a bit related to being isolated in a hospital if tested negative. They just dug through the data here in Denmark and almost 10% of those that were so sick that they required hospital care, were people that already were admitted for something else, and then got covid at the hospital. So maybe it's not a good idea to put people that tested negative in a place where there are other positive cases in the same building. In theory you could be 100% COVID free but isolated because one of your family members tested negative. You get to hospital and are supposed to stay there 7 days , but you somehow get covid on day 5 in the hospital and on day 7 when you're supposed to get out, you suddenly test positive. Then you just won a prolonged stay at to the hospital. Just a thought, since i would assume the chances of getting covid at the hospitals in Thailand are somewhat the same as here. Not sure if Thailand or other countries made a similar study.
  4. Sober? That's not a word Vikings are familiar with ???? As for nationalitees. We're all different, but most of the time when I'm talking to staff, bar owners etc in other countries they like Scandic people as tourists, compared to some other nationalities. We all have good and bad sides no matter what country we come from. But i have never seen a sign in Thailand saying "No Scandinavian people allowed" Yet. ????
  5. I see 4 Scandinavian countries in to 10. Not that bad for four such small countries. Not saying we all are fluently in English. Just have a look at my grammar lol. I'm often surprised when i go to Italy, Spain and Greece and find myself in a situation where i can't communicate with the locals. Quite a lot of locals that don't speak English very well. Thanks Google for having the option to take a picture of the menu card and translate it, even if you at times receives a dish that has nothing to do with the translation. ???? I'm also happy that this dish on Koh Samui were not the real thing.
  6. They did, but some of the crucial info i couldn't find. Try and read my edited post I would think a description of what would happen if you test positive would be a nice thing to have in big bold letters. Actually it should be the first thing described ????
  7. I'm danish but Norwegian and danish spelling are very much some, so i think i found the right page ???? https://www.regjeringen.no/no/tema/utenrikssaker/reiseinformasjon/velg-land/reiseinfo_thailand/id2415097/ Translated from Norwegian. As a result of the corona situation, the Thai authorities have introduced stricter entry requirements for all travelers. The pandemic still affects society with many restrictions. Everyone in Thailand is advised to keep up to date with current restrictions and follow the advice of local authorities. For other information about the corona, see under the items Entry and Health. Edit. I tried to read everything i could on that page and also followed the link to the Thai embassy, and all i could find were the requirements for entering Thailand. I couldn't find a description where it said what would happen if you test positive on arrival. Not saying it's not there, but if it's so hard to find it, no wonder if people don't find it before they travel.
  8. They might be large and well known, but the ratings they get are really crappy. Site is in danish, but gives an overall idea how well they are rated. https://dk.trustpilot.com/review/www.tui.dk?page=2 In December almost all the reviews were 1 stars. Maybe the family complaining about TUI are not wrong by doing so? Not saying they shouldn't have done their own research before buying tickets, but the reviews indicate the travel agency really has problems with their customer service. But it's still not the travel agency that are responsible for keeping their customers updated on each and every situation. Some do though. On vacation at the moment and we received several texts during our vacation when the authorities changed anything major with the covid restrictions. As for the family. Is it their first time in Thailand? If not they should have known it's important to keep updated with the situation in Thailand.
  9. Are the hospitals overburdened at the moment in Thailand? Can't see to find any threads on this forum and posters are usually fast enough to post if there is a problem.
  10. Broccoli is a perfect pandemic vegetable. Eat a lot of it and everyone keep their minimum distance.
  11. Hehe you too. I didn't feel like putting on the serious face today ???? 9 hours until midnight here so still 2021 here.
  12. I want to join ???? Not about masks, but phones, so play along. Don't take this to serious. If we assume your phone have virus on it. You go to restaurant. You use phone while waiting for beers and then grab a bottle of beer and drink when it arrives. In reality you could then move virus from the phone to the bottle, and the person who take your empty bottle would then have a chance to touch the same spot on the bottle and that person now has your virus. For that virus to do any harm that person had to somehow get the virus inside the body. Since most people don't lick their fingers, the most obvious way ways would be if that person touched the eye, which also is a way in. It's not very likely to happen but it's possible. Of course it's not an option to ban phones, but sanitizing them once in a while is a smart thing to do since many phones also have bacteria on them. Actually a lot of them. I have no idea why people use their phones in the poop room ???? Cheers and enjoy new years eve. And now it's back to the beers ????
  13. I think that's a wee bit to pessimistic. When this annoying virus is under control and we then learn to live with it, people will want to travel like crazy. So if Thailand drop all their restrictions, mandatory masks, tests on arrival, quarantine, special insurance and open up everything, then i can't see why tourists will not still want to come to Thailand. It's still a wonderful country. I know i will be back, but not until everything is open and most of their restrictions are gone. The only one i personally would accept is a mandatory insurance.
  14. Phones are quite dirty, but if they spread COVID is another question. People still argue. Last year there were several articles saying they don't, and some that they do so not sure. It would make for an interesting study to swap test a million phones from people in public transport and see how many that actually have ???? virus on them. Why public transport? They use their phones constantly. Hmm which makes me think about another study that would be interesting. Collect facemasks from the same people in public transport, and see how many has virus inside and/or on the outside of the masks. Then do a whole genome sequencing on all positive samples. Then we have a study that shows quite a few things. If virus stick to phones. How often the virus are transmitted to masks. If the virus is both inside and outside a mask, do they match. If not then your mask work and cought someone elses virus. Now see if that virus that differs from the inside sample also is on the phone. If so that's not good, because then you touched your mask and transferred the virus to the phone. Conclusion. Ban phones. What the study will not show, is why is this poster being so silly. Maybe because it's new year eve and he started on the booze early ???????????? Cheers and let's all hope 2022 will be better than the last two.
  15. Tried to find an article if gleeking could spread Corona virus, but couldn't find anyone. I think we all tried to yawn and a jet of spit shot from the glands beneath the tongue. Does that saliva contains virus if you are infected? Why I'm asking? Just curious after i was checking the news on the phone, yawned and spit flew out and hit my phone. And now I'm scared of yawning again ???? Happy new year to all... ????????????
  16. No people with a bit of common sense would sneeze or cough on other people, but there are other ways to pass the cold. But let's just leave it there, since we're not getting anywhere. Have a good new years evening. ???? Hopefully in 2022 at some point we don't have to sit and discuss covid, vaccinations, masks, lockdowns and all that <deleted> this darn virus has lead to.
  17. Totally respect those Asians that wear a mask if they have a cold to protect others, but shouldn't they just stay home in bed instead? You then blaim others to have passed the cold to you. And you never did? I find that a bit hard to believe, but hey if you stayed inside in bed at all times while having a cold, super cadeau to you. We will never agree, so you just wear your mask if you want, and then i wear mine when the authorities tells me to. It's fine if you want to wear your mask forever, just don't expect everyone else will. I will however agree that it's not impossible that we will see masks more frequently in the streets in western countries when we have the annually flu and cold seasons. But it won't be mandatory.
  18. Depends where you live. Because of various issues the pork prices in Denmark plummeted this year. I can't remember pork ever been that cheap here. It's like 4 times cheaper than current prices in Thailand.
  19. If that's so their tourism will never thrive again. I can't imagine Thailand will keep masks mandatory when this thing turns into an endemic or even before that.
  20. They might have to speed up their cannabis plans, and produce enough stock if countries in Europe legalize it. Italy will vote next year. Germany is also on the move. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/ceciliarodriguez/2021/12/27/germany-moves-to-legalize-cannabis-second-country-after-malta-in-europe/amp/ If it will become legal in Italy and Germany these are two large markets Thailand could deliver to. If Italy and Germany legalize it, it's 100% that more countries will follow. Wouldn't Thailand be able to become a large exporter of cannabis, which also would create some jobs for the Thais.
  21. I picked the type II which experts says are good enough for the general public. Better than cloth masks but less effective than N95. Bought the surgical masks since i thrown them in the bin after 10 minutes use in public transport/shopping, do didn't want to buy the best choice when i don't use them for so long each time.
  22. They did some statistics in Denmark prior to omicron. It was roughly 80 % that were admitted because of covid and 20% for other stuff, but those 20% were registered as covid admissions. The problem is that those 20% also require certain procedures for the hospitals and need for specific sections in the hospitals, or having to isolate 1 person in rooms meant for more patients. We too have staffing issue in Denmark. One hospital has over 200 vacant jobs at the moment and many of those jobs are nurses needed.. So all that combined, omicron can still cause an issue within the next month. We're not out of the woods yet, but it looks promising and maybe we can live like normal again in 2022. Some countries faster than others.
  23. Don't Thailand use those new PCR tests that can detect omicron without doing whole genome sequencing. That could maybe save them some time.
  24. Yeah we never know for sure. We don't know in other countries as well, but other countries are closer to the truth because of their massive testing. Our numbers in Denmark shot through the roof and our positive % also explored to 12 % of the total tests which indicate we have a huge number of people with covid not being registered.
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