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Posts posted by DocN

  1. It's a terrible tragedy and it saddens me.

    I don't understand who it would benefit to throw those responsible in jail. A deterrent for caregivers in the future?

    Is being fined, and then sued by the parents not enough of a deterrent?

    Under Western common law, money is the appropriate thing to compensate for the life or injury of a person when it's not intentional. Only money will help compensate for the loss of a limb or a child. Nothing can bring it back.

    Do we jail people who cause a death in a non-intentional, sober auto accident, even if that driver wasn't paying enough attention?

    Would we jail every doctor who makes a mistake and causes a death in the operating room, even if it was totally his fault? More likely he would be sued for a whole bunch of money, and if bad enough he might lose his license. Only in rare and very egregious circumstances such as being under the influence would he be charged with a crime.

    Why do we focus so hard on one death? How many children die each year, left in a hot car the world over? The only numbers I can find are for the US and it been more than 500 children since 1998. It was 32 last year. The smaller percentage of the responsible adults went to jail. Link Link

    It is horrible, horrible, horrible. But nothing will bring that child back. Surely those responsible feel terrible about it. I feel as if people are talking about a rapist-killer or some other murderer. 10 years in a Thai prison for a horrible mistake?

    Wait,wait,wait...are you not the guy, who asked for a mother, to be killed, to do her daughter justice??

    Here is a good advice: get off the crack!

  2. simple as it has been said so many times before , police should do their job all year round , heavier fines lose driving licence impound the vehicle ( as it is a tool for murder when driven drunk)

    but hey maybe in 200 years they get the idea how to run a country

    One of the many " farangs know all " posts !

    And what...oh, pray tell,, dear Doctor, is "knowitall" about that?Maybe you see any flaw in that thinking, that I can just not make out!

    Or are you just another "knowitallbetter"- troll?

  3. Europeans and Americans have very different views on guns in society.

    Americans believe firearms are necessary to protect oneself against any agressor. Americans don't care to become a victim.

    How would you protect yourself if the next Charles Manson and gang come to your home? If you don't have superior firepower you will be overtaken, or worse.

    What group was unharmed during the L.A. riots ? It was those Koreans in Koreatown. They patrolled the tops of the buildings with AK-47s and no riot spread to their neighborhood because everyone knew they were armed to the hilt.

    Americans cannot agree with sitting and waiting to be shot by someone who takes over a building or tries to enter your home. Americans will take up arms and fight.

    If more responsible adults had a concealed weapon permit we would stop more assauts before they occur.

    A criminal does not need a gun to kill. If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. And there will always be outlaws.

    Lets's see: I wasn't there, when the Manson- gang went on a killing spree...but I think it is a save guess, it didn't happen like this:

    "Good evening, ma'am...my name is Charles Manson and this is my gang. Would you mind us, coming inside have some alcohol and drugs and sex and little satan- worshipping...and after that...may we kill you?" And Sharon Tate went to look for here gun, but unfortunately she forgot to buy one earlier...and the rest is history!

    And this is where the whole "waht would you do, if you wake up at night and there is a killer in your house"- thing blows up!

    "Dear Mr. Killer /Rapist/ black drug-gang ...can you please wait until I get my gun, load it and take aim at you?"

  4. The article stated >>>>adding that a survey team found 700-800 vendors selling alcohol on Silom Road, a venue famous for Songkran water celebrations.>>>>>


    I was in the Silom area of Patpong/ Soi 4 along to to the Skytrain on Saturday.

    The area was so dangerously crowded that I cannot imagine how a "survey team" could have shuffled far enough to find 700-800 vendors selling anything legally or illegally.

    I didn't see any vendors on the street selling alcohol. The only alcohol being sold was from normally licensed venues.

    Sorry, but you must be blind!

    I have been there and had absolutely no difficulty finding many!

    ...and the BiB on their motoycy went by all of them!

  5. To "the hang them high brigade" here, at least get your facts right!

    For crying out loud, it was a tragic accident, that could have happened anywhere in the world! Yes it was coursed by recklessness and stupidity, but with no intent. And as the teachers have been named and shamed, apart from having to live with the knowledge of coursing a childs death, what good does it do to throw them in jail?? Spoiling the lives of two more families.

    @MaxLee. Your uneducated driver was one of the teachers!

    Spare your indignation for the Red Bull heir or the young Ms na Ayutthaya.

    So...ahm...according to you, no one should be in jail for this?

    Because their name is out and they have to live in the knowledge that they killed someone?

    And someone who asks for the responsible people to face justice...makes them part of the "hang 'em high"- brigade!

    Let me guess: \Thailand is becoming a Nanny- state, right?!

  6. It is far more important to deny women their right to decide what happens with their own bodies or to keep gay- people from getting married! There are soooo many more things that more important...like getting "Family Guy" of the air, because some nut- job is making a collage of it. (so much for "taking rights away!).

    The rest of the world will just sit back and wait, until the next nut-case with a rucksack full of guns walks into a school or a shopping mall and kills 20 to 30 bystanders.

    I am (fortunately) not cynical enough to hope for the crocodile- tears of all those, whos fantasy- fear of a future Hitler or a future radical government kept Obama (or any other President) from dealing with the very real fear of a today- sicko, blowing up the brains of 5th- graders!

    Good night America!

    • Like 2
  7. Ban this, crackdown on that...

    What about just following and enforcing existing laws?

    I am not good at reading Thai, but I can hardly imagine, that it says in any written law:

    "If you approach a red traffic light..maybe you feel like stopping...or not...well...mai pen rai!"

    or "Drink and drive or take a taxi...arai godai!"

  8. Songkran people side not religious, is a feast of depraved sex abuse, pedophilia too, rape, alcohol, more or less deadly violences (stabbing). Once drunked they do anything !

    Happily it not same India where rapes happening every minute.

    With this festival Thai people showing their worst side, their dark side !

    raped her until he reached climax 3 times

    It wasn't necessary from the journalist to add this information which isn't important and disrespectful against the victim case told in this article.

    Thai journalists like telling things not useful to know about sad cases. Have a little respect for the victim in a country where the respect should look important !

    What is more important to tell, the pleasure got by the rapist or the poor victim suffering !!!

    I would offer you a bet, that it happens in Thailand almost literally every minute.

    Unfortunately, it is not called "rape", if it is your wife or will swept under the rug, if it is your "girlfriend" and soon to be wife...

    • Like 1
  9. The truth is very few bars are actually owned by the police in comparison

    Loads of bars are owned by the Police. There are 5 on Soi Cowboy alone (that I know of for a fact). My local is owned by an ex-Policeman and is frequented by Lumpini officers.

    However, I don't bother going to Cowboy any more, it has been ruined with all the neon facades and lost it's appeal several years ago. Nana is even more desperate. Patpong seems to be the worst of the lot (despite some claiming a resurgence) and last time I ventured into a bar there on the ground level, I was presented with a bill for 4,000thb for 3 beers which I refused to pay then left. Patpong seems to attract more pondlife Thais than the other places, partly due to the street market as most of the vendors are playing hard-man gangster while in reality they are horrid little oiks selling knock off junk and Chinese dildos.

    I'm all for closing the bars earlier in Patpong.

    Are you mad, man? Where would I go?

  10. Wow...someone who is calling for "justice" in the sense of "trial" and "conviction" and "punishment" or even "release after a certain part of the sentence" is a "bleeding heart liberal"...whereas those of you who want to cut of balls and throw everyone to a pack of hungry rats are...what? Upright, law abiding citizens?

    I am one of the "tree huggers" and I really want every single case to be transparent and open and for every criminal the chance of redemption and -if it makes any sense- the chance to be re-socialized, but I take my right, to change views, depending on each case seperately.

    I wouldn't mind at all, if this "loving mother" would rot in jail forever.

    Oh and to answer my question myself: you are a bunch of inhumane, fascist bullies with no sense of justice! At all!

    I have a sense of justice. I'd tie the rope around her neck myself.

    It is you who has no sense of justice for the little girl.

    You make the mother a victim, her detractors "fascist bullies" and yourself above it all.

    If you actually had a sense of justice, you'd want justice for the little girl and for society, and not be so concerned about the evil, criminal mother.

    Spoken like a real man! bah.gif

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