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English Noodles

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Posts posted by English Noodles

  1. I don't know what happened but the topic seems to be deleted.

    This is a very serious problem me and my girlfriend have here, We have received several death-threats from this guy and we need help fast.

    For all of you who have replied to the former forum, please try and contact me again asap.

    again, our lives are being led by this guy and we are tired of running and hiding.

    Please help us.

    This is not a 'throll', we have proof of what we are saying, police know about the case, any information you need to be convinced of our sincerity, we will provide for you.

    please, help us

    TROLL. This halfwit isn't in Thailand at all.

    Well i offered him a way out of his sittuation and i talked with him on a Thai landline number so i find this very hard to believe Dr PP.

  2. Theres some sort of weird connection here.

    Some one called me yesterday, and their last digit was........yep....6.

    I just went to Tesco's, and a big fat checkout woman asked me if I needed any help packing. So I said "Yeah, go on then" She literaly threw the groceries into the bag, and had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

    Why the fukc did she ask me, if she couldn't be arsed?

    medicinebox, you realy are making me homesick, stop please.

  3. Went to Japan in 2002 for the world cup, liked it so much i stayed on for an extra six weeks after my plane left, i couldnt realy afford to do it but i did.

    One thing is for sure, if i could afford to live in Tokyo and have as good a life as i have here in Bangkok then i would be there now. For me it is the most amazing city on earth but just to expensive.

    Also love Shanghai and Beiging but if you have money and plenty of it then Tokyo is the dogs <deleted>.

  4. My girlfriend and i are thinking of going to Nakhon Nayok for a few days sometime in the next couple of weeks.

    We would like, if possible to go canoeing down the river in the National park, I have looked around and found that the Sarika Canoe Club can help us do this.

    We are not sure but we believe there are some bungalows in the park you can stay in aswell as the option of camping, I would not mind doing the latter though my girlfriend is not so keen.

    Has anyone been there and stayed overnight or even done some canoeing there?

    Also we will be taking the car there and are unsure of the best enterance to go to get access to the river.

    Anyone with any knowledge about this whom could give me a few pointers, then your advice would be very very welcome.

    Many thanks, Noodles.

  5. I read a hilarious internet report some time back about a group of IT college students that spent their weekends harassing the Nigerian scam crowd.

    Basically they would create personalities that would respond and lead the Nigerians on and on with elaborate tales and finally agree to send them the big bucks. Usually the delivery is made to a Fedex style "hold for pickup" location. The key was this, they would send it to the wrong location about 400 kilometers away and put a valuation on it that would cause taxes to be paid. Also, they mistakenly checked the bill to recipient box only noticed after the box was shipped and with great apologies. So after a 400 kilometer ride through the bush and about 16,000 baht in shipping and delivery charges the Nigerian scammers would open the fedex in Nigeria to find..... well lets just say it was not the cash they expected.

    Geeks can be dangerous with spare time on their hands.

    Slightly off topic but a similar "scam the scammer" story at http://www.mannequin3d.com/powerbook/

    :o:D:D:D:D <tried to add alot more but not allowed? Fantastic, that was one of the best things i have read for a long time. Well worth reading it in full.

    Noodles. :wub:-_-:(

  6. It's drizzling here in the Uk.

    I've just looked outside, and it looks like someone turned the colour off on the TV.

    An old lady walked past with a headscarf and a tartan wheel bag. I smiled and she just looked away. The neighbour opposite was watching through his window as it happened. I looked at him, and he pretended to inspect his curtains, then walked off with his head down.

    STOP...STOP....your making me homesick :o

  7. Some very open and honest postings on this subject especialy from Meemiathai and SiamSam, thank you both for being so candid. The only thing that i wanted to say has basicly already been said here.

    A very close friend of mine committed suicide in 1999, he had just completed a masters degree in physics and by coincidence was like siamsams father very gifted in martial arts. One night he called for a taxi and asked the driver to drive him somewhere, as they were crossing a road bridge he asked the driver to stop for a moment as he felt sick, he then got out of the car and jumped from the bridge and died.

    He was inteligent, from a good suportive family, had a very stable relationship with his girlfriend, physicly fit and had many friends and a promising life infront of him.

    Clinical depression is a disease that unfortunatly alot of people do not even acknowledge the exsistance of.

    To make rash statements such as "cowards way out", "only for cowards etc", "not an option", only shows peoples ignorance to the reality of some peoples lives.

    Until you can say that you have been so far down with only a numb feeling instead of the feeling of life, been to the edge where you think there is absoloutly nothing in this world that can make you feel ok, feel completley disconected from your surroundings and people around you (this can go on for decades). Until you have experienced this first hand and have come through it ok can you make a negitive comment about people who take there own lives.

    Anyone who is suffering from deppression i would encourage to go for proffesional help, there are many treatments and they are getting more advanced all the time. It could make the difference for you and give you back the life you deserve.

    Take care everyone.


  8. Hi there everyone, sorry to bore you all, you must get sick of answering these questions time and time again but i hope you can advise me on the best visa for my situation.

    I have had the offer of a new job in Bangkok where i will need to make regular visits to Singapore (once per month) and Europe from time to time. There may be months where i dont have to go to Singapore but at a guess i should be going there frequently.

    I am a British citizen holding a normal 10 year British passport.

    Cheers and thanks in advance for any advice i recieve.

    Regards, Noodles.

    Ps please tell me the best way to get the visa of choice from the UK as i have to fly there next week to tie up some loose ends.

  9. English noodles...............You must be daft if you thought I meant an Arab man or maybe that's your preference. Nothing wrong with that............I thought you were English and should know what a stallion is??? Then again.....maybe everything is considered "animal" to you........Stallion is a man not a horse and a bird is a woman not a winged creature and etc......... :D  Such nice cultured words........

    There was a discussion amongst a few women yesterday.....it seems one of the guys we know "knocked up" his gf........but he cannot marry her until he comes up with the dowry!!!  :D

    Makes one think......he can have sex with her for free and get her pregnant but has to pay to marry her, go figure!! :D That makes a lot of sense...... :o

    Sorry that you did not understand that i was using sarcasm, i will try to be more obvious if that is at all possible in the future. (am i being sarcastic now?) hmm i forgot.


  10. Someone told me that britishfood was &lt;deleted&gt; ! Is it really that bad ?

    Great Britan has given the world many great and wonderous things.

    Unfortunately, It's Cuisine was not one of them. :o

    Oh but to name a few.

    Aberdeen Angus and Whisky Sauce

    Bedfordshire Clangers

    Beef Braised with Beer and Cheddar Cheese Dumplings

    Beef Hare

    Beef in Stout

    Beef Pockets Stuffed with Mushrooms

    Beefsteak Pie with a Cheese Crust

    Beef Wellington

    Boiled Beef and Carrots

    Bubble and Squeak

    Cornish Pasties

    Dorset Jugged Steak

    Forfar Bridies

    Herbed Cottage Pie

    Hereford Beef Olives

    Highland Beef Balls

    Meatball Batter Pudding

    Minced Beef Pie

    Norfolk Salt Beef and Dumplings

    Pot Roasted Beef

    Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding

    Scotch Collops

    Sirloin Steaks with Tewkesbury Mustard

    Spiced Beef

    Staffordshire Beef Steaks

    Steak and Kidney Pie or Pudding

    Steaks with Horseradish Sauce

    Stilton Steaks


    Strips of Beef in Whisky Sauce

    Teviotdale Pie

    Traditional Beef Stew

    Veal and Ham Pie

    Chicken and Ham Pie

    Chicken Chaud-froid

    Chicken in Red Wine with Raisins

    Cornish Caudle Chicken Pie

    Coronation Chicken

    Derwentwater Duck with Cumberland Sauce

    Devilled Chicken Legs

    Duckling with Green Peas

    Galantine of Chicken

    Golden Jubilee Chicken


    Lindisfarne Chicken

    Mock Crab

    Norfolk Turkey Breast with Asparagus

    Roast Duckling

    Roast Michaelmas Goose with Apples and Prunes

    Roast Turkey with Parsley and Lemon Stuffing


    Salt Duck

    St George's Chicken Parcels

    Stoved Chicken

    Boiled Leg of Lamb with Caper Sauce

    Breast of Lamb with Mint Stuffing

    Crown Roast

    Guard of Honour

    Gloucestershire Squab Pie

    Lamb and Barley Stew

    Lamb and Watercress Bake

    Lamb Cutlets Reform

    Lancashire Hot Pot

    Loin of Lamb, Rolled and Stuffed

    Minted Lamb

    Oxford John Steaks with Caper Sauce

    Parson's Venison

    Portmanteau Lamb Chops

    Scotch Pies

    Shepherd's Pie

    Suffolk Stew

    Welsh Lamb with Teifi Sauce

    Alnwick Stew

    Bacon Chops with Gooseberry Sauce

    Bacon Floddies

    Bacon Froise

    Baked Ulster Ham

    Boiled Bacon and Parsley Sauce

    Boiled Pickled Pork and Pease Pudding

    Braised Pork

    Breakfast Pancakes

    Cumberland Sausage

    Eggs and Bacon

    Ham and Eggs

    Huntingdon Fidget Pie

    Jolly Boys

    Laverbread Cakes and Bacon

    Leek Flan

    Likky Pie

    Lincolnshire Sausages

    Loin of Pork with Cabbage Cake from the Welsh Marches

    Melton Mowbray Pork Pie

    Oxford Sausages

    Painswick Bacon Chops in Cider

    Peppered Ulster Pork

    Pork Chops with Cheese and Beer

    Pork Fillet in Mustard Cream Sauce

    Roast Pork with Apples

    Somerset Honeyed Pork Stew

    Spicy Spare Ribs

    Stuffed Chine

    Toad in the Hole

    Braised Haunch of Venison

    Casserole of Hare

    Casserole of Pheasant

    Game Pie

    Jugged Hare

    Kentish Pigeons in a Pot with Plums

    Norfolk Partridge Pot

    Partridge Pudding

    Pheasant with Chestnuts

    Poacher's Pie

    Poacher's Pot

    Rabbit and Onion Pie

    Rabbit Casserole with Dumplings

    Rabbit Cider Hot Pot

    Rabbit in the Dairy

    Roast Grouse

    Roast Quail

    Roast Venison

    Rothiemurchas Collops of Venison

    Venison Stew

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