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Posts posted by Pedzie

  1. Is it just me who hears Russian & Chinese threats over attacking Iran?? 4 nuclear armed nations about to go to war over a nation "maybe" pursing a weapon, in defence of a nation who has 3-400 ILLEGAL nukes?? Hmmm.

    China didn't threat the USA over Iran. There's this quote doing the rounds on youtube, conspiracy websites blew it quite out of proportions. There was no official Chinese threat, though.

    Did Russia threat the USA? What...like warning that an attack will have dire consequences or something? Well, yeah...military actions often do. How does this amount to a WWIII threat is unclear.

    Every now and then there's a Chinese general quoted regarding a WWIII scenario. I'm sure each superpower got some plans and thoughts about that. China starting WWIII, over Iran, vs. USA and the EU (about 50% of Chinese export markets, if I'm not mistaken)...yeah, makes perfect sense.

    Russia got an image to maintain, and some of the quotes were just before the elections. No reason to think politicians over there are any different.

    Both these countries and their leaders aren't wacko. Might have a different way of seeing things, but total destruction over Iran? Sorry, not seeing what they would gain from that.

    Also not quite sure what you mean by "illegal nukes", though suspect an answer will be somewhat OT. While Israel certainly got a hold on USA politics and some influence over decisions (works both ways too), I think the main USA interests here are maintain control over oil. A nuclear Iran doesn't fit well with that.

    Kinda interesting that apocalyptic posts on an imminent WWIII, based on very little facts, aren't considered "warmongering". Some of those almost sound like gagging for it to happen.

    Ok, Russia & China will just sit back, the are preparing for war privately. Check on Google, there is lots of words from Putin on Iran etc, fair enough he may not be threatening war. Iran is close to Russia's border, at very least they will be severely angry with any attack, Putin even says that the consequences could be "unimaginable" what he means by this is anyone's guess, a sequence of events could transpire that leads up to a bigger conflict, all the ingredients are certainly there.

    What I mean by illegal nukes, Israel has them in the 100's they are undeclared,not regulated or inspected by the IAEA, this makes them illegal under international law. Whilst Iran is being hounded for a perception of acquiring nukes, how many countries has Iran attacked in the past 30 years, how many has Israel attacked?

    My wording of imminent WW3 maybe a bit over the top, I admit that. When an attack does proceed it will turn very ugly very quickly. No-one can guess the outcome, both China and Russia have lots invested in Iran.

    You mention trade with the EU-US-China, agreed, very important to all concerned. When it comes to the Middle East and war, trade, like many other things will go out the window. Asia (including China) will be the worst affected from oil supply disruption, sure they'll just keep quiet about that.

    My point is..An attack on Iran has to many variables, lots of things can go wrong, including the possibility of a wider conflict, even a world war, yes it can happen! its not worth the risk on the assumption Iran will fire at Israel the moment it get the bomb.

  2. It is obvious from your posting history that the people you hang out with are Obama averse and fixed in that state.

    No actually most of them voted for Obama & I rib them constantly about it wink.png

    OK, but what is Romney going to run on, restricting contraception?

    It is more than mildly amusing that with the US economy in taters, debt growing at an inconceivable rate, one war ongoing and another due to kick off, unemployment, foreclosures, etc etc that the main election issues seem to be religion, abortion, contraception and allowing gay marraige. The country is screwed. it's not if it collapses, but when.

    Couldn't agree more with that Jim.

  3. Netanyahu played Obama like a fiddle and got him to all but guarantee an attack should sanctions fail. Now he just has to figure out a way to insure the sanctions fail. How do you prove a negative?

    They are already failing. Iran has no intent to give up developing nukes. He does not have to do anything other than let history take its course.

    As a counterpoint to some of the war mongers on here, why not let Iran have her nukes ???

    They could not be used without her total devastation, could they ??

    And again, Israel has, so why not the rest ??

    Exactly what I said on previous posts, a nuclear Iran would be a safer bet than a Israeli attack on Iran, the regime in Tehran aren't that crazy to fire upon Israel the moment it has the capability.

    Netanyahu should have more respect for It's main ally, the US. Israeli intelligence and the Pentagon both say that an attack on Iran would not be wise. If they did attack the oil prices in the US and everywhere else would go through the roof, Netanyahu doesn't seem to care about this?? Iran has the capability to at least severely disrupt oil shipments through the Hormuz straights, if this happened over a prolonged period of time then food prices along with everything else would sky rocket, not a good thing with devastated economies in Europe etc!!

    Netanyahu is quite simply the most dangerous man on the planet at this moment in time!

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  4. The thread is beginning to move a little further away from the OP, which is about US Senator McCain calling for airstrikes on Syria. Discussion of the connection between Syria and Iran, and the implications of involvement by Iran in any action against Syria, is on-topic. Discussions which center solely on Iran, however, are more appropriate to other threads currently running.

    Senator McCain knows the horrors of war 1st hand, I find it very disturbing that him and other Republicans are calling for airstrikes. It would only plunge the region into war that would quickly escalate out of control involving other countries.

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  5. It's not a difficult topic. It's a done to death topic so to respond to it is feeding the you know whats. (Israel's nuclear program.) Its been discussed ad nauseum 100 times here. Nothing new to say. I did say that suggesting Israel is considering using nukes on a first strike is wildly over the top.

    Yes wildly over the top, but a "tactical nuclear strike" is what's needed to reach Iran's nuclear bunker facilities, Israel does NOT have such weapons, the US HAS got them though, hence why Israel is hellbent on having the US involved in any such pre-emptive strike

  6. Why not find out about it then. Google 'Israels nuclear weapons' Please let us know what you find....Or are you a total skeptic about everything.

    You're off topic here. Move on.

    Funny how you always make that call when it gets too difficult. Don't you tire of blindly supporting a Government that the majority of the world knows is doing wrong, or is your need to support minority groups now so overwhelming that in your eyes they can do no wrong? The Israeli government do not give two hoots about the USA or its citizens, it has shown it in the past and it will show it again in the near future.

    The future being election year in the US (2012) Israel knows the US wont go with attacking Iran right now, they also know that if they attack Iran then the US will HAVE to back Israel, therefore an attack on Iran is almost a certainty! The US-UK and allies will be drawn into a conflict, maybe Russia &China too! Bring it on...??

  7. ...

    Yes, and another thing that is not a lie is that Israel has plenty of illegal nukes pointed at Iran.


    I don't know if that is true and you don't either, but possibly a good thing if the PerzianistTMph34r.png regime in Iran thinks that.

    C'mon JT, play fair..Israel has It's whole arsenal pointed at Iran right now, just waiting for the all clear from DC. Disturbingly though, there is rumours that Israel will by-pass US approval and proceed with that pre-emptive 1st strike, either way, as I pointed out to you, ANY attack on Iran would be a war crime without UN Security approval, Israel is NOT under any immediate threat from Iran, therefore any attack would be ILLEGAL,and it would have far reaching consequences for the whole world. It's not worth the risk friend!

  8. As they do not have nuclear weapons yet, it would be rather difficult to use them. Let,s hope the situation stays that way.

    I would not be surprised if the Iranians did possess something. They have been at this for over a decade. It is not as if they built a nuclear power grid in the interim. I am of the belief that one of the reasons western nations and Israel are trying to downplay to immediate risk is that they have no way of coping with it. An acknowledgement of a clear and imminent threat would require an immediate intervention that runs the risk of becoming a massive conflict fast.It could see attacks on western capitals, panic in the EU and the usual cowardice in the face of threat and the near destruction of Israel, and perhaps the destruction of key Gulf State energy suppliers. China and India would lose their most important energy supplier and would face a crisis and Russia would see further violent unrest from its muslim populace. As such, it is in everyone's best interest to deny the most likely scenario. No one really has a workable solution that would be acceptable to all parties. And so no one can let go of the tiger's tail. The situation is far worse than the general public thinks and the worlld's governments don't know what to do. The only thing everyone agrees on is to play for time and hope for the best.

    Nice statement and very true! Just someone please tell Israel that Iran is 1-3 years from developing a nuke (if they are indeed pursing to have a nuke) and any attack on Iran will have dire consequences in the region and indeed the world, a pre-emptive strike is one hell of a gamble to play.

    the world news says, the pre emptive strike talks are at a fever pitch, warships are going through the suez, i think its a done deal, its just a question of tiime

    I'm afraid I would have to agree with you about it being a question of time. One positive thing is that Iran wants to resume talks with the west, apparently their currency has lost half its value in a matter of weeks, maybe the sanctions are beginning to be felt in Tehran!

  9. As they do not have nuclear weapons yet, it would be rather difficult to use them. Let,s hope the situation stays that way.

    I would not be surprised if the Iranians did possess something. They have been at this for over a decade. It is not as if they built a nuclear power grid in the interim. I am of the belief that one of the reasons western nations and Israel are trying to downplay to immediate risk is that they have no way of coping with it. An acknowledgement of a clear and imminent threat would require an immediate intervention that runs the risk of becoming a massive conflict fast.It could see attacks on western capitals, panic in the EU and the usual cowardice in the face of threat and the near destruction of Israel, and perhaps the destruction of key Gulf State energy suppliers. China and India would lose their most important energy supplier and would face a crisis and Russia would see further violent unrest from its muslim populace. As such, it is in everyone's best interest to deny the most likely scenario. No one really has a workable solution that would be acceptable to all parties. And so no one can let go of the tiger's tail. The situation is far worse than the general public thinks and the worlld's governments don't know what to do. The only thing everyone agrees on is to play for time and hope for the best.

    Nice statement and very true! Just someone please tell Israel that Iran is 1-3 years from developing a nuke (if they are indeed pursing to have a nuke) and any attack on Iran will have dire consequences in the region and indeed the world, a pre-emptive strike is one hell of a gamble to play.

  10. I'm sure the west will be happy about this news, a divided Syria is the aim here, not a democratic country!

    Quite a cynical sentiment. Anyway, the "west" is hardly a unified block.

    Look at the bigger picture JT, It's not all about a functioning/stable Syria or Iran having nukes etc. The US and It's allies are attacking China's allies/interests in the Middle East, all comes down to oil I suppose, plenty evidence on the net to prove this, stuff you don't see on mainstream news!

    I totally agree about the west not being completely united, look at the EU and the Euro, the Greeks pushed to the brink now with austerity measures,and Germany demanding more in order for Greece to receive yet another $100 billion + bailout, chances of total Euro meltdown this year...Very high!

  11. Do a google on Thailand Explosions and you will see a good assortment of credible international news reports of these explosions in Bangkok, Thailand. report consensus is clearly that the "bombers" were Iranian, and had lived in Bangkok and also that they used hand grenades. Israeli intelligence indicates that they were targeting high profile targets in Bangkok such as the Israeli embassy and a synangogue as well as other targets where there would be a high concentration of Americans and Israelis as well as other foreigners.

    Are you suggesting that the news is reporting that Israel knew about these terrorist suspects before this incident and knew their targets? One thing you can almost be assured of is that any statements from Israel at this point are not credible and simply political. They may turn out to be true but they may very well turn out to be untrue .. especially any ties these morons had to the Iran government.

    No suggestion intended. It's nice to be "just a facts" person. The three men involved are Iranian, two captured or killed and one escaped on a plane out of Thailand before the Thai authorities could respond to securing exit points. If you want to allow yourself to formulate scenarios, the possibilities are unlimited. Iran is a relative newcomer to foreign urban bombing terror and not as "organized" or tracked as fervently as other arab groups by Isareali Mossad and US CIA/NSA simply because they haven't been organized well. If one were to "speculate" further, you could logically assume that Mossad and maybe the US intelligence was aware of Iranians in Thailand.

    It is a fact that one of the Iranians lived in a house in the district in Bangkok and that his house was damaged by a prematurely exploded hand grenade. To me, the Iranians are a big concern because they have nothing to lose. That's the group that is always most feared. The ones who have nothing to lose. Some posts indicated a point of view that problems between Israel and the US with Iran are " not Thailand's concern." This is a very risky path for Thailand to follow, particularly since civil war has been raging between Thais and Malay Thai muslims in the south for years and just today, news of another bombing and the killing of two "Malay tourists" who would be added to the overall approximate 6,000 dead toll.

    not such a newcomer, http://www.iranterro...ent/view/38/56/

    It's a pity a detailed list of CIA/Mossad atrocities aren't readily available on the net! If it was, you would find it makes the above list seem very short in comparison.

  12. The way the story has been told in the UK media doesn't make much sense, instant blame on Iranians. Why Bangkok? I'm sure there is easier targets elsewhere, also warnings from the US emabssy months ago about a possible attack!

    It all maybe true, personally I think there is a lot more to it, but hey I'm very sceptical of anything the US-UK-Israeli tells people.

  13. Just an idea, but yesterday a bomb went off attached to an Israeli embassy van in New Dehli, and another bomb was found attached to an embassy car in Tblisi, Georgia. Israel has already blamed Iran for these attacks.

    Mossad has been responsible for bombing their own embassies in the past. I would assume the ones in Dehli & Tblisi is to give them reason to bomb iran. Which I would imagine would be coming this year at some point


  14. It's just my opinion but Americans really need to take back their country. Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter. The end result is all the same, look at Obama's pre election promises, some kept-most broke, and more surprises along the way!

    Is it just me who see's Obama as a puppet? like all other presidents since JFK.

    Can anyone argue that the Federal Reserve is neither a democratic organisation nor is it transparent?

    On the plus side America has a history of re-inventing itself and pushing the boundaries of technology, the good people of the US have to wake up as to whom is really running the country.

    Look at Obama's post election choice of administration, all geared towards wall street...This is not good for America.

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