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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. I enquired last week at Bangkok bank to put wifey on my account not as a joint account holder but just named so she can access monies in the event of my death. There reply "no problem Sir, just bring in your passport, passbook and your marriage certificate" Now i wonder what they would say if we were not married, anybody have experience ?
  2. Here's the address i received by email from them, looks like i missed the @ lol
  3. Its been a requirement for me by Korat IO for as many years as i can remember.
  4. Well i tried using the "dry" mode and its much better. Instead of achieving 25C when set at 30C its now achieving 27/28C which is ok for me as i find that temp not too cold. Thanks for all your help guys, i appreciate. When next getting my aircon guy round for servicing/cleaning i'll mention it to him and maybe get him to change the sensor in the indoor wall unit.
  5. A reset of the remote (done) or do you mean the wall unit in which case i'll google as you suggest but i might just let my aircon man do that lol
  6. Its circa 20 feet away when being used and i'm using a new remote i purchased 2 days ago.
  7. Yes its cooling to 25C when the remote is set to 30C, i've just turned the power off at the breaker box and turned on again so will see what happens later when i turn the aircon on. If i can't remedy the problem i'll get my aircon man round to clean and check that the sensor is actually working.
  8. Trouble i'm having is the room is too cold at 25C so i thought setting the remote to 30C (max) would increase the temp but that is not happening. I'm using a thermometer to check what the actual temp is in the room. I've changed the remote batteries and even bought a new remote, all to no avail. The temperature without using the aircon is currently 33C outside and 29C in the room but as soon as i put the aircon on set at 30C the room temp goes to 25C. Yes i do have HEAT mode but i'm trying to cool the room down but not to the 25C i'm achieving. I hope that makes sense.
  9. I have the remote set at 30C in an attempt to increase the room temp but it persists in only achieving 25C max. Anyone have a clue why ? TIA
  10. Some of our fees are increasing on 26-Apr-2022 when you'll: Send money from EUR, GBP, and CHF to any currency Send money to RON, PLN, and CZK from any currency Thresholds and fees to hold EUR are changing on 26-Apr-2022: It’s free for personal customers to hold up to: 3,000 EUR It’s free for businesses to hold up to: 30,000 EUR Fee on anything above threshold: 0.90% per annum Why have our costs increased? Recently we’ve implemented additional verification checks to keep your money protected. Markets have been more volatile, which makes it more expensive for us to buy and sell currencies. The negative interest rates in the Eurozone mean it costs us more money to hold larger amounts of EUR for our customers. We know that this isn't great news, and we're sorry. We'll bring fees back down for you as soon as we can. Read more about when price changes could apply to you.
  11. Her mum is 57yo so not yet in receipt of the government pension.
  12. Wifey gives her mum 6K Bht per month and we take over food she can't get in her Isaan village once a month probaly costing 500bht. She lives well.......
  13. Well if what you say is correct i must be watching the Thai version of Netflix cos i certainly am not using a VPN to watch on my Smart TV. As i previously stated i am not a Netflix subscriber here in Thailand, i get access cos my son in the UK has added me to his Netflix account.
  14. I have assumed my son could only "add" me to his subscription which is the UK version, how would he be able to "add" me to a Thailand version ? I can assure you i am not using a VPN on my Smart TV to access UK Netflix.
  15. Nice imo, standard wheels for a Subaru Impreza P1.
  16. UK, my son has added me on his subscription, now would that be the reason i don't need a VPN ?
  17. Yes. Well i use UK Netflix on my Smart TV and i don't need the use of a VPN here in Thailand.
  18. You make a good point but i was contracted out of Serps......
  19. I had the same letter detailing my income for 22/23 tax year stating an incorrect state pension so i went to their website in an attempt to correct the figure. Well after numerous attempts i gave up but will try again in the near future. It can be done on their website as i have had it corrected in the past but it is not an easy process. What i can't understand is my state pension has no increases applied as i live in Thailand but this year as in the past it has an increase showing !!!
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