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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. As a retired magistrate i did one for a mate of mine a few years back and obviously i did'nt have a rubber stamp, my mate had contacted them to check i could do it for him with no rubber stamp, they stated no problem and it was duly accepted.
  2. Thanks for that ???? I've just phoned them and they confirm they do Turp, Rezum, Itind and PVP, apparently they don't do Urolift or they did'nt understand me. So all in all along with Dr Suntchai its probaly my best option if i do need another procedure carried out. That price for the Itind certainly looks good if that is the most appropriate for my problem.
  3. Thankyou for your post and as usual its very helpful. I'm hoping and praying i don't need another procedure but i'm trying to put myself in a position that if i do i am going to undergo the most appropriate procedure for my problem. You mention BNH hospital, i will do some research regarding BNH and Dr Suntchai but do you know if they carry out all the procedures that are available ? I have taken most of the tablets available for enlarged prostate/BPH when first diagnosed but found they either did'nt work or i suffered severe side effects so no more for me. Thanks for the info regarding ''Hiprex'' that sounds like something i should be taking given my situation. I really sympathise with your catheter issues due to your bladder ceasing to work anymore and wish you all the very best in coping with it. Once again, thankyou.
  4. But how does one know which procedure is the most appropriate for oneself, if a hospital/urologist does'nt do all of these procedures then you will only be advised of procedures that they can do. My Turp procedure that i had carried out in January this year is beginning to prove itself not to be very effective as i'm urinating more now than i was immediatley after the procedure. I also believe my bladder is not emptying fully as i'm only squirting urine not an even flow and i can see me needing more treatment in the not too distant future. At the mo i think i'm ok as i don't have any pain which would indicate an infection that would require immediate treatment. Any helpful comments would be appreciated, thanks.
  5. Pumpuynarak

    Moving to Korat

    Well i live in a suburb of Korat and have done for the last 16 years and yes the reason for choosing Korat was the fact that wifey wanted to be close enough to her aging moma who is not in the best of health in case of emergencies. We live 80kms from her moma's village and can get there in circa 50 mins (i drive pretty fast when the need arises lol) Now knowing what i now know about living in a Korat suburb or anywhere in Isaan i would'nt choose it as my 1st choice, Hua Hin would be my choice. Having said that where we live is very peaceful with good neighbours and all the facilities we could need only a stones throw away and getting into the town takes 20 mins. There are certainly better places to live than Korat but it ain't all that bad.
  6. OMG, i use www.mytello.com, it costs 0.4baht per min to a UK landline and 1.6baht per min to a mobile. Have a lookie, using Mytello is a no brainer imo Is there any cost to my own landline or mobile provider? Depending on your contract with your mobile or landline provider, dial-in charges to the local numbers may occur. If you have included minutes or a flat rate to local landlines, then there are no additional charges.
  7. Update guys........ I called HMRC yesterday and eventually after 40 mins got put through to a ''specialist'' and i posed the following questions to him - * As my wife is a Thailand national residing in Thailand will she be liable to income tax on her private widows pension ? Reply - Yes * Will she receive the personal allowance before taxation ? Reply - Yes Now i then should have asked him if they automatically give her the personal allowance or does she have to claim it but i forgot ???? so i'll be calling them again next week lol From what the guy told me to justify his replies was that under the dual taxation arrangement between Thailand and the UK that would be the case.
  8. BINGO. I know of expats who left the UK and before leaving max out their credit cards and have never paid them off.
  9. How did you go about it? What i first did was send HMRC a query using the government gateway ''Tax code'' section telling them that the figure quoted for my weekly state pension for 2023/24 was incorrect and i quoted the correct figure. Now that action prompted a reply from them stating they had received my query and they were looking into it, that was dated 6/4/23 and i should receive a reply usually within 15 days. When it got to 9/6/23 and i still had'nt received a reply i phoned them and after waiting 17 mins a guy named Matthew answered and he accessed my account and i explained to him that my state pension does not receive any increases as i am resident in Thailand. He informed me that he had made adjustments to the correct figure and any overpayment would be credited back to me. I then asked him why they were using the incorrect figure, he stated that they act on info received from the DWP so i would need to contact them with my query. I have to say he was very pleasant and i thanked him accordingly. How far back might I expect a refund? AFAICR i think its 6/7 years but i could be wrong. What number? +44 1355359022 Any suggestions? Phone them In previous years this problem has been evident and i phoned them and received £370 credited to my UK bank account, this was for quite a few years of tax overpayment. Good luck on getting your problem solved.
  10. Low and behold yet another year when i have to contact the HMRC to inform them that my increase in income and subsequently taxation on my state pension is incorrect as i'm a resident of Thailand and consequently don't receive any state pension yearly increases. No problem getting it sorted with the resultant tax refund but i asked the question ''Why am i being subjected to this aggro when you and the DWP have my Thailand address and clearly know i am not receiving any increases'' ? His reply, ''we only act on what information is supplied to us by the DWP'', he suggested i contact the DWP and inform them of what they already know ie i'm a Thailand resident and you have my Thai address so i obviously don't receive any pension increases and request to know why they are informing the HMRC each year that my state pension income has increased when it clearly has'nt. Now my next step is to contact the DWP for an explanation as to their idiotic behaviour, i won't be holding my breath lol Anyone else having this problem and if so what explanation was given to you by the DWP for their ridiculous behaviour. Rant over lol
  11. The pantyhose is a massive turnoff for me, i much prefer their naturally lovely brown legs and silky soft skin.
  12. 5555555, i was'nt aware of that but as i always use black ink it would never have been an issue. Yes indeed, its ALL B******T
  13. I have 2 UK private pensions and the UK state pension, i'll check with my private pension company if they will transfer to Wise, thanks for the heads up.
  14. Apologies for my ignorance mate, i will have to investigate Wise, i've only had the account for approx 3 years and use it every month lol Now that would deffo be a Plan B if HSBC ever close my account. So how do they make any money if they don't make a charge ?
  15. Thanks, but this is not a currency transfer, i am transferring GBP from my HSBC bank account to UK residents UK bank accounts.
  16. Try some Ganja, works for me with lower back pain. You don't have to smoke you can eat.
  17. I was there for 2 weeks in 1997 and i have to say the restaurant food was brill, plenty of variety, i would suggest they have embarked on a substantial improvement in the 12 years between our visits. I have to say it was a really beautiful island with all facilities/accommodation top drawer. The dive school was probaly the best i've ever used. I would go back there in a flash.....
  18. But Wise is not a bank ehh ? Now with my UK HSBC online account i can and do transfer GBP to recipients in the UK, would i be able to do that with Wise ? I do have a Wise account for monthly income transfers to my BB account in Thailand.
  19. I have Scuba dived the Maldives many times, 5 different islands for holidays of 2/3 weeks. IMO it can't be beaten for peace and tranquility and the quality of the diving is second to none. One small island, Komando had no more than 60 guests when i holidayed/dived there, it was pure heaven if you were looking for a retreat from a highly stressful job. I would imagine Bora Bora would be similar but a lot busier. A pic of my accommodation on Komando.....
  20. If you want to virtually guarantee delivery then Courier/EMS is the way to go but for many years i've used Thai airmail which always arrived within 2/3 weeks, its trackable.
  21. Good riddance......
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