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Posts posted by DocN

  1. As much as despise his deeds, I am almost as much disgusted by all these "kill him and castrate him", "castrate him and then kill him"...or whatever posts.

    Pedophiles are mentally sick.

    You don't wake up one morning and say "Oh...it is such a nice day...I think, I am going to FXXX a 10 year old!"

    It is as little a choice as is homosexuality, heterosexuality, necrophilia or what ever you can think of.

    If you are going on to ask for pedophiles to be killed...ask yourself: where would you stop? What is acceptable to you?

    Pedophilia? Rape?

    Okay...now what about your neighbor?

    We know, that in Thailand (f.e.) rape and pedophilia are obviously much more "okay" than in "the west".

    Do I say that is good? Hell, no!

    But there are countries, where homosexuality is seen as the most evil and despicable thing to do...so...they are going to kill some gays instead...and that would be...okay?

    Pedophiles are sick and they need help.

    Do they need to be punished for what they do?

    Yes, absolutely!

    have a look at this...and try to get a grip!

    Let the sh1t-storm begin...

    Its easy enough to be opinionated regarding such matters but how can anyone possibly be in a position to comment on such matters until ( god help them it never happens) their children are either abused or molested in which case you would see it in a different light.Furthermore as a parent myself I can honestly say that I find it highly unlikely that any parent would have any sympathy for any such offender (be it a sickness or not as you say) and that they would probabally be reaching for the nearest lynching rope as I would myself. End of.

    The point is -as with many issues like death-penalty etc.- that you have to have a GENERAL opinion, that is not shaped by your own personal problems.

    This argument "yeah...but what would you say, if it was your child" can not hold any water, because if we make laws on having a bad day for ourselves, I guess many, many, many more people would face death!

  2. No one has freedom to kill anyone in the U.S.... What an absurd statement you make! Over the past decade or more the few mass shootings in America have been done by mentally disturbed people (who were diagnosed as having serious mental health issues (prone to violence) PRIOR to incident. Most often fueled by violent movies and video games, these nut cases managed to get a gun mostly by circumventing the law ... then acted out their violent delusions and fantasies. Next, the politically correct segment of our society - who fights against committing and confining (institutionalizing) these nut cases - act shocked and surprised. You know, if you as a non American are going to criticize our laws and culture - then how about using a little perspective. Get a grip on reality and take a look at the real problem instead of emotionally thrashing about and talking nonsense.
    People thinking guns are not a 'real' problem is the problem.

    For 99.99999 percent of the up to 100 million law abiding gun owners in American who own up to 300 million guns - their possession and use of guns is not a problem to anyone.

    So...I know, I am not an American and therefore oppressed by my respective government and unfree and all that.

    But tell me one thing: why do these 100 Million law abiding gun- owners need an average of 3 guns?

    Is one for the burglars, that daily raid your house, one for the government-takeover and one ...just for fun?

    Oh no...I know: it is your right, to own as many guns as you like, right?!

    But wait: I guess there are some, who have just one gun...that means, someone else must even have more than three!!!

    ...and I guess, if I said, "maybe we should limit the number of guns to 1 per household"...you will say.....

  3. As much as despise his deeds, I am almost as much disgusted by all these "kill him and castrate him", "castrate him and then kill him"...or whatever posts.

    Pedophiles are mentally sick.

    You don't wake up one morning and say "Oh...it is such a nice day...I think, I am going to FXXX a 10 year old!"

    It is as little a choice as is homosexuality, heterosexuality, necrophilia or what ever you can think of.

    If you are going on to ask for pedophiles to be killed...ask yourself: where would you stop? What is acceptable to you?

    Pedophilia? Rape?

    Okay...now what about your neighbor?

    We know, that in Thailand (f.e.) rape and pedophilia are obviously much more "okay" than in "the west".

    Do I say that is good? Hell, no!

    But there are countries, where homosexuality is seen as the most evil and despicable thing to do...so...they are going to kill some gays instead...and that would be...okay?

    Pedophiles are sick and they need help.

    Do they need to be punished for what they do?

    Yes, absolutely!

    have a look at this...and try to get a grip!

    Let the sh1t-storm begin...

    OK a pedophiles sexual preference is children .... Think about your own sexual preference , what would make you change that ..... I rest my case ....

    As a former investigator I have interviewed quite a few of these people and I have watched them go through the justice system , punishment does not cure them, a doctor can not cure them. They must be removed from society .... And placed somewhere , where they can never hurt another child again .... If we fail to do that we fail to protect the children .....

    We also fail to protect children from abusive parents from time to time. I guess, rounding up alcoholic fathers or mothers and killing them, would be okay too?!

    The man bb1955 has got a good point Doc.smile.png

    Not saying he hasn't!

    But I am always amazed, how easy "we" want to put pedophiles to death and how graciously "we" forget, that thousands of kids suffer "normal" abuse.

    Compared to that, pedophilia is a laughable problem (and I am NOT saying, it shouldn't be dealt with...)

    When I say "laughable", I mean the "quantity"...

  4. As much as despise his deeds, I am almost as much disgusted by all these "kill him and castrate him", "castrate him and then kill him"...or whatever posts.

    Pedophiles are mentally sick.

    You don't wake up one morning and say "Oh...it is such a nice day...I think, I am going to FXXX a 10 year old!"

    It is as little a choice as is homosexuality, heterosexuality, necrophilia or what ever you can think of.

    If you are going on to ask for pedophiles to be killed...ask yourself: where would you stop? What is acceptable to you?

    Pedophilia? Rape?

    Okay...now what about your neighbor?

    We know, that in Thailand (f.e.) rape and pedophilia are obviously much more "okay" than in "the west".

    Do I say that is good? Hell, no!

    But there are countries, where homosexuality is seen as the most evil and despicable thing to do...so...they are going to kill some gays instead...and that would be...okay?

    Pedophiles are sick and they need help.

    Do they need to be punished for what they do?

    Yes, absolutely!

    have a look at this...and try to get a grip!

    Let the sh1t-storm begin...

    OK a pedophiles sexual preference is children .... Think about your own sexual preference , what would make you change that ..... I rest my case ....

    As a former investigator I have interviewed quite a few of these people and I have watched them go through the justice system , punishment does not cure them, a doctor can not cure them. They must be removed from society .... And placed somewhere , where they can never hurt another child again .... If we fail to do that we fail to protect the children .....

    We also fail to protect children from abusive parents from time to time. I guess, rounding up alcoholic fathers or mothers and killing them, would be okay too?!

  5. If same sex people wish to party or spend a life time together - so be it. Who really cares?

    no one, "legalise same-sex relationships" is therefor nonsense. It wasn't illegal like in Saudi Arabia.

    But the point is, if it is good if two gays can adopt young boys. Which might be complete OK in 99 %, but what is with the 1 % where real bad things happen??

    You mean like in "heterosexual families", where dad is a drinker and beats up wife and children?

    • Like 2
  6. Pedophiles are mentally sick.

    You don't wake up one morning and say "Oh...it is such a nice day...I think, I am going to FXXX a 10 year old!"

    It is as little a choice as is homosexuality, heterosexuality, necrophilia or what ever you can think of.

    You've got to be kidding. If you can't tell the difference between having an impulse (which some would agree with you might not be a matter of clear choice for some) and acting on an impulse, you don't understand very much. Plus it takes a fairly warped mind to attempt to compare heterosexuality and homosexuality with the likes of necrophilia and pedophilia. Human psychology certainly isn't your forte.

    A pedophile as much as a bank robber or murderer made a choice to act and should suffer the consequences (criminal penalities) that society has devised for such acts. And, if the pedophile (or robber or murderer) can't control his impulses, then do whatever is necessary to keep him away from children, banks, or other people as long as is necessary. If that's forever, so be it.

    No I am not kidding...mostly because, I did not compare homosexuality...although you might wish so, to make your point!

    I am also not claiming to know much about psychology...but you sure do, comparing pedophiles to bank- robbers!

  7. As much as despise his deeds, I am almost as much disgusted by all these "kill him and castrate him", "castrate him and then kill him"...or whatever posts.

    Pedophiles are mentally sick.

    You don't wake up one morning and say "Oh...it is such a nice day...I think, I am going to FXXX a 10 year old!"

    It is as little a choice as is homosexuality, heterosexuality, necrophilia or what ever you can think of.

    If you are going on to ask for pedophiles to be killed...ask yourself: where would you stop? What is acceptable to you?

    Pedophilia? Rape?

    Okay...now what about your neighbor?

    We know, that in Thailand (f.e.) rape and pedophilia are obviously much more "okay" than in "the west".

    Do I say that is good? Hell, no!

    But there are countries, where homosexuality is seen as the most evil and despicable thing to do...so...they are going to kill some gays instead...and that would be...okay?

    Pedophiles are sick and they need help.

    Do they need to be punished for what they do?

    Yes, absolutely!

    have a look at this...and try to get a grip!

    Let the sh1t-storm begin...

    are you serious? .did you ever for 5 minits think about what it do to victims life , knowing that the pervert will get of with almost no sentence or punishment.. its simple you dont touch children ,people who dont understand this have no place in modern society and yes if needed just be executed. and you say where do you stop. there is no reason to stop you can not compare this with gay people , being gay is not a sickness being a childmolester is!

    Care to show me, where I said, i want them to go unpunished?

    And where I said, that being gay is a sickness?

    What I said, was that both being gay and a pedophile (or an alcoholic...a drug addict...a pron addict...) is NOT a choice, you take, when you wake up one morning.

  8. It's hard to see any way forward for this section of the community, whilst you have a dysfunctional style of government , they proudly call Democracy, any calls for reforms that excludes money isn't bound to go far, it's rather disappointing to say the least that I and many others have a very low opinion of the Government , but at the end of the day they bring it on themselves, this being said , a conscious vote from both houses ,if passed , the same entitlements apply as the rest of the community,no strings attached, easy, now go n do it.coffee1.gif

    More "functional" governments than this one, struggle hard as well...

  9. As much as I find Thailands myths and anecdotes quiet lovely...since a certain Bangkok gouvenor tried to stop the flood by trying to calm the river- godess...or whatever hokuspokus that was....I am growing a bit tired of it.

    You have rangers in nationalparks, who should be quiet able to track down an elephant and if it will venture into Myanmar...so be it!

    But I guess, as long as tiger- penis makes you go fuggi- fuggi and spirits life in old trees, nothing is impossible.

  10. So...okay...even IF they make it in time and to safety standards and at a quality, that allows F1 ...all of which I very highly doubt...and IF the track passes Wat Arun, Grand Palace and Victory Monument...I have another problem.

    For safety reasons -as someone already pointed out- and for training and qualifying, that track has to be COMPLETELY shut down for a week...minimum!

    If I remember correctly, both -Wat Arun and Grand Palace- can only be passed on one side, because there is a RIVER on the other side!

    So ...they basically close down both sites for a week?

    ...and I guess, that is the smallest problem, they have!

  11. ...why is it called "amendment"...?

    Doc, the US formed slowly. The first settlers from Europe arrived in 1620 aboard a ship called The Mayflower. They are called The Pilgrims and they were 102 in number, and they were British. They landed in what we call the NE US now, at a place called Plymouth Rock and the built a settlement.

    The US didn't officially become a country until perhaps 1776 when there were then 13 colonies who met and signed the Declaration of Independence from the then ruler, the King of England. I say perhaps, because some say it wasn't complete until 1786 at a signing in Paris where the King agreed the US was independent. Of course there was the Revolutionary War against the King as a result of that Declaration of Independence.

    When the dust settled, the new country wrote, and all the colonies signed a Constitution in 1789, creating the United States.

    But some of the colonies were nervous about the constitution. Roughly put, they didn't trust the new federal government to assure their individual rights, or the rights of the separate colonies. So there were soon some amendments made to the constitution to make all of the colonies comfortable with it.

    Those amendments were done at once as a whole, and there are 10 of them. Each one takes power away from the federal government, and gives it to the colonies, now called the states, or to the individual people. Together these 10 amendments are called The Bill of Rights. They are the rights of the people.

    The first amendment guarantees freedom of and from religion, the freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech.

    The second is the one about the right to keep and bear arms. This is what we call the Second Amendment, or 2A, but it's why we can own guns.

    The tenth one simply reiterates the purpose of the first nine, hammering home to the federal government that its powers are limited.

    The short read of the transcript is here.

    The US is not a democracy. It is a republic of states. Each state, regardless of population, gets 2 senators for a total of 100 senators. So the small population states have as much say in The Senate as the big population states. This gives the rural people almost as much say as the people in downtown New York, NY. This was set up by design by the original colonies who didn't want to be ruled by the biggest colony, or by the new federal government.

    And so it is.

    All fine...but you understand, why I asked, right?!

    It is not "god given" and it is not "written in stone".

    It was amended before, it can be amended again.

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