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impulse last won the day on December 7 2024

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  1. Just saw an Aussie broadcaster end his bit with "thank God he turned his head". I'm going to put that on a T-shirt. Darn near blew coffee out my nose when he said that.
  2. I miss redneck and coonass jokes, too. Though I'm not sure we were ever off the table. Probably because we don't get that offended and start crying or throw a wobbly.
  3. I'd learnt it all the by the first grade. I think it was 5th grade or so that I became aware of XX and XY, when they gave us "the talk". Amazing that they even had to debate this. And not in a good way, "amazing".
  4. You mean the old salts that kept millions of dead people on the Social Security database for decades? Riddle me this.... How do you plan, forecast and manage a program like that if the data is that corrupt? Even if only a few $billion was paid out to long dead people, that's just not acceptable. Transportation secretary just visited an FAA control tower and found out they're still using floppy disks on some of their critical systems. How is that acceptable? If the old salts are that complacent. maybe it's time for pimple faced computer geniuses. Not to make the decisions, but to ferret out the problems. So the adults have the data to make the decisions.
  5. Hopefully, the FBI, CIA and others can now focus on keeping Americans safe, and not keeping Trump out of the White House. That horse has bolted. Thanks be to the Dem elite who tanked their chances with such a disastrous slate of candidates, up and down the ballots.
  6. Don't drink anything out of a bucket.
  7. Worst insurrection in history. They all forgot their guns at home.
  8. The USA was under existential threat from the Axis in the '40s and we still held elections. Are you claiming the guy who declared martial law is capable of holding off elections as long as he wishes? And that's okay? In recent history, they referred to that guy as Fuhrer. I wonder what the Ukrainian translation is.
  9. Does anyone think that wailing on each other for another year or so will make it any cheaper to rebuild? It's time for the dying to stop and the rebuilding to begin. It's about 2 years (and hundreds of thousands of deaths) past time.
  10. Good question, and I'll give my reasoning, to get input from others. Not because I'm sure my reasoning was sound. 1) I live where YouTube (and others) are blocked, so I download like a fiend on my monthly visits to Thailand. Sometimes, I'm out and about for hours (with my cell phone) and my computer is still downloading the queue of files when I get back to the hotel. 2) My cell phone SIM (AIS) has limits on data. It's been awhile, but I think it throttles back the speed if I exceed the limits, which is easy to do when downloading like a fiend. 3) For 1200 baht ($35USD), I didn't mind ponying up to try one out. The TRUE SIM was the biggest part of the expense (2990 baht) and the nice guy who set me up at Fortune Town said they had the best plan for unlimited data. (Had I just stuck the TRUE SIM in my smartphone, that would have meant yet another new phone number) 4) In the past, I have had data plans that don't allow hotspotting. I think those were mostly in the USA, but my brain leaks. Does anyone know if any Thailand carriers "discourage" hotspotting? Edit: And one other observation... It was so nice to watch a guy who knows what he's doing open the box, insert the SIM, and activate it for me on the TRUE system. I walked out with a fully functional system. That's worth money to me.
  11. Judging from the number of AN threads questioning the age of consent in Thailand, I wonder how many posters here could be banged up if the cops ever checked the authenticity of the IDs of their short time trysts. I'm not excusing the guys in the OP. What they did was despicable. Just suggesting that guys who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If you have to wonder if she's old enough... she isn't.
  12. You're trying to confuse the warmongers with facts. That rarely works.
  13. The reality is that Ukrainians living in the Russian areas will experience a higher GDP per capita and a better quality of life than those who live in the rest of Ukraine. That's not an endorsement of Putin. I's a statement of fact, based on widely available data. Russia's economy was better, and though it's corrupt, it's less corrupt than Ukraine. It's like if the USA invaded Baja Mexico. The inhabitants would see a massive improvement in their quality of life. But that doesn't mean I advocate an invasion.
  14. I wonder if it's like that last wisp of smoke when my charcoal grill burns its last ember? I didn't think charcoal had a soul. Maybe I need to reconsider.
  15. In my case, I wonder if these symptoms will ever go away, or will they haunt me until I die? In which case, longevity may not be so important (or desirable).

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