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    Prakonchai, Thailand

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  1. OK I have found the problem I use Firefox or Chrome for my browsing. I tried the site using EDGE and can now see the add baggage option with that browser.
  2. Someone else said that too. Surely that can not be the case!
  3. I am trying to book a flight on air asia, Buriram to Don Mueang in January It gives me the flight at a price of about 1500 baht including 7kg carry on. Thats fine, but I want to add a suitcase also, and obviously pay a bit more, but just do not see an option to do so. Have they stopped carrying suitcases now?
  4. When did Nok Air stop flying to Buriram airport? I just checked their website and do not see the choice anymore.
  5. I am abroad at the moment Not yet sure what produre I will have yet. Just wanted an idea on price in TH. Thanks
  6. I require a procedure to increase the blood flow in my legs. One of the options is leg angioplasty. Does anyone have experience of having this done in Thailand ? What are the costs of having this procedure done?
  7. Both I and my wife already have our seperate accounts at the Kasikorn Bank. I want to open a joint account for us, to make life a bit easier for the survivor, accessing funds when one of us passes, and waiting for the wills to be actioned. Does anyone have any experience?
  8. Here is a Thai based company : https://www.atlrecovery.net/bangkokdatarecovery/
  9. I am sure they do. You would need to ask around at somewhere like Pantip Plaza. There used to be small shops on various levels that did more specific board level repairs etc not sure now as I have not been there myself for a number of years.
  10. They mean to someone who specializes in data recovery. They will probably open the crashed drive, remove the disk platters and put them in a working drive with the exact same electronics. Hard disks are like a stack of spinning dinner plates with heads moving in between the plates, chances are the either the movng heads have failed or the platters bearings have failed. So they may need to buy an identical model drive second hand on somewhere like ebay. There used to be a company that advertised the service in England but not sure if they still exist. Not sure if this is them: https://www.essentialdatarecovery.co.uk/data_recovery/internal_drives.html?gad_source=1 You will probably be looking at a price north of 14,000 Baht
  11. Rubbish. Annual income is about 35K Check here: https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/averageweeklyearningsingreatbritain/november2023
  12. Just get a Wise Card. You can open numerous currency balances. Use their debit card. Also use the service for transferring money to Thailand. Use this link and get a fee-free transfer up to £500 (or equivalent in $, €, etc) https://wise.com/invite/dic/juliani
  13. Bit worrying when the website has spelling mistakes on the landing page of easyvisasolutions.com "Thai national traveling " and "Obtaining Both Forien and Domestic Visa's " The standard of professors is going downhill. I wonder if he bought his qualiifications. Very unprofessional in this day of spell checkers
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