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English Noodles

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Posts posted by English Noodles

  1. I't is a shame that people are like this but that is life. I agree with Neeranam though i have heard far far worse from Thai people and calling us "mun" is an insult which is pretty unbelievable especialy when said with a smile. I was once refered to as "it" by one of my GFs work friends.

    Thailand is by far the most racist place i have ever lived.

  2. Anyone know the one2call customer service number?

    1175 :o

    Well thankyou very much, just called them and have barred the number, Can barr up to ten numbers for a cost of B32 per month.


    PS if anyone else wants to do it call *136

  3. I am using one2call pre pay system on my mobile phone. What i want to know is can i get a certain number barred from calling me? Just one particular mobile number that i dont want to be able to call me.

    This is a strange thing, It is not someone i have given my number to but just some ###### who just called at random and now calls 20-30 times per day allowing the phone to ring once and then hang up. It has become very annoying but before i change my number i wanted to try this first :o


  4. I have a supplier for these skirts. What do you think the reaction of the Thai market would be?

    Please note all these girls are wearing full skirts, the picture on the back is sort of sprayed on.

    I posted these pics just a week ago in another topic :o ...they are from Japan; few years ago.

    this topic:



    Sorry i had not read that thread.

    Yes you are right they are from Japan and around 2 years old but the point is i have a supplier for these in Thailand and to the best of my knowledge they have never been sold here.

    My original contact was here http://www.saranair.com/

    Just so you know i did not lift your pics :D

    I'm sure that they will catch on as they have in the rest of the world...

    Where???...I've never seen them anywhere...maybe I'm not in the neighbourhood of young girls :D

    ...but to be serious...I think that only a small part of student-girls would wear them in the big city like BKK....Japan is not BKK!


    No i have not seen them worn either, Japan is the only place that i can see they have ever been sold.

    That is why i asked the question.

  5. How about transferring it as you intended but get a mortgage which exceeds FMV of the house recorded? (I put a paid off home in CA into "joint tenants", got kicked out soon later and now can spend way more than THB 400,000 to salvage somethign from this mistake. Never ever mix love and money!!)

    Why not just leave it how it is, Pay B10,500 per year for company audit and have no worries at all. Pretty simple.

  6. I have a supplier for these skirts. What do you think the reaction of the Thai market would be?

    Please note all these girls are wearing full skirts, the picture on the back is sort of sprayed on.

    I posted these pics just a week ago in another topic :o ...they are from Japan; few years ago.

    this topic:



    Sorry i had not read that thread.

    Yes you are right they are from Japan and around 2 years old but the point is i have a supplier for these in Thailand and to the best of my knowledge they have never been sold here.

    My original contact was here http://www.saranair.com/

    Just so you know i did not lift your pics :D

  7. As far as I am aware, you can register a paypal account with a Thai bank account and your ID there but the funds cannot be withdrawn to it.

    For that you'll need a bank account in one of the approved countries, in fact you may need a US account specifically (if you are registering it with a Thai bank account) to withdraw the funds to, which you can set up even if a non US resident.

    How does one set up a US bank account as a non-US resident outside of the US ?

    On the face of it, it appears that it can be done here but best do some thorough research first if you really have the need to open such an account... :o

    Has anyone here done this before, i am quite interested but at the same time quite reluctant.


  8. i've stayed in places that they don't seem to bother. no names but mostly in small places with only 4 rooms etc.

    In Egypt, you have to leave your passport at the reception desk.

    In Dubai, they photocopy your passport and give it back to you (although some places may try and keep it until you protest).

    In Thailand, all I've ever had to do was fill in some details on the hotel form. If I could remember the details well enough, I didn't even have to show my passport.

    They can't keep your passport in Thailand, as by law, you are required to have it with you at all times.

    (I had to explain this to the Thai girl working in the Canadian Embassy last November. After applying for a new passport, the girl asked if I wanted to leave my old one there until it was time to come back and pick up my new one (two weeks later). I reminder her that it was illegal for me to be without my passport. She just shrugged and said OK.)

    Some countries require hotels/guesthouses to inform the police, within 24 hours, of any foreigners staying there.

    I am amazed you did not have to surrender your old passport with your application for the new one, you would recieve the old one back with one of the corners cut off when you collected the new passport.

    The reciept from the Embassy saying you were waiting for them to issue a new passport would have been just fine should you have had to produce it for the reletive authorities.

  9. post-13945-1141810424_thumb.jpg

    Equipment being installed on front of existing card slot.


    The equipment as it appears installed over normal ATM card slot.


    PIN reading camera being installed on the ATM is housed in an innocent looking leaflet enclosure.


    All done and ready to clone any persons card that uses this ATM

  10. This thread should be a non starter, if you have trouble getting the correct change when you spend your money then you should not be out in the big bad world all by yourself. (your always welcome at my till though)


  11. OK, first I have better things to do than make up stories about 70 year old ladies, I'm trying to convey a recent and real experience that bears some exemplary value.. She was here for elective surgury, an experienced traveller, books her stuff entirely through the internet like most single women on a budget do these days. She firmly turned down the pickup offer, seemingly out of pride.

    Second the new taxi upstairs argument may be ok for the experienced, I agree many of the ones downstairs are truly bad clunkers and unnerving if they drive too fast. But I have never had any scams or "broken meter" issues in maybe 150 trips. (Going to the airport is a different story).

    However we are talking about advice to an older person, one in the morning, stranger to Thailand, speaks no Thai. Whether she is black belt or teeth sharpened to needle points she is going to be seen as relatively defenseless. And there is that certain something about the person who is dodging the system that attracts people who dodge the system....

    But who's moralizing? Why not just take the story for what it is.....

    Why did you not pre-warn her when she refused the pick up? Instead you blame the advice that you claim was given out here, Why dont you blame the advice that YOU FAILED to give her?

  12. Sorry Noel i thought you meant if i lent to a friend it was because i was to much of a whimp to tell them to get lost but you meant the B5000 thing sorry my mistake.

    The B5000 thing just ensured i would never be asked again, was just easier all round that way. My choice.


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