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Crazy Dave

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Posts posted by Crazy Dave

  1. na, i dont agree with that dave and rdn, this is something farangs shouldnt get involved in if they value their lives, pattaya has more than enough police and they should get off their assess and do it themselves, pattaya has over 1,000 pigs, i come from thamesmead in the uk and its as big if not bigger than pattaya and had 12 pigs, i really believe that farangs are risking their lives when they grass up a thai bar owner and cause him to lose his livelihood, if i remember correctly hot and cold is thai owned, ok they shouldnt have kids on stage or in the bar, but this is something for the thais to sort out and not for farangs to get involved in..

  2. best anti theft device is a rottweiller :o

    actually with my car and truck they say every 5k for oil change, i think its cos its so dusty here, my airfilter on my truck i have to change every 2 to 3 months, but its a tiny little one cos there werent enough room under the bonnet to fit the proper one when they put the new engine in.

    although with oil i think maybe the quality maybe lower here...

  3. thetyim. yep the telephone earth will be 150cms deep and away from your water, but it does mean re running all your earth cables, its actually reasonably safe to carry on using your water pipe as an earth in the thai context, its just not really the done thing, its like using an angle grinder is reasonably safe to use without the guard on but it just isnt the done thing. actually this is where i shall get hammered again, relative safety in thailand, now in america or the uk, every single food stall that we have here would be closed, due to hygene etc, yet we all eat at them sometimes, are they safe? will the food be fresh? so yes there is a lot lower standard of safety here than the uk, in the uk i never even thought about taking the safety guard off of an angle grinder, now i doubt if i could use an angle grinder with a safety guard on, so its all pretty relative to where we live.

  4. ok lets repost some of my post that some of you dont seem to be able to read

    the safe t cuts are good but are not suitable for farangs houses the way they are set up
    note the bit about the way they are set up...this is the most important bit... a safety device is absolutely useless if it isnt the right one for the job or badly set up.
    in a perfect world you would have differant safety cuts for differant areas of your house, but alas i have never seen that here :o

    as you can see i am advocating the use of safety cuts but, and thats a large BUT, properly set up with several of them for the normal farang type house here, ie a 3 bedroomed 3 bathroomed place with say 3 safe t cuts in, ie 1 for bathrooms, 1 for lighting and sockets and 1 for aircons. that would be the proper way to make a normal farang home electrically safe, if you look in my blog at the kitchen pics, that kitchen draws more than 63 amps and thats not including the cold room and the kitchen aircon.

  5. you will find that most aircons over 5 years old will trip a safety cut, this is due to the amount of ampage they need to kick start the compressor, when you first turn on an aircon the fan unit starts, after a few seconds the compressor will kick in, the safety cut assumes there is a short and trips, the safety cut not the breaker box or fuse box, an old 12,000btu aircon may need as much as 16 amps to start it up, once it has got going it will settle at 5 to 8 amps draw, its the sudden draw that trips the safety, it assumes due to the sudden increase in current that there is a short.

    63 amps is not really enough for the average farang house, please note my previous post was about normal farang houses here in thailand where we have aircon and hot water and that sort of thing, not a two bedroomed thai bungalow, the average farang house in pattaya or jomtien is 3 to 4 bedrooms with the same amount of bathrooms, if they were all used at the same time thats a lot of electric.

    there are many models of safe t cut available, and as i stated before, 1 is not enough for the average farang house.

    i have even found old fridges that have triggered safe t cuts, they had no problems with shorts or anything, its just when the compressor kicked in the current draw was so much that the safe t cut assumed it was a short...you will find that compressors will confuse the safe t cut.

  6. actually tuky, those safe t cut boxes are not really that good, well not for a farang house in thailand, actually lets get this straight b4 im attacked yet again, the safe t cuts are good but are not suitable for farangs houses the way they are set up, the most safety cut units i have seen in one building is one per building, now these have many differant current draw settings, generally with most farang houses they will have half a dozen aircons, now each aircon when the compressor kicks will draw from 10 amps upwards, if all 6 kick in at the same time that will be 60 amps, so straight away you need a really high setting for that safe t cut, that really defeats the object of a safe t cut having the setting so high, in a perfect world you would have differant safety cuts for differant areas of your house, but alas i have never seen that here :o

    also even an old 12,000btu aircon unit can draw upto 16 amps as the compressor kicks in, lets say you have 6 of them, the smallest usable aircons available, yep that safety cut then gets turned off and is never used again :D

  7. thetyim, believe me, i doubt very much that your mains supply is in metal, ie the other side of your meter,ie on the road, and the stuff leading up to ur house will at most be likely to be 30cms underground, but anyway it really isnt good practise to use water pipes as an earthing rod for electrical appliances, although i should imagine that it would work, it really isnt done in practise, then again its better than no earth at all as the young lady who was the reason to start this thread found out..

  8. My house has metal water pipes and they are used as earth for appliances.

    Am I the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 percent  ?

    okay i shall bite :o

    how deep into the dirt are your metal water pipes?

    are they copper or lead? as copper is a better conductor of electric.

    you obviously realise that the main water feed to your building is in plastic pipe i take it ?

    i believe the shortest earthing rod you can buy in thailand is 120cms and is obviously copper.

  9. , and remember to turn the gas off if you can smell it


    When I used to live in Hastings I used to turn my gas meter round so it ran in reverse, to make sure the gas was not leaking I would light a match and run it around the joint. :D

    True story. :o

    believe it or not i actually believe that, i remember when i first started working and it was fitting a kitchen, so then my boss goes "right im gonna check for gas leaks", i asked "wot sort of machine do you use to check"?

    he got out his lighter and i run away :D yep he used to use his lighter to check for gas leaks.

  10. hmmm, "JERRY BUILDING". thats actually quite offensive to a guy that has been paid to fly to other countries to sort out building projects, and i might add quite a few offers to have paid flights back to the uk for small 2 month projects, of which i obviously turned down, well it always seems to be winter when i get the offers, i might add that the main house in the blog has been valued at 22 million baht, then again with 9 bathrooms it is quite a big house..

  11. toasty, as this is a thai forum we are not really discussing uk earthing, i believe it was about 15 years ago in the uk when it became normal practise to earth sinks, due i believe to some woman dropping an electrical appliance in the sink and killing herself.

    as this topic stated in the title, its about unearthed shower units, now most buildings here use plastic pipes, but some have the whole bathroom set up from one heater unit, now the feed to the unit would be a plastic cold water pipe, from that the hot water would be run in copper or lead pipes, now in this scenario where would the least path of resistance be if the earth from the heater was attached to the pipe? i shall not be trying that one myself.

    now i stated;

    i really think attaching earth wires to metal water pipes is against the law in most countries and is probably not a good idea as you stand a chance of livening up all your metal water pipes.

    this again is in relation to this topic of thailand and hot water heaters, not the uk and fitting kitchens, there are no pipes in thailand with earths on them in 99.999999 percent of houses, if the earth something here they will earth the appliance.

    anyway thanks for your wild hysterical screaming and wild accusations due to your misunderstanding or not actually bothering to read a thread properly, anyway you might like my blog if you want to learn more about thailand building :o

    its a bit of a mess at the moment but has some nice pics



  12. i really think attaching earth wires to metal water pipes is against the law in most countries and is probably not a good idea as you stand a chance of livening up all your metal water pipes.

    yes metal pipes are used in this country for hot water systems in bathrooms...

    I am asuming you are not a plumber/electrician Dave, Please do not do any DIY work you will end up killing someone, and try to give advice that is correct. All you lot please don't go detaching any earth strips on Crazy(not a plumber or an electrician)Daves advice

    i think your english language skills are lacking some what toasty, several posters mentioned using the metal water pipes to use an earth,also the young lady was killed by an unearthed shower unit, now if you have an electric shower unit and then connected the earth wire to the metal pipes if there was a problem then the whole lot would be live, the earthing point is on the shower heater where the electric goes, this you would run a wire into an earthing rod, not your water pipes.

    pls try to keep up toasty...


    Saturday 19th February 2005

    Woman dies as she suffers an electric shock in the shower.

      Police Lieutenant Colonel Tidipong from Pattaya Police Station was called to the Maggie May Bar on Soi Chayapoon to investigate the death of a young woman in one of the 1st floor rooms. In room number 383/21 the body of Khun Pranne aged 25 who works inside the bar was discovered inside the bathroom. She had sustained serious burns to her neck suggesting that she may have passed away due to an electrical problem with the shower unit. Police spoke with the bars cashier, Khun Rachadar aged 34 who confirmed that the shower unit was brand new and after an initial inspection the unit appeared not to have an earthing cable. The combination of the water and the lack of earth on the unit is believed to have caused a power surge leading to the young woman’s death. Inside the room Police discovered a UK Driving License belonging to Mr. Anthony James McNally aged 49 from Wallasey in England, and there were pictures of him inside the room suggesting they are together. However he has not yet been located by Police. A forensic doctor at the scene confirmed that death was caused by an electric shock.

    the linky thing

  14. thaiboxer, i have a couple of rotties here, wot i do is put tick and flea powder where they sleep so they roll in it as they sleep, they are shampoed every week but that really isnt enough, but then again my rotties are house dogs as opposed to roaming in a garden day and nite, but they are taken out for walks twice per day and pick up fleas and ticks like nothing, hope he gets better..

  15. 8 miles to the gallon that beast done.

    i have only been convicted of speeding in the uk, 3 points, 59mph in a 30mph, i was lucky there, i have been caught speeding in usa thailand malaysia, but cos im a nice guy they let me off :o

    oops tell a lie, one time in bkk had this traffic cop telling me i was doing 120km on the tollway, i knew he was lieing cos i was doing 160km,hmmm 100baht but he started at 1000baht....

  16. ahhh, i have to admit i didnt rent it, i bought it :D , its supposed to do 130mph, but i aint taken it that high yet :D

    saraburi i went a lot of times last year, thats a nice fast road there but coming back theres to many road works, i have to admit to driving me mates xjsv12 to chonburi and hitting 140mph though, now that was fun big time :D couldnt afford the petrol for that beast though :o

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