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English Noodles

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Posts posted by English Noodles

  1. From reading his posts and others about him it is quite easy to form a good idea about him.

    Yes he sounds like a nice guy.

    Yes he has spent over 20,000 pounds sterling (B1.5million) travelling around SE Asia, and now is living hand to mouth and borrowing money he cant pay back.

    Is this a good lifestyle choice?

    What is wrong with thinking he should go back to the UK and sort his life out?

    Thailand will still be here when he is ready to give it another go.


  2. Well i have just read through the last 20 posts by Tornado and personaly i think there must have been a mistake.

    There is nothing in those posts what-so-ever to warrent even a warning never mind a ban.

    The person that banned him should hold there hands up and addmit they have made a mistake. Reverse the ban and no harm done.


    P.S. the possibility of the above happening IMHO are about ZERO but i hope i am wrong.

  3. When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

    Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

    That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

    If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

    I'm not so sure you really mean this.Have you had a bad evening?

    A bad evening? No, it is only the afternoon now.

    The thing that makes me say this is the fact that it seems to be many comments from people who know the guy saying he is a free loader or a bum.

    Sorry if you think this is an acceptable way to behave but i dont think he should continue to make a fool of himself any longer.

    Noodles. :o

  4. Well i think if you have the balls and you wanna do it then like the Nike adverts say you should just do it.

    My Mother and Father have retired to Goa and my Father says its THE BEST THING they could have done and love it.

    They waited until my brother and I had got ourselves sorted before they went.

    Also though during the late 60s and early 70s my Father was Racing motorcycles as a semi pro around the UK circuits, in 72 he was offered the sole Franchise for Honda in Tazmania which would have meant that every honda mortorcycle and car sold in Tazmania between 1972 - 2002 would have had to be sold through his company.

    Honda was not a well known manufacturer back then and he opted to play safe, keep racing semi pro and making a good living as a finance manager, later to be a major share holder in the company.

    He tells me hand on heart that he often thinks how different life would have been if he had been brave enough to take that once in a lifetime chance, and he says not taking it is without doubt the BIGGEST MISTAKE he has ever made.

    So i say if you get the chance, sod waiting, go for it. Afterall who says your gonna get to 50 years old anyway, its not guarenteed and thats a guarentee.



    although you would have been grown up in the greatest country on the face of the earth and learnt how to wash regularly -_- be thankful that your dad didn't go to Tasmania.

    You would have developed an unhealthy attraction to all your siblings, and guaranteed that whenever you introduced people to your wife and your sister, there would only have been one person standing beside you. :D

    :D:D:D:wub: I would have a few more Baht than i have now though. :o

  5. Well i think if you have the balls and you wanna do it then like the Nike adverts say you should just do it.

    My Mother and Father have retired to Goa and my Father says its THE BEST THING they could have done and love it.

    They waited until my brother and I had got ourselves sorted before they went.

    Also though during the late 60s and early 70s my Father was Racing motorcycles as a semi pro around the UK circuits, in 72 he was offered the sole Franchise for Honda in Tazmania which would have meant that every honda mortorcycle and car sold in Tazmania between 1972 - 2002 would have had to be sold through his company.

    Honda was not a well known manufacturer back then and he opted to play safe, keep racing semi pro and making a good living as a finance manager, later to be a major share holder in the company.

    He tells me hand on heart that he often thinks how different life would have been if he had been brave enough to take that once in a lifetime chance, and he says not taking it is without doubt the BIGGEST MISTAKE he has ever made.

    So i say if you get the chance, sod waiting, go for it. Afterall who says your gonna get to 50 years old anyway, its not guarenteed and thats a guarentee.


  6. A comment by LC got me thinkin'...what kinda people are faranging it in LOS?  I'm not that well qualified to comment as I'm still not over there, but reading this forum you get an idea.  Leaving aside the tourists, it seems there are three farang groups:

    1) True Expats - on assignment at a multinational or university

    2) Retired / Semi Folk - who have jumped their own country for Thailand life

    3) ESL Teachers - long term travellers or lost souls who eek out a living

    Is that about right?  Anyone have a better segmentation?  :o

    Seems to me that most people on the forum don't live here in Thailand.

  7. Who's permision? You used TWO posts by different people on the thaizine forum and amalgamated in to one post which you then used as your own as the topic starter.

    I would be interested if your post about your visit to Samui at the weekend was realy your writing or if you took that from another website also.


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