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Posts posted by fourbaht

  1. Thanks for letting us know about Mantra - looking forward to trying it. But the best food in Pattaya is White Knight in Soi VC. Especially the desserts! As much as you can eat for something like B200.

    So Says "Gordon Blue" LOL

  2. Tap water for teeth is fine, I think the toothpaste kills any germs, I switched to mountain spring water at 45 baht per 10 litres when my kids were born on advise from a friend as his babe had been sick.

    I must say tho even the Thais who visit and drink from the water machine say that the water tatses better than normal bottled water.

    Ice in drinks? I'm normally too dunk to care and the alchohol must purify it to some extent. :o

  3. Just to let you know you can infact now apply for UK citizenship for a child born out of wedlock. I have been in close contact with the UK embassy and they have confirmed this to me and I have an interview on the 22nd.

    Your Thai GF will need will sign a copy of her ID card and passport in the pressence of a UK Embassy official.

    It is better if you apply before your child is 7 if possible but after 7 as mine is does not rule out application.

    I have the direct line and name of a the lady dealing with this at the UK Embassy, she is very helpful, anyone who needs help PM me and I will give you her number and name.

  4. its a legitamate right and necessity for all governments to monitor and regulate its communication infrastructure.

    Are you for real? if so you are one sad dude or just a red neck who thinks being patriotic is more important than civil liberty..

    Now you Yankees can flame me all you like but just remember you sow the seeds you reap the harvest and if you care to look back in your very short history you will see that the only reason you have been crapped on is because you fed the crappers with prune juice while it suited you. Who sponsored the Taliban? and on and on and on.

    I once stood in speaker’s corner in Hyde Park listening to a guy who called himself Lord Peter, a funny guy who liked to make a mockery out of the Americans in the audience; he said "when it comes to history you Americans just have to take our word for it"

    I find it staggering that as one of the worlds youngest countries with very little culture of your own you have all of the answers to the worlds cultural and political problems.

    Guys you are on borrowed time, people have your card marked and no longer look up to you any more and never will as long as you have a religious fanatic at the helm.

    Thats my Fourbahts worth...

    Seems you need to study your recent history a bit better :o . There are quite a few countries that are much younger than the US and at 230 years old hardly qualifies as one of the youngest.

    Regardless, it is all off this rather bizarre topic. :D

    And you need glasses my dear... "one of the worlds youngest countries" Not the youngest and yes at 230 years old you are relative newcomers compared to the numerous cultures you feel it is ok to have destroyed or manipulated for your own gain and always in the disguise of democracy.

    But yes you are correct it is off topic, feel free to open somewhere else if you would like to discuss your so called great nations errors.

  5. its a legitamate right and necessity for all governments to monitor and regulate its communication infrastructure.

    Are you for real? if so you are one sad dude or just a red neck who thinks being patriotic is more important than civil liberty..

    Now you Yankees can flame me all you like but just remember you sow the seeds you reap the harvest and if you care to look back in your very short history you will see that the only reason you have been crapped on is because you fed the crappers with prune juice while it suited you. Who sponsored the Taliban? and on and on and on.

    I once stood in speaker’s corner in Hyde Park listening to a guy who called himself Lord Peter, a funny guy who liked to make a mockery out of the Americans in the audience; he said "when it comes to history you Americans just have to take our word for it"

    I find it staggering that as one of the worlds youngest countries with very little culture of your own you have all of the answers to the worlds cultural and political problems.

    Guys you are on borrowed time, people have your card marked and no longer look up to you any more and never will as long as you have a religious fanatic at the helm.

    Thats my Fourbahts worth...

  6. For those who said get down to the hospital I would say avoid Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

    5 years ago I had 7 crowns in a clinic in Pattaya Klang, last year I went to Pattaya Bangkok to see about some veneers for my front teeth, the dentist examined me and said I needed all of my crowns replacing, no x-rays just a visual exam.

    He then tried to pressure me into making an appointment and leaving a 30,000 baht deposit, the total cost was over 400K as quoted by him

    Needless to say I declined and went to 3 other clinics and had x-rays all of whom said no replacements were necessary.

    I asked all about veneers and one said I didn’t need them that she could give me some white fillings and a bleach, if I wasn’t happy she would not charge me and would then do the veneers, she was the first one who tried to stop me doing work which I found reassuring.

    The clinic is on the left side of Pattaya Klang heading towards 3rd road from second road about 40 mtrs after you have passed Soi Bukow, it is called 92 dental clinic from what I remember and of all the people I have recommended no one has ever complained to me.

  7. Jdinasia.

    I thought discussion meant giving your opinions, I give mine you give yours, or should every one who has a different opinion to you just go away?

    Now there is an interesting thought that would make for a really mind numbing forum..

    I am not against threads being closed persay, however I thought the use of the "to prevent discussion" was rather apt thats all..

    Please feel free to give me any opinions you have on anything I promise I won't tell you to go away if I am not in agreement.

  8. In accordance with ThaiVisa policy, topics of this nature are posted for information purposes, then closed preventing further discussion.

    Isn't this a forum? Are the members here not adult enough to discuss inteligently or are the moderators to lazy to "MODERATE" and remove offensive material.


    An Internet forum is a facility on the World Wide Web for holding discussions

    Has the thai cybercop now got shares in TV.. come on, just because the moderators and all the old hands here have posted previously regarding a subject now means that some newcomers might not have something intelligent to say?

  9. Of course it is frustrating not being able to own land outright here when your wife can own land in her own name in your home country, but lets face facts, what are the chances of your wife ever having enough of her own money to buy land in the USA? Or of your average Thai being able to purchase land abroad. ( average is the key word here before you start jumping on me with examples )

    Imagine how land prices would escalate throughout Thailand if you could purchase outright, you can buy half of Isaan for what most farrangs come here with after selling up in their home country.

    Pattaya is a prime example of what farrang investment in an area does to push prices out of your average Thai persons price range. (and out of some farrangs range )

    This in turn increases the cost of living all round and very soon you will be living in a similar environment and work work work ethic that so many of us left after finding Thailand such a different place to live.

    All this has done has closed an existing loop hole for a short while that was being exploited by a greedy few.

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