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impulse last won the day on December 7 2024

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  1. Really? The same groups who are opposed to vaccinations also attack the use of root canals. They object to the injection of the gutta-percha and the use of a zinc oxide based cement. Did you check with the Maga collective thought HQ for the opinion to express when referencing this procedure? Arguing that the ends justify the means is contrary to US and other civilized nations' belief systems, but you know who was a proponent don't you? Here's just a few differences between root canals and the clot shot: 1) Root canals weren't rushed through with an EUA in spite of adverse info during the so called testing. 2) Nobody's ever gotten myocarditis from a root canal. 3) Nobody ever got fired for declining a root canal. 4) the numbness on that side of my face has always subsided a few hours after a root canal. It's been 4 years since my and Pfizer and the left side of my face is still numb. And in spite of that, I'm still not anti mRNA (for anyone who wants one). I am against the mandates and the lying that was required to peddle them.
  2. Meanwhile, the lefties write their own memes. Here's a crazed lefty who assaulted a guy on a subway for wearing a MAGA hat. It didn't go well for her, and if justice isn't two tiered, they should be rounding her up and charging her with assault and battery. You probably won't see this on the MSM. FRIDAY FUNNY: Check Out the Hilarious Memes Based on the Subway Girl Trying to Take a Guy's MAGA Hat | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance
  3. X in 2024 Doubled Highest Yearly Twitter Profits February 6, 2025 by Brian Wang Advertisers all returned to X (previously Twitter) a few months before the November 2024 election. 2024 X profits were $1.25 billion which was about double the highest adjusted EBITDA of Twitter which was in 2021 at $682 million. X in 2024 Doubled Highest Yearly Twitter Profits | NextBigFuture.com He got rid of 80% of the staff and delivers a better product and more profit than Twitter ever did.
  4. But... but... but.., juries are never wrong and always impartial... Unless their verdict goes the other way.
  5. I'm usually not a big fan of my dentist in the early minutes of a root canal, either. But it has to be done, and the results are worth it.
  6. At least we're not burning stuff down like the butthurt lefties.
  7. He's got an amazing sense of humor. But lefties are so butthurt about losing that they can't possibly appreciate him. Their loss. Edit: I would clarify that he has a distinctly East Coast sense of humor, and not everyone would get it. Especially West Coasters, and a lot of middle America. I spent 3 of my high school years in New Jersey, coming from Chicago, and it is an acquired taste.
  8. Could have been worse. They could be part of Mexico with their wonderful GDP per capita and completely uncorrupt system. Or a colony of the French. The only thing for sure is that they didn't have the tech to do to the Europeans what they had been doing to each other for thousands of years. And not even humanely if you read the history books about live skinnings and human sacrifice.
  9. That's where my mind went first. My George Foreman grill. I suspect half the families in the USA have owned one. I liked the guy, especially his sense of humor. He didn't seem to take himself too seriously, which was refreshing.
  10. That's something I've always admired about the French. In my country, the people are afraid of the gub'ment. In France, the gub'ment is nervous about the will of the people. And that's the way it should be.
  11. Or you could look at it from the flipside. A bunch of unelected, activist judges (of very minor stature) are testing the bounds of law.
  12. We called them cheese eating surrender monkeys back in the '60s. That was over half a century before MAGA. They need to revise Godwin's Law to include mentioning Trump, and not just Hitler. And once again, that's a slur on their feckless leaders, not the people. Who probably would have fought on.
  13. Which is a shame, because I have a lot of respect for the French people. But not for their so called leaders.
  14. Especially after every major wind storm when they're replacing half of them.
  15. I hope the survival kits include white flags. They've saved more French lives than any other accessory.
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