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About AhFarangJa

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. He should be arrested for breaking the Labour laws, is not what He did a restricted occupation for Thai Nationals only....
  2. Be careful who slag off sunshine, you know absolutely nothing about Me, My History, My Education. Kudos to finding an educated Thai. How many of the population have the qualifications your GF has? How many of the population leave school with a basic knowledge of Thai, how many can read and write Thai fluently, how many can tell you about History, Geography, Science......a very low number of the population, and of those that can, most of them are from Hi-So Families......is your Girlfriend by any chance?
  3. Your last sentence bears a lot of truth to the problem, the Government does not want an educated population or they might start asking difficult questions.
  4. Same area here, 40km from Surin, the sky is grey cloudy, but I do not think is smoke, forecast, partly sunny....
  5. That has me confused.......not that it takes much nowadays anyway. Also, Knowing what cheap charlies backpackers are I cannot imagine a huge influx of tourist money.
  6. My Brother in law is a good example of that. He bought a cheap extension lead for about 70 Baht. It shorted out, and actually started melting. He went back out the next day......and bought the exact same one, even though I pointed out to Him that it was not strong enough to run the appliances He was using.
  7. I take my hat off to the writer who covered all the bases without actually mentioning prostitution.....which We all know does not exist here......
  8. Should that not read, medical conditions, and, brown envelope distribution.
  9. However, the many locals living there have never had the inclination, nor foresight, to put up something to warn people, a couple of old paint buckets with sticks, and ropes. Would not take much.
  10. Aside from the fact He is in the wrong, shall we also start addressing the reckless behaviour of the far more numbered local driver infringements.....oh, sorry, no money in that one.
  11. 50 Baht in our village, the Wife took the money then voted for the other Guy.
  12. Return, They have not left there yet.
  13. Yep, My Wife got Her 50 Baht to walk 100 metres down the road to vote today. Of course She will not do it........She will take the motorbike.....
  14. So, 344,444 Baht per site earmarked. 90 sites paid = 31 million. Leaving a cool 589 million to be stuffed into brown packages. Not a bad distribution is it.

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