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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. A reputable drilling Company normal have local knowledge and access to water table depths etc.
  2. Climate this climate that what a load of Blks
  3. Was a lot more humanity going around for sure
  4. Did the monkey's complain. Wait until the midgets come after smallpox ????
  5. There's a walk-in fee if I remember correctly
  6. The fact they relocated many monitors to ground level from the previous 2 meter minimum height tells u everything about this BS!!
  7. Until they state its been its been rejected by the local businesses leaders (BS) due to x ,y , z .
  8. The US is a complete joke and easily one of the most corrupt Countries in the world they can shove their opinions where the sun doesn't shine
  9. Phuket Drive through Although you need to be driving an imported car as the window is on the passenger side ( or long arms)????
  10. Spike proteins isn't that in vaccines? ????
  11. CBD oil 4 drops under your tongue when you wake up and same before bed. The bottles without THC Trust me it works
  12. Yeah but I'm identifying as a Cameroon man.(from now on)
  13. Arrived from Malaysia into Phuket last week and the amount of people in the "designated questionable area" I'll call it was packed full of "Tourists" and immigration officials asking various questions with what looked like a lot of refusals and heated discussions.
  14. There may well be some analysis on reserve currency required as the BRICS trade volume has surpassed that of USD in the month of May already.
  15. Sharp

    Solid Plastering

    I finished all internal walls with this nice clean smooth finish. Needs a decent trademans.
  16. It's all part of the financial control mechanism to usher the digital CBDC they are pushing., Cash will be extinct in a few years .They want to track and trace all payments online . A friend of mine who's a bank manager has been telling me for some time
  17. So if 50% of the dead are vaccinated and 50% are not what exactly is the vaccines usefulness
  18. WRONG!!! There's multiple YouTube and twitter montages showing clips SAYING EXACTLY that!!!!!!
  19. Yep lesser of 2 evils at least weed would be safe
  20. If her passport is invalid for some reason she probably can't use it to withdraw funds if of course the story is legit
  21. I suggest the Thai health Authorities look at the latest guidelines to masking and what they don't prevent!!!
  22. Someone gets it ????
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