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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. Remember when everyone laughed at the Internet and that @ thingy! It's useless and will consume all the electricity they said! I leave it there!
  2. Get rich quick scams with unattainable yields was always going to end badly ! Im talking about tokens with utility, Blockchain,Bitcoin payment rails i could go on and on but i do understand peoples opinions towards something they dont truly understand . 11 years in this space has treated me very well and educated me beyond belief but we are still early compared to the present outdated system so i stand by my comment and hope you in the end see the light .
  3. This comment will not age well!!
  4. Chiland knows where it's bread is buttered.
  5. Seemed happy to wear it ???? yeah right !!!!!!!!!
  6. Maybe take a look at Kudos beach club seems to be around that location..
  7. Understand your comment but sitting and drawing down some gains when needed regardless of the price is what I call passive I will say this (My opinion) If Bitcoin is 20k now how will 100k feel in 2 years. Yes there are naysayers but the large adoption of the years including mastercard, visa to name a few means its here to stay and remember as little as $5 can get you into the tech.I have far bigger headaches with the properties and tenants I acquired than Bitcoin. Anyhow good luck and for what it's worth give it 12 months and let the property market crash then look to purchase it will be a bloodbath soon enough with interest rates up and property prices down. (negative equity will bite hard) We are only seeing the tip of the iceburge at present. Cheers.
  8. Buying a fair bit of Bitcoin 10 years ago as been a rocky but worthwhile passive income. So will the next 10 years although few understand this unfortunately.
  9. You do know the country is advertised as open to tourism with no restrictions in place!? Dr Suwannachai !!!!
  10. No way i'm i witnessing Common Sense here!
  11. 5 plus a driver what could possibly go wrong ????
  12. Looks like another one not enough power to climb the hill rolled backwards hitting the curb with back wheel flipping the deathtrap!
  13. A uneducated comment that will not age well! Book Mark this comment to my rhetorical reply.
  14. WAIT!! I thought there was going to be a MASSIVE wave after Songkran!!!! Oh yeah NA!!!!
  15. Actually yes u are correct my point is they are now in trouble with immigration law due to using an agent .To be honest I'm not against it but this proves there are massive risks should it go wrong. The fact it was in the media probably negated circumstances that could of been way worse.
  16. WRONG!!!! A friend of mine involved has been told to get an emergency document and LEAVE as they cannot find the agent or Passport . They also made everyone aware that circumventing the rules is illegal... Read the Phuket News full requirement report also. Quote .There are no LEGAL visa agents except for Thai Elite holders was the comment!!
  17. Read the Phuket news regarding the use of an agent and the over 100 people who are now in trouble. I'm not saying they are all the same but there is a risk its illegal but circumvented be many.
  18. I used my Krungsri Visa Card details using the form already posted above .It was sent with my application and debited in GBP about 5 days after being posted from Thailand by VFS.
  19. Cash isn't accepted i tried ...The form above is what is required
  20. This form???? OS_Payment__Instruction_07.13.pdf
  21. VFS will send your credit card form( which you fill in and give to them) to the UK with the passport application
  22. Agreed they aren't at war with Russia . AND FYG!!???? While Russian crude oil is shipped on tankers, a network of pipelines transports Russian gas to Europe. In fact,
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