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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. Sticks and stones
  2. Looks like she'll have every reason to NOT go back Tread carefully bro.
  3. Don't forget the new "TAX" laws on 180 consecutive days in Thailand. FYG.
  4. Elite Visa is the easiest but not cheapest
  5. Barbara O'Neill Google her for the flu boom and any natural remedies you've spoke of.
  6. Lumpini Condominiums Next to UD Town
  7. Yeah manmade Chemtrails will alter the climate but as you say CD is essential to life on earth
  8. Look for wooden sticks they can ground you when not on concrete or roads worked wonders with my dad's circulation in his lower legs and feet.
  9. Just test cases getting ready for the biggy. Have some cash on hand people! It's coming
  10. Yep "Weed" will do that 🚬
  11. Ask Sweden how it's going!! Multiculturalism will destroy and country if not strictly controlled and contained. How many of these "Refugees" are female or children ?? Close to zero its a planned destruction what's happening
  12. Spot on this guy.khun Somchart
  13. BOOT all illegals out ! Just look at what's happening in the US and Europe. End!
  14. Because we can't stop whats coming only prepare!!
  15. Mines only 4 inches Most girls don't like that wide 😁
  16. Cut tuk tuks by 70% Minibus by 50% The taxi apps are doing an OK job
  17. If he's tested undetectable on his viral load due to meds then he won't infect anyone
  18. The US ARE the biggest war criminals globally and they also meet with them
  19. As said the MotoGp will be an interesting situation with all the businesses including temporary alcohol outlets setup
  20. Indeed someone with his head screwed on
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