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English Noodles

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Posts posted by English Noodles

  1. Well you may LOL, but at least we are united under one flag with allegiance to it.  Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are part of the Union and as such the government treats us all equally as opposed to the events as seen in Thailand as seen in the last week.

    I LOL'd so hard that my head nearly fell of. The UK being united under one flag eh! Just how did that come about then? Did the people of each country vote in free and fair elections? Did they my arse. I seem to recall that Wales, Scotland and Ireland were subdued under the 'jack boots' of the English and forced to join a union that even to this day they hate to be reminded. Why is it do you think that the Welsh, Scots. & Irish hate the English so much? Get real buddy. The English have never treated the other guys fairly or equally, hence the rebellious nature of each of those countries. You Brits. kill me, you still think you have an empire and influence in the world when in fact you are fast becoming a 'banana economy'.

    God bless America and George W. Bush! (4 more years)

    Go to Google, enter miserable failure and click "I'm feeling lucky".

    NB Credit to The Scouser

  2. This is more a test than a joke.

    Study the sequence of numbers below and decide which number does not belong with the others. Study hard, the answer is quite obvious once you see the answer.

    DONT look at the answer untill you have realy thought about it and exhasted all possible answers.

    7 9 14 22 27 30 39 42 46

    scroll down for answer and reason.

    If you answered number 7 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 9 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 14 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 22 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 27 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 30 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 42 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 46 you were wrong.

    If you answered number 39 then congratulations you are right.

    The reason? scrole down further.

    Number 39 is served with chips all the others come with boiled rice (fried rice 10 pence extra) :o

  3. I think you mean "doesn't live here".

    Again with the "you don't live here" BS.  What difference does it make where I live?

    PvtDick 2004-10-29 13:12:51 Post #15

    Senior Member

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    Posts: 812

    Joined: 2003-09-24

    From: Bangkok

    Member No.: 4,599

    Anyone have a link to lyrics for the National Anthem and the Royal Anthem? My citizenship application is already in, so I better learn them fairly quickly!

    :o I guess you wont have much say in the way things are done in the USA for much longer, hope your Thai citizenship comes through soon. :D

  4. I cant believe that people actualy are making poles on this forum about this topic, very very sad indeed.

    Why is that so sad? It's a big issue. You go on holiday you want to know how things are. Is that sad??

    You live in Thailand, you want to know when the bars are closing. Just the same as you want to know how much a beer is, a hotel is, a taxi is, a massage is, a car is, a bottle of sun tan lotion is, a pack of cigs is......etc...etc.

    Stop being a DISCO DANCER............ :D

    Well this is how it has always been for me here in Bangkok, i know i can go out at anytime of the day or night and buy booze, play pool, play snooker etc this change in time seems mostly effecting girly bars etc, still plenty places to go for a drink at anytime of night like i said, if you know where to go.

    P.S. off topic but im a little Geordie lad too. :o

  5. what about the people who start wars for political & economic reasons ?

    Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Hittites, etc, all conquered in the name of economics. Somebody had gold, they took it. It was only the novel Israeli uprising of AD79, sparked by a refusal to pay taxes to the Roman god, that the notion of fighting for one's god was invented.

    Even after that, the most successful empires were economically based. The Spanish were religious, yes, but, it was gold that sent them to the New World. Likely too the British had their notion of saving the world, but it was the lure of riches that sent them to India and Africa.

    World War I was also an economic war. It was about access to trade for the then rising German empire. World War II was mixed. It was religious for the Nazis (in their pursuit of state as god), and economic for the Japanese.

    Most US interventions have been about money. Let's see: 1898, money. World War I, money, World War II - the opportunity for an American dynasty was definately a factor in Roosevelt's decision making. Korea, Viet Nam - money (capitalism vs communism), Iraq I - money, Iraq II - money (we hope, although, it could actually be a religious war).


  6. It is rather a shame that this thread went off topic so quickly and became a thread for people to argue about Iraq, GWB, and the Koran.

    This seems to be a common trait here on this board and it realy is a shame. If peole wanted to go and discuss Islam or U.S politics there are plenty of other places to do it, just why choose a forum based around Thailand.

    The Topic was about weather there was going to be retaliation for the sad scenes played out in the south at the start of the week so if people would like to commment on this i would be pleased to read about there views, however if people are just going to jusmp on this posting merry-go-round i would rather have no part in it.


  7. It's their country and their kids true but I think they should at least put helmets on them. Having said this I don't even really notice it anymore.

    On the other hand what really does pxxx me off is seeing the farang fathers driving their kids around on bikes without helmets. I used to see this a lot on Samui. They know better and could probably buy a car if they wanted (definately a helmet) but just want to look like they fit in.

    I once saw a farang riding a bike on Samui one hand holding his kid infront of him and one hand driving the bike. I got really angry when I saw that.

    I find that a rather strange attitude to have, to say that it is ok for Thai peole to risk there kids lives but not for a farang is just rediculous. and to use the old "farang should know better" line is quite insulting to the Thai people indeed.

  8. Theres trouble ahead, down town BKK may be worth staying away from for a bit, unless you really need to be there..

    Now this is exactly what one should NOT do, that is simply playing in to the hands of terrorism.

    In England we went through many bombing campaigns by the Irish, well the IRA anyway for over 30 years. Christmas warnings about avoiding certain spots and rumours of would be attacks have never put me off doing anything i wanted to do throughout my life.

    Be vigilant YES this goes without saying.

    Avoid somewhere you want to go and be bullied out of doing things that you want to do by some mislead radicals NO WAY.

    Exercise caution and be Vigilant but certainly DONT be scared at all.

  9. Hi I wonder if any of you guys or gals can shed some light on this for me.

    I was just talking with my girlfriend and she told me that her English teacher had told the class that any farang working legaly and having there wages paid to them within the Kingdom pay a flat tax rate of 15 percent, no matter how much or how little they earn.

    Is this correct and if not what are the tax brackets for a foreign national here?

    Many thanks in advance for any informative replies.


  10. This is one of the thing's that i still find quite unacceptable at times. Here in Bangkok i see many bikes weaving through the traffic jams loaded with 4 peole, maybe the guy the girl a 2 yearond toddler and a six month old baby. I find this totaly unacceptable but however i have no power to do anything and i gues you just have to bight your lip and hope they dont come to any harm. However if a father or mother has a child riding pillion maybe 6+ years of age and they are wearing a decent safety helmet i dont see anything wrong.

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