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Posts posted by DocN

  1. 4.6 square Km could also easily divided by 2 which would give 2.3 Km2 for each country...

    Then the natural border could naturally be drawn by the watershed line...

    Now, as many did suggest before, a "Peace and Friendship Sanctuary" managed and maintained by both countries should be a relevant decision!

    ASEAN in two years, borders will probably "soften" as it happened with the Shengen Zone. Border lines did not move but business and tourism has been eased...

    A recent Bangkok Post poll said that more than 95% of the surveyed thais would disagree with a "war" on this dispute...

    So why a couple of stubborn nationalists of both countries continue to try to poison the now friendly relationships of two neighbourgs whole populations?

    Isaan people and Khmers of the north share the same DNA...

    ...and maybe that is exactly, why some "Thai- nationalists" don't give a hoot...

  2. Just sad really stoping all the the things that make Thailand "Thailand " that's why people travel here cuz it's different, street vendors, market stalls is what makes the atmosphere to be here better, it's all the hustle and bustle that makes this great place

    You mean like the open selling of child- and other porn, viagra, dildos and pirated goods, that have otherwise seen 1001 "crackdowns"?

    • Like 1
  3. It's a terrible tragedy and it saddens me.

    I don't understand who it would benefit to throw those responsible in jail. A deterrent for caregivers in the future?

    Is being fined, and then sued by the parents not enough of a deterrent?

    Under Western common law, money is the appropriate thing to compensate for the life or injury of a person when it's not intentional. Only money will help compensate for the loss of a limb or a child. Nothing can bring it back.

    Do we jail people who cause a death in a non-intentional, sober auto accident, even if that driver wasn't paying enough attention?

    Would we jail every doctor who makes a mistake and causes a death in the operating room, even if it was totally his fault? More likely he would be sued for a whole bunch of money, and if bad enough he might lose his license. Only in rare and very egregious circumstances such as being under the influence would he be charged with a crime.

    Why do we focus so hard on one death? How many children die each year, left in a hot car the world over? The only numbers I can find are for the US and it been more than 500 children since 1998. It was 32 last year. The smaller percentage of the responsible adults went to jail. Link Link

    It is horrible, horrible, horrible. But nothing will bring that child back. Surely those responsible feel terrible about it. I feel as if people are talking about a rapist-killer or some other murderer. 10 years in a Thai prison for a horrible mistake?

    Wait,wait,wait...are you not the guy, who asked for a mother, to be killed, to do her daughter justice??

    Here is a good advice: get off the crack!

    You see no difference between a whore mother who repeatedly and for years rents out her 9 year old daughter to pedophiles for profit, and someone who accidentally leaves a child in a hot car, even if by carelessness.

    Man, I do want some of what you're smoking.

    Yes I do see the difference.

    Between a mother whoring out her daughter and a teacher, neglecting his duty, to take care of the children, who you want to have gone scott- free, because it was an accident and no punishment will bring the little one back!.

    Here is my definition of an accident: the doors of the bus close, by computer, before all children are out, trapping the little one inside. And because the windows were made from bullet- proof glass, they had to cut through the bus- walls to get to the child.

    Here is what is not an accident: 13 children go INTO the bus, 12 come out and no one notices.

    Now back to your crack- pipe!

  4. The rudest and loudest people I ever seen.

    Do you mean Chinese people or do you mean tourists?

    some tourist can be very rude and bad mouthing people. like talking bad about the local people. i have seen such people here to. but i don't think they are Chinese.

    It is called freedom of speech, troll!
    i think freedom speech doesn't have to mean to be loud, rude and disrespectful.

    ...as well as "criticism: doesn tmean "being rude or disrespectful"...

  5. A great laugh for the morning. To the best of my knowledge, every street vendor pays off the police to operate. It would be a bit unseemly for the police to collect money from a vendor one day, and then give them the boot the next day. There must be some sort of compromise available. I sort of like street vendors, but it is damned annoying to have to walk in the street because the sidewalk is jammed with vendors...

    That is actually a myth. The only ones that need to pay off the police are the ones doing something illegal. They pay a license fee that allow them to operate in a certain area.

    You need to get out on the town more....

    Don't! He is all-knowing!

    • Like 1
  6. IMHO it is common sense, that the LAND on which the temple stands also belongs to Cambodia, otherwise how are the Cambodians to get there?

    But as Common sense has not much space in Thailand, this has to be ruled again.

    ...and now put on your yellow shirt and praise Thailand as the paradise it is...

    My you do twist things. The case is not about the land on which the temple stands, it's about adjoining land. Common sense is no more widespread in Cambodia than it is in Thailand.

    yes...adjoining land...that is a) what the temple stands on and b

    ) makes a access- way for those, whos temple it is...right or wrong?

    So If I tell you, you can use my toilet..do you have to pee from the doorstep and try to hit, or do I also and without further questioning, allow you to use the access and the floor around the ceramic- bus?

    I live here and I DON'T support the case, not because I hate Thailand...but because it is ludacris.

    Let me guess: you were pro- airport blocking...it is Thai, after all?!

    And for the occupation of Ratjaprassong?

    You just think everything is great that Thailand does, because ...you support everything?

    The rascism towards the ethnic minorities and all of Thailands neighbors?

    See...I just didn't leave my brain at the airport, when I came here!

    my bad!

    Adjoining land is where the temple stands on? No comment about the brain.

    Why do you make ridiculous assumptions about what I do & don't support? I'm not going to go into off topic issues on this thread.

    The rest of your post is senseless.

    What is so difficult?

    The temple is Cambodian, but the land around it is Thai?!

    Does that make any sense in any known universe?

    Besides that, everything was decided 50 years ago...

    The rest of this trial is senseless!

  7. oooooookay...

    according to a dictionary, a "Liberal" is a person in favor of progress and reform, accepting the freedom of an individual, stands for personal rights (especially the ones guaranteed by the law) and is in favor of freedom of speech and belief.

    ...and some here think, that can count as an insult?!

    I am proud to be called a liberal!

    You claim you are proud to be called a liberal because you stand in support of personal rights (especially the ones guaranteed by the law)....correct?

    The right to bear arms is more than a law. It is a Constitutional right in the US, just as is freedom of speech and religion.

    You support personal rights but draw the line at something that seems to make you extremely uncomfortable, the right to bear arms.

    What will be next? My freedom of speech or religion?

    Where I come from you would be called a hypocritical liberal.

    You just don't get, do you?

    If you want, you can have a tank in your garage, if it is up to me!

    Hopefully, your horniness for big weapons is cured by that!

    What I want, are laws, that make sure, that things like Sandy Hook become as unlikely to happen as possible.

    Background checks, safe- storage, no big magazines etc.

    Get it now?

  8. Thais seem to think that the ICJ are fools not to understand that this "dispute" is/was initiated by Thailand as a "political" issue. It is clearly and has been a political issue raised to further agenda within Thailand. Cambodia knows this and so does the court. Anyone following Thai "happenings" would be clear that this about Thai politics and Thai posturing among themselves.

    Can you share with us your inside information? By the way the ICJ is supposed to be impartial and made up of many judges, all from different countries, sitting together to hear both sides of a case

    Which exactly they did, many years ago and ruled (as far as I know) that the temple belongs to Cambodia.

    IMHO it is common sense, that the LAND on which the temple stands also belongs to Cambodia, otherwise how are the Cambodians to get there?

    But as Common sense has not much space in Thailand, this has to be ruled again.

    ...and now put on your yellow shirt and praise Thailand as the paradise it is...

    My you do twist things. The case is not about the land on which the temple stands, it's about adjoining land. Common sense is no more widespread in Cambodia than it is in Thailand.

    I sometimes wonder why Farangs living in Thailand seem to hate the country so much. I live here & I support the Thai case even if it tends to be panned by the TV 'experts'.

    yes...adjoining land...that is a) what the temple stands on and b ) makes a access- way for those, whos temple it is...right or wrong?

    So If I tell you, you can use my toilet..do you have to pee from the doorstep and try to hit, or do I also and without further questioning, allow you to use the access and the floor around the ceramic- bus?

    I live here and I DON'T support the case, not because I hate Thailand...but because it is ludacris.

    Let me guess: you were pro- airport blocking...it is Thai, after all?!

    And for the occupation of Ratjaprassong?

    You just think everything is great that Thailand does, because ...you support everything?

    The rascism towards the ethnic minorities and all of Thailands neighbors?

    See...I just didn't leave my brain at the airport, when I came here!

    my bad!

  9. I think the majority of Thai main roads are quite well maintained with most road side "objects" placed at a safe distance. Two main problems spring to mind through, road works without suitable signage and the political signs that appear from time to time (especially during elections). No, the road carnage is caused by one object - the five hundred baht "tea money" that gives an automatic licence to drive -. If people are serious about stopping road deaths start by both driver and police training. Stop the use of handheld mobiles, stop the 3 year old kid sitting on the drivers lap, stop the 25 people in the back of a pick-up, stop the kids on motorcycles and most of all show drivers that it's not clever to race other cars just to be "at the front" and it is clever to have driving morals and road sense

    None of that will ever happen in our life times, i've been here 20 yrs and it just gets worse
    Don't believe it, I have been here 33 years and it's getting better - we don't have cars and buses getting hijacked on major roads any more - drive by shootings (although still happen) are not everyday affairs - drivers are slowly starting to realize that they can see more at night with their lights on (instead of saving electricity - I joke not). As far as Thai's are concerned they are starting to think for themselves (politically) - what is getting worse is the amount of posters who are knocking the place and the amount of exaggerated, negative comments that many westerners think it's their right to be able to make. It could get a lot better if western super brains dropped the negativity and came up with some positive ideas acceptable within Thai culture - have a nice day

    Oh pray tell...what is acceptable within Thai- culture?

    Having laws that say "don't drink and drive"?...oh wait...that exists already!

    Having laws that say "stop at a red light"?...ahm...

    Oh here...I got one: "to drive a motorcycle you need to be 16 years old, have a licence and wear a helmet"...oh...

    Peace, man!

  10. Ooooooookay...

    according to a dictionary, a "Liberal" is a person in favor of progress and reform, accepting the freedom of an individual, stands for personal rights (especially the ones guaranteed by the law) and is in favor of freedom of speech and belief.

    ...and some here think, that can count as an insult?!

    I am proud to be called a liberal!

  11. Thais seem to think that the ICJ are fools not to understand that this "dispute" is/was initiated by Thailand as a "political" issue. It is clearly and has been a political issue raised to further agenda within Thailand. Cambodia knows this and so does the court. Anyone following Thai "happenings" would be clear that this about Thai politics and Thai posturing among themselves.

    Can you share with us your inside information? By the way the ICJ is supposed to be impartial and made up of many judges, all from different countries, sitting together to hear both sides of a case

    Which exactly they did, many years ago and ruled (as far as I know) that the temple belongs to Cambodia.

    IMHO it is common sense, that the LAND on which the temple stands also belongs to Cambodia, otherwise how are the Cambodians to get there?

    But as Common sense has not much space in Thailand, this has to be ruled again.

    ...and now put on your yellow shirt and praise Thailand as the paradise it is...

    • Like 1
  12. Now we are hitting out at a westerner helping in an International court case and making derisive comments about a person (and a country) that, it appears, many posters believe they understand but it truth they have no understanding of at all. I think the lady should be allowed to charm both Thailand and the court and do her job! My guess is that she would be well above the comments posted here

    ...especially yours!
    What is that supposed to mean? It makes no sense. I don't know what medication you're on but I want some!

    You understand very well!

  13. Now we are hitting out at a westerner helping in an International court case and making derisive comments about a person (and a country) that, it appears, many posters believe they understand but it truth they have no understanding of at all. I think the lady should be allowed to charm both Thailand and the court and do her job! My guess is that she would be well above the comments posted here

    ...especially yours!

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