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Posts posted by fourbaht

  1. Probably here trying to reclaim the money that the then reasonably corrupt goverment extorted and consficated from him.

    The revenue department can bee seen regularly jollying around the islands on his $2,000,000 motor boat.

    Those of you who remember him and have some insight to the story will also remember that he was initially arrested for cocaine, however the charges changed when they found no evidence on his boat. You will also note he was wanted for an alleged embezellment case in Germany, as far as I am aware he nevr actually stood trial in Germany when deported.

    He was a wealthy man here who was too prominent and some one decided they wanted what he had, Thailand has changed for the better certainly over the last few years a lot less of this going on.

    For those quick to comment on him, do some home work, especially if you haven't been here very long and have no experience of previous goverments.

    He has been traveling here regularly from what I have heard since his deportation in 2001, as has another German but his first name is Ulrich rather than his surname.

  2. I also pay 10bht for this journey (South Pattaya to Jomtien)

    Heading back from Jomtein to Pattaya i pay 10bht unless i go past the Royal garden Plaza, then i give 20bht.

    If I get on the bus and no other passager gets on, I also give 20bht even for shoter journey's from Jomtien to Pattaya and vice versa.

    No Wonder manhattans seems expensive

  3. I had one posted from the UK. Came through customs and arrived in 8 days without a problem.. I did take the precaution of using my address but not my name when having it sent just in case it was intercepted so I had some form of deliability.

    Last time I went home I bought 3 for friends in my checked in luggage, again no problem.

    If you are still looking let me know (PM) I will get someone to post you one

  4. Dave.. you are getting boring now your posts used to be informative and unbiased now they are just one business helping another.. read the thread, you support this restaurant without even having eaten there against others who have..

    Yes things are changing but not that fast.. I have eaten here, good but we just don't live in the west.. thats a fact of life.. TIT and dave horn and steve have a long way to go before they have the reputation and following of Terrance Conran.. I wish them the best of luck and hope all involved have deep pockets..

    volume is the key when you have limited players.. how many first time diners does Pattay have? thats my four bahts worth.. ( go ahead with the cheap 4 baht jokes )

  5. Needs a coup to oust the current TRT Mayor and his cronies.. This one has not finished one infrastructure project he has started whilst in Power.

    Does anyone honestly think that 30 minutes of of the travel time will change the type of tourist pattaya gets?

    Clean the beaches, put some sand back, complete the infrastructure, stop coaches parking in congested areas.. then you might attract a different class of tourist, however all that will do is put the price of a bar fine up rather than removing it.

    Too many wealthy People making too much money from Pattaya for it to stop in the near future.

  6. I have to ask myself if a Thai man would be prepared to let his wife/GF live with and sleep with a stranger for 4 months

    The answer is, many would.

    (and indefinitely in the future)

    Or at least until they've bled you dry / got everything they wanted from you

    and not get a dime out of it (as would be the case with me).

    You are perhaps over confident in the control you have over your spending.

    She's a teacher, and therefore has her own income.

    If she get's you she'll have two incomes.

    All I pay for is the rent on my apartment.

    And free accommodation into the bargain

    I don't give her money, and she doesn't ask for any.

    But when you do it will seem like your idea.

    I have a year's contract in Indonesia coming up in 5 weeks time. She's due to come with me. So any husband/BF is going to be waiting a long time for any money.

    Patience is a Thai virtue, a one year wait for more money that he could dream of earning in ten years - and not having to do anything for it - may well be worth it.

    I never think with my prick ... ever!

    Actions speak louder than words.

    That has to be the answer of the year, not that I agree with you but just because it very well done.. You da man :o

  7. If the paying customer wears a suite and tie, so should the salesman.

    The first day I opened my biz in Bangkok my staff come in wearing a suite and tie, when I told them it wasn’t necessary as we don’t have clients come into the office they were well chuffed.

    I agree.. in business you should emulate the dress code of your clients.

    However, just be sure you don't display more wealth than your boss. They might be tempted to think you're making too much and not working hard enough.

    I own a short time hotel, any one got a thong and some high heels I can borrow for work tomorow?

  8. Opposition Senator Mechai Viravaidya welcomed Mr Thaksin's departure, despite doubts about the methods used.

    "I'm delighted he's gone," he said. "It would have been great if he had resigned voluntarily, but apparently he was too stubborn. But at least it's better than an assassination."

    The BBC

  9. Word has it through the Thai side of my family that all Toxin's family's heirlooms/Jewlery/Gold etc, have left the country in 60 suitcases, even though when screening the baggage this was noticed, Customs officers were instructed to let it go through.

    Thats a lot of "excess baggage"...I wonder if they paid for it?

    Yes excellent information and thanks for letting us have this very reliable news.Word has it through the Thai side of my family is that Thaksin has the Thailand's key to the World Bank and while he is in the US will use it to clean out the country's vaults.

    You silly sod.

    LOL :o

  10. Interesting that there is so much goodwill for an sacked military strongmen with utterly disregard for democracy. Sonti did not receieved one vote, I would say. Let's hope that these so called reformist, and loyalists will eventually be brought to justice. it is a crime against the people of thailand overthrowing an democartically elected government. the fact that they act weeks before an election show their rel ill intentions

    Spot on - the ends don't justify the means - boot him out via the electoral process or do they fear democracy?

    They fear a rigged election with Toxin paying for votes as he did last time.. if (note the if brit) this has royal backing there will be a fast election and it will be a lot fairer as there will no longer be one party buying votes either directly or indirectly.

    I fear that this is not over yet, however I think you will see the extent of this goverments corruption on public display shortly.

    Remember Sondi's words recently, the Army belongs to the king not to the goverment and I personally doubt this happened without anyone (u know who) being aware.

    The corrupt ones are running, those who have nothing to fear will stay. I agree this is a big step but you have to stop comparing democracy here to that of the west, elections are bought plain and simple and that stiffles democracy, rural people vote with their wallets not with their mind for the most.

    At least it has taken PCN and Pattaya People News of the air for a day..:o

  11. Lets hope the military are booted out on their <deleted> - this is plain wrong. Not very democratic at all and I see military clashing very soon.

    The thakisin rule has never been democratic, this is a good thing if it has full royal backing and is another step further towards long term democracy when power is restored to the people.

    Any diligent democratic leader would have removed himself from office long ago. His actions are not those of an elected leader but those of a would be dictator who is running scared of the pending troubles that await him.

    Good on Ya Sondi

  12. I prefer the Richard Branson Aproach, if they dont like the way you look dont do business with them, it is a very weak character who has to dress to impress, people should be impressed with you and what you have to say and offer not you clothes.

    (within reason of course)

  13. When in bed I usually part my but cheeks this keeps it silent every time. My GF thinks its funny to pull the duvet up over my head before letting one rip.

    I was watching TV laying on the sofa the other day when she bent over infront of me pretending to pick up some plates and let one rip on my face.

    Some one taught her well

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