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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. Try some Ganja, works for me with lower back pain. You don't have to smoke you can eat.
  2. I was there for 2 weeks in 1997 and i have to say the restaurant food was brill, plenty of variety, i would suggest they have embarked on a substantial improvement in the 12 years between our visits. I have to say it was a really beautiful island with all facilities/accommodation top drawer. The dive school was probaly the best i've ever used. I would go back there in a flash.....
  3. But Wise is not a bank ehh ? Now with my UK HSBC online account i can and do transfer GBP to recipients in the UK, would i be able to do that with Wise ? I do have a Wise account for monthly income transfers to my BB account in Thailand.
  4. I have Scuba dived the Maldives many times, 5 different islands for holidays of 2/3 weeks. IMO it can't be beaten for peace and tranquility and the quality of the diving is second to none. One small island, Komando had no more than 60 guests when i holidayed/dived there, it was pure heaven if you were looking for a retreat from a highly stressful job. I would imagine Bora Bora would be similar but a lot busier. A pic of my accommodation on Komando.....
  5. If you want to virtually guarantee delivery then Courier/EMS is the way to go but for many years i've used Thai airmail which always arrived within 2/3 weeks, its trackable.
  6. See my reply above, what happens if you don't have access to a colour copier ?
  7. So the reality of the situation is ''its just more Thai Immigration B******T''
  8. Can anyone explain why it has to be completed in blue ink ?
  9. Time for an update guys. Well the issues i had immediatley after i had the Turp procedure ie incontinence, constipation and retrograde ejaculation have improved somewhat. I no longer have incontinence and the constipation is not as bad but its still prevalent on occasions. The RE is still evident all the time so it looks like i will have to live with it, wifey's not too disappointed for obvious reasons lol One issue though is the occasional urgency that i have when needing to urinate/defacate, not all the time i would say but when its apparent i have to get to the toilet pretty quickly. Another issue which is of more concern is the amount of urine i pass when urinating, its only a few decent 3/4 squirts at a time, i don't find the need to urinate anymore. I'm currently urinating up to 3/4 times a day and 2 times at night so i imagine i'm not emptying my bladder. Now i don't have any issues with bladder pain so its quite clear that i have'nt got any infection because of urine retention, i hope that continues. In conclusion i would say the procedure has not been a 100% success but i'm certainly in a better place than i was, here's hoping that i see more improvement as time goes on.
  10. Thanks for all your helpful posts guys, its appreciated. I can't really see a way out of this problem if HSBC ever decide to close my account. Here's hoping that day never arrives.
  11. But what happens if they are not happy for me as an existing account holder of over 40 years to keep my account whilst living in Thailand, they will close it and then i'm ........ I use my UK HSBC advance account to not only receive my pensions but to also pay certain monthly commitments i have.
  12. My wife is very fortunate that my private company pension provider pays her widows pension immediately on my death irrespective of her age.
  13. When i pop me clogs wifey will be entitled to a widows UK pension from my private company pension scheme. I have a letter from them detailing their requirements for her to claim but they will not detail any tax liability she will have, they just refer me to HMRC. Now as a Thai citizen who does'nt hold British citizenship and who has never lived or worked in the UK would she be liable to income tax on this pension. Also if she is liable to tax would she receive the personal allowance before the tax is applied ? I've tried calling the HMRC but getting through to a useful person who can answer my query has proved difficult to say the least. Her widows pension is not to be sniffed at as its currently 29K gross per year with annual rises of between 1-3%. It makes a massive difference to what she would receive each month if its not taxable/or if it is taxable would she receive the personal allowance before tax is calculated ? Has anyone any experience/knowledge of this situation and can help me out ? TIA
  14. I've always supplied a recent pension payslip which i receive monthly from my private pension provider, that or a P60 will suffice. They tend to adopt sensible requirements at Korat IO is my experience over many years of doing my non 0 retirement extension but beware they are getting very knowledgeable regarding the requirements for the 65K monthly version.
  15. I have a UK address (my son's) that HSBC have but i live permanently here in Thailand, their terms and conditions for having the account is that i must be a UK resident. I was wondering if there was a UK bank who permitted you to have an account with them despite not being resident in the UK.
  16. How much money do you need to have a Coutts bank account? We specialise in helping international clients to invest or borrow. You need at least £3m to become a client, depending on where in the world you live.
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