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Crazy Dave

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Posts posted by Crazy Dave

  1. The obvious question is this.

    What is the fee paid per worker by the charity to apply for a work permit?

    Are charities required to pay this fee for relief workers?

    The fee for a period of -

    1 day to 90 days = B 750

    91 days to 180 days = B1500

    181 days to 270 days = B2250

    270 days to 1 year = B3000


    Thailand did the same in 2001 (to foreign investors and business people) who had helped rebuild the economy after the 1997 crash - basically a kick in the spherical objects and no "thank you".

    They also did the same in July 2003, after Thaksin paid back the IMF loan that saved the Thai banking system from collapse after 1997 - PM Thaksin announced that 31 July would be known as Thai Independence Day because foreign interference had been removed from their economic systems, and that all Thai occupied buildings must fly the national flag from the highest point on that day. Again there was no "thank you" but rather a raising of the middle digit.

    That's the real reason Thaksin stated on 27 Dec that Thailand needed no foreign financial or food aid, and followed it with statements that Thailand could help itself. If he hadn't, he would have been crucified from too many quarters by people with long memories, and he would have had a huge loss of face.

    In terms of vote-boosting, the tsunami did for him what the Falkland's war did for the UK Conservative Party and Margaret Thatcher back in 1982.

    Never believe TRT are grateful for any help received, or that they actually want it.


    i always believed the fee for a work permit used to be a 1000 odd baht and valid as long as your visa, i also thought now the fee for a work permit was 10,000baht and valid as long as your visa, obviously both can be extended.

  2. What a dumb idea.

    It would be much simpler for a volunteer working for a charity to simply register with the charity, with the normal immigration form number, state what his/her role is in the relief effort, and where he/she can be found.

    Then the immigration authorities would simply check with the charity in case they have any questions - just like a hotel is required to register foreigners in the same manner.

    Work permits are meant for those who are seeking gainful employ.  If you work for a charity and you get paid, then you require a work permit - but if you are a volunteer...

    Imagine this - I am going to require a work permit to run my website - you know what my answer to that will be (three words).


    B.E. 2521 (1978)


    Given on the 8th Day of July B.E. 2521;

    Being the 33rd Year of the Present Reign.

    His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that:

    Whereas it is expedient to revise the Law on working of aliens;

    Be it, therefore, enacted by the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly as follows:

    Section 1. This Act is called the "Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 2521"

    Section 2. This Act shall come into force as from the day following the date of its publication in the Government Gazette.*

    Section 3. The Announcement of the National Executive Council No. 322,Date 13th December B.E. 2515 shall be repealed.

    Section 4. This Act does not apply to the performance of a specific duty by aliens in the Kingdom in the following capacities:

    (1) as members of a diplomatic mission;

    (2) as members of a consular mission;

    (3) as representatives of member countries and officials of the United Nations Organization and its specialized agencies;

    (4) as personal servants coming from foreign countries to work regularly for persons in (1),(2) or (3);

    (5) as persons who perform duty or mission under an agreement concluded between the Government of Thailand and a foreign Government of international organization;

    (6) as persons who perform duty or mission for the benefit of education, culture, art, sport of other activities as may be prescribed by the Royal Decree;

    (7) as persons permitted by the Government of Thailand to enter and perform any duty or mission.

    Section 5. In this Act,

    "alien" means a natural person who is not of Thai nationality;

    "work" means to engage in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefit; "permit" means a work permit;

    "holder of permit" means an alien who has been granted a permit;

    "Committee" means the Committee Considering Working of Aliens;

    "competent official" means a person appointed by Mistister for the execution of this Act;

    "Registrar" means a person appointed by the Minister as Registrar of working aliens;

    "Director-General" means the Director-General of the Employment Department;

    "Minister" means the Minister having charge and control of the execution of

    this Act.

    Section 6.............


    On the other hand, I've been saying for six months that if Thai Rak Thai got re-elected, then they would take the gloves off concerning farangs within Thailand.

    Never forget Purachai Piumsomboon's words on TV, in Khao San Road, when he was Interior Minister - "this government must find ways to reduce the number of foreigners on one year visas staying in Thailand".

    That was 3 years ago, and everything I've seen since tells me he wasn't joking.

    edited as I quoted the wrong post - oops


    sorry to quote the whole lot, but here is the bit i find funny

    (6) as persons who perform duty or mission for the benefit of education, culture, art, sport of other activities as may be prescribed by the Royal Decree;

    erm, tell that to any farang school teacher, i think you will find that a lot of laws have changed since the royal decree.

  3. Like the man said " If you want a work permit apply and we will give you one'

    Pretty simple ain't it ?

    The law is the law, so instead of passing new laws to enable charity workers to help without a work permit in the event of a natural disaster, it is much easier for them to apply for a work permit.

    Don't make new laws, just stick to the present ones.

    Makes sense to me.

    i think as the present law stands you are not allowed to work until you get your work permit now, so if the thais want to enforce this now after letting all these ppl that have been helping them over the last couple of months, why they didnt they enforce the law when these ppl came to help in the first place, they could have spent a week letting the bodies rot etc while their work permits were being processed, or maybe they just could have gone to a country that was worthy of being helped and actually apprecciated the help, also the work permit has to be applied for in the area u r working and there was a lot of public holidays so it may have taken a couple of weeks to get the permits sorted out as the area was in such a mess.

  4. “Gong Xi Fa Cai” or "Gung Hay Fat Choy" is used more in Cantonese speaking regions such as Guangdong province and Hong Kong. The direct translation of “Gong Xi Fa Cai” is Wishing You Good Fortune or A Happy and Prosperous New Year.

  5. i got to admit that with the work permit laws changing so much im not sure whether this is relevant, now wouldnt each person requiring a work permit have to be backed up by his thai company showing 2 million baht for each applicant in a thai bank account, so lets say the redcross has 20 ppl helping out here, they would need 40 million in their thai registered companies bank account, now would they also have to show that they employed 200 thai nationals aswell.

    oh well, when thailand has its next disaster, i feel sure that some volunteers will chose more worthy countries to help.

  6. Unknown foreign man falls from View Talay balcony and survives.

    Police Major Sutum and a team of officers were called to View Talay Condominium Block on the Tappraya Road in Jomtien. A report had been received of a foreign man who had fallen from a balcony in Tower A. At the same time, fearing the worst, Police alerted the Sawang Boriboon Rescue Foundation who sent a unit to the scene. Police and rescue workers discovered the naked body of an unknown foreign man thought to be aged between 20 and 25 years of age. He was in a critical condition and had sustained a serious foot injury and facial lacerations, but he was still alive. The man could not be identified and it was unclear from which floor he had fallen from, but Police believe it was a low floor because he had survived. Police spoke with a witness who saw the man fall from above at 3.20 am, but he could not confirm which floor he had fallen from or who he was. For now no further information is available and Police are unsure if this was a suicide attempt or if he was pushed or even his identity. If we receive this information, we will of course update you here on Pattaya City News.

  7. actually, if i remember correctly, the less you can taste salt means the more you need it, obviously if you come from a cold climate to here you will sweat a lot so need more salt, not sure about sugar though :o

    B0llox .... there is more than enough natural salts in food so we do not need to add any extra. If you eat some processed foods you would be horrified at the amount of added sugars and salt.

    The healthiest option is fresh food with no added sugar or salt!!! :D

    thats quite correct, for people that do not exercise and lead an unhealthy lifestyle,

    try a google on "salt tablets" :D

  8. ahhh, dont u love it, the cultural misunderstandings between a german and a brit, now if i told britmaveric that i was giving his wife the bone he would probably come round my place and chop it off, i would then have to spend the rest of my life as a lady man, i hope this helps to explain it all kurgen :o

  9. glad u enjoyed yourself in pattaya :D

    i'd recomend the blues factory for your next visit :o

    i went after hearing several recomendations from friends...i didn't think the music would appeal to me as i'm in my early 20's but how wrong was i?

    the music was fantastic, the atmosphere was excellent and lam's the man :tup:

    went quite a few times in the end and never heard the same set twice :D

    one of,if not the #1 venue in pattaya

    does one get the same free drink for re-quoting??? :D

    probably have to share it :D

  10. > What Is The Cost Of A Typical Dowry?, And how much would a Thai man pay?

    a middle class thai man would marry a non soiled gal,ie a virgin and the price would be negotiated within the family, if the gal is soiled she is only good for the lower classess or farangs.

    a nice example of this is my galfriends 15 yr old nephew, now the family is quite well to do and all that, so he moved his 14 yr old galfriend in, the gals parents wanted 50,000baht for the marriage, when it was exposed that the 15 yr old nephew werent the first kid to do her, the family refused to pay anything for her, yep soiled goods aint worth nothing in this country...

  11. well as i have posted b4, lets say you are from holland, have a couple of joints and then get your flight over for your 2 week holiday in thailand, that nite you are in a club thats raided and you are urine tested, i wonder how much that would cost you?

    welcome to thailand...

  12. I'd think if you were setting up house it would only be fair to "normalize" expenses to income- in other words, if you're earning 10x what the other party is, you should pay 90% and the other party 10% of all major shared living expenses.

    I agree that the gentleman should pay reasonable shared entertainment costs.


    ermmmm, steven, now ur a guy right,and erm, most of ur entertainment will be with other guys right, so how does that work out? :o

  13. now now david, me truck is a beast, its got toyota disk brakes alround and a petrol nissan big beasty engine in it, not like that old beast of snowys that got hit by the runaway container lorry last week, d.amn i was lucky then, it took out all there signs and some motorbike that parked in my space, if me car and truck were parked where normally they are i would be using me bike now, the staff were using me truck and the police told me i couldnt park outside me own place so i stuck it round the back in the village, then the runaway lorry came along and destroyed the street, h.ell me neighbours all went out and bought lottery tickets with me registration number on them as me car is there like 7 days per week normally, they dont call me lucky for nothing i will have u know :o

  14. in fact on buying my sports car i seem to have gained quite a few years in age, on meeting older thais in my car they now wai me first

    What sports car do you have? Come on tell us.... :D

    well here it is :D ok its not quite in league with porshe, but i think with my finances if i bought a porshe, i wouldnt actually be able to afford to eat, i have to admit thinking long and hard over eating and owning a porshe, but my galfriend gently persuaded me with holding my penis in her left hand while smiling nicely and holding a great big chopping cleaver in her right hand, still maybe next year for the porshe :D


    So where's the sports car ?

    Looks like my wife's shopping trolley... :o

    d.amn pedro, just stab me in the heart if that is wot appeals to you, i was out polishing the p.ussy wagon a couple of days ago aswell, i have to admit i rarely use it as i do need me truck more often, but h..ell u cant beat leather bucket seats, and the gals love the old leather gear knob, actually i think i have some pics somewhere, still im sure you wont be interested in them :D

  15. Now that I've thought about it I think you should just go with what you said in your first post ' violence with extreme prejudice' and forget the commen sence, just have it out with this sicko.

    i got to go with sholas post, the police will maybe make him pay a small amount to the parents, maybe as low as 5,000baht per child to the parents, the child is still traumatized but the parents are happy, extreme violence is a real good idea in some cases, just make sure u dont get caught, a stun gun is a good starter, then when they are unconcious u can chop their knackers off, but pls make sure that he is actually guilty, not just that u assume, ie catch him in the act and then do it. have fun :o

  16. If you actually live here then the answer to the question is respect. If you have/show respect you will earn respect.

    na, i dont reckon thats right with most thais that interact with tourists.

    initially in thai schooling it is ingrained into the childrens head to respect their elders, it is also shown in the language, for thais that dont interact with tourists they are generally extremely polite and nice and would give u the shirt off their back, with the younger generation of thais and the thais that deal with tourists, these ppl are just scum looking for a quick buck or a way to stitch u up, they have seen how farangs can spend a years salary of wot a thai would earn in a good nite out, i think here in pattaya tuky we have more scum thais than nice normal thais, also with this thai xenaphobia promoted by thaskin i wouldnt be suprised if we see more attacks against farangs living out in the sticks, dont forget that these ppl are more tribal than human, they have there little tribes all from the same village and attack as a tribe and not individually, in the last year or so there have been quite a few farang killed by thais purely for money or insurance, the dutch guy last year is a perfect example, they shot him they knifed him, and then they crushed his skull with a concrete slab, yep the creatures of the nite are taking over and its getting a lot more violent here towards farangs..

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