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English Noodles

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Posts posted by English Noodles

  1. As far as I know, the only English language news broadcast on public television is Channel 11 Newsline (roughly 10'ish every M-F evening). It's mostly fluffy news reflecting the non-seriousness that public television puts forth on Thai news.

    Thai Ch3, Monday to Friday 5.30pm, For English language version you must have dual soundtrack capabilities on TV.

    Cheers Noodles.

    PS the English version can be rather annoying as they have long pauses of silence while the Thai presenters babble on about nothing in particular.

  2. Only you can decide what is going to make you happy in life.

    Money does not equate to happiness. However you need money to live.

    Trick is to think long and hard to try and understand what it is that you want from your life. Untill you know the answer to that then you will never have it.

    Everyone is different and what is right for you may not be right for the next person. Its all about personal lifestyle choice.

    Think about it, make a decision or two and be happy whatever you decide to do.

  3. Anyhow, This really is the Thai ways. The host or the most successful generally takes care of the younger less fortunate. They need-not say Thank you because its implied. All this HOGWASH about "no repect" is just that, HOGWASH. People need to spend more time understanding the thai culture rather than worrying so much about "how they're being used as a walking ATM".

    :D Two months, almost everynight of drinking with a tuk tuk driver and 4 or 5 people coming over to the tabe getting drunk then leaving without even the offer of contributing to the bill? You think you know so much about Thai culture :o That is not the way it should be done my friend.

  4. If these Thai(s) were real friends there is no way they would have let you pay for them night after night, There is such a thing as greng jai which would have been used by them if they had felt uncomfortable with you paying all the time. Is prety clear they were just free loaders out to get drunk for free as often as posible before you wised up and stoped.

    Why did they not thank you or even aknowledge the fact you had payed? SIMPLE they did not respect you.

  5. I would love to be able to bring my shot gun to Thailand but so far it appears that I will not be allowed. :o

    This is not for self protection; it was a gift to me for my 16th birthday (I am now 58) from my late father.

    If anyone knows anything different please let me know.

    You must apply for a permit to import firearms and ammunition. Once you have a permit you can bring them in duty free

    For further information, contact the Customs Department, At-Narong Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok, 10110. Phone: +66 2249-0431 to 40, Fax +66 2249-2874

  6. My greyhound (God rest his soul) used to smell terrible on returning from our regular walks in the local farmer's field. This was because he took great pleasure in rolling around in fresh cowpats.

    I had an awful job getting him to stay still while I washed him down with the hose.

    Should have bought a poodle, they're far more civilized when it comes to the showering stakes! :o

    You should have got Brit to train him, he would have been taking 4 or 5 showers per day on his own.

  7. It is unfortunate that someone was killed, but how idiotic to point a replica or toy gun at a stranger.

    I banned my children from having any toy guns at home and even then the relatives buy them for my kids - I have smashed up at least four and thrown the bits away so the kids don't play with them - the family can't understand why I am so against these "toys".

    The blasted things look exactly like the real thing, unless you have it in your hand you would hardly be able to tell if it is plastic or real.

    I don't blame the taxi driver at all, and I think it should have been recorded as "death by misadventure" which really means it was the persons own fault - which it was.

    There was a report not so long ago about someone who pointed a plastic toy gun (a replica) at a policeman - obviously he is not around to tell his side of the story either, but stupidity reaps it's own rewards!

    As I said - it is tragic that someone died, and I feel very sorry for the passenger and his family, but if even one person learns a lesson by what happened, maybe it will save a life elsewhere - we can only hope.

    What a terrible waste.

    Great quick thinking by the taxi driver.

    He should be aquitted on the basis of self defense.

    Agree 100 percent

  8. So why did they kill it ? :D


    Well there is really little choice in the rural villages when a venomous snake like a cobra enters into the living areas other than to kill the snake. Ya just can't let things like that slither around people despite the majesty of nature.

    I agree, but then again was it not the people who moved in to the living area of the snakes in the first place? :o

  9. To keep it short, Had been out one night to a few bars and then on to night clubbing when walking home in a soi of Suk rd i had to take a piss, asked a security guard of a building if i could take a leak in the toilet of his building to which he replied 'no problem' i said 'thanks mate' and went to relieve myself. When i came back out from the toilet two mins later there were 4 other people talking to the guard, i offered the security guard a cigarett, said thankyou and was on my way home again.

    As i was walking away i heard someone say in no uncertain terms something along the lines that farang are scum and should not be in Thailand, i turned around (i know i should have ignored it) and asked why he had said this. It was infact another guard from another building that had come to talk with his mate and he proceded to pull out his night stick and made a run for me, i turned got hit on the back of the head once and on the shoulder once before i got away.

    Never went back to confront him but i still walk past him regular. Apart from this i have had any trouble here from Thai people, usualy find some Farang to be less easy going though.

  10. tears.  But even those are shed differently, and under different circumstances.

    I think the most brilliant answers were:  water and air.    Without these two chemical compounds, every last one of us would die a painful death in pretty much the same way.

    :o Water is indeed a chemical compound however for a complex gas such as air, it is usual to class it as a mixture and not as a compound. :D

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