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Everything posted by Kinnock

  1. I seem to be maintaining a cellular phone number solely for scammers and dodgy pension salesmen. I can now hit End Call and Block Number before they get to the 5th word in thier script. "Hello, am I speaking to .... click"
  2. Ah .... the last retreat of the true woke on the ropes. I simply stated a fact, the TAT's main focus is China and India, the racism is in your response to my reference to two countries - which the TAT obviously focus on due to population numbers. But you're just trolling now, so have earned a place on my ignore list. I nust thought some motorsports enthusiasts would appreciate the info about a free event.
  3. I guess if you want to take the woke viewpoint and get upset on other people's behalf, then the event could be seen in that light, and it's true that the son of a senior Chonburi official races a 911 - but the Supercars are just one part of a 4 day event. The 40 racing pick-up trucks, the 50 Eco-cars and the participants in the 4 hour saloon endurance race are not all 'the elite' ..... and nether are the hundreds of local spectators who can see cars and trucks that are the same as their own Brios, Vios and Revos racing on a unique street circuit. The event drives business to the hotels, provides employment to the many people setting up the circuit as well as the security and the marshalls, and sponsors such as Toyota and B-Quick pay the beach concessionaires for the space they take up for their booths. There's also temporary bridges and special lanes to minimise impact to local residents when the roads are closed. It's also free to watch! On a wider point, I think the event helps to promote the country to a different audience than the TAT's obsession with Chinese and Indian tourists, and Thailand is also a car manufacturing country, so a 'mini-Monaco/free Le Mans is not a bad image for the country. Plus, if you're overly stressed about the elite taking advantage of ordinary folk, then you're in the wrong country.
  4. Thanks for the info - I tried Googling, but didn't find this news. Not a big deal, but a bit frustrating as I have a Disney+ subscription back in my home country, but when I try to log on here, it defaults to Hotstar. I guess I need a VPN?
  5. The one positive of the pandemic was no shouting, spitting, disease carrying Chinese tourists.
  6. I have Disney+Hotstar via my AIS TV/Internet package, and it seems to be a 'poor mans' version of the Disney+ in other countries? For example, last week Disney announced Dr Strange 2 will be available on Disney+, but I don't see it on my AIS Disney? Anyone else noticed differences, or am I missing an update or something?
  7. Yes, I think you're right - that can be a factor .... although in our 'long time' relationship the roles can switch depending on circumstances. She's like a daughter when I'm showing her new experiences, like her first flight to a foreign country, or first time she saw snow, then she swaps to Mother mode at meal times or when I injure myself doing something daft, and in bed she's in hot girlfriend mode ????
  8. Same for me, but 12 years in our case. I saw a great pair of legs, she saw someone she wanted to look after so well I'd never let her go. She's still an exotic beauty, I'm still being looked after.
  9. Well worth a visit if you like motorsports. 29th through to the 2nd. Street racing circuit, supercars, one make and pick-up trucks. The pick-ups are great fun to watch, as they don't handle well compared to the cars, so more slides on bends ..... and it's a full contact 'Ben Hur chariots' race ????
  10. Am I the only one who needed to Google 'interpellation'? "Interpellation is a formal request of a parliament to the respective government. It is distinguished from question time in that it often involves a separate procedure".
  11. They should introduce a ThaiPass for sailors ...... oh sorry, my mistake ..... no 'a'.
  12. Brief burst of aircon to cool the room, then AC off until the morning. Ceiling fan on all night.
  13. My understanding is that you can drive a red plated car anywhere, anytime, so long as you log the journey in advance in the log book that comes with the plates?
  14. It could be argued that this is a rather selfish viewpoint. If age has dimished reaction times, then in a car you are putting others at risk, but on a bike, mainly just putting yourself at risk. I still ride my motorcycle and I'm no youngster, but if I feel I can't ride any more, I'll not be driving a car either.
  15. "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it". The Peter Principle.
  16. That one took a minute to sink in.
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