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Posts posted by DocN

  1. So let me get this straight...

    Some of you are okay with this?

    So...just imagine for one moment,it is the old country, you had a weak moment...had one or two to many and got in the car.

    An officer stops you, you have your license taken away...you are in high- up position in your company...your boss sees you picture on facebook and tells you, you just lost your job, because your company can not afford to have someone "like you" in a position like this...

    Yeah...putting people on Facebook...great idea!

    • Like 2
  2. Bloody hell - every Songkran all we get is people bitching that there are drunk drivers, nobody does anything, double standards, blah blah blah.... - this guy has at the very least thought of trying something new and something that should, in a nation where face is important, help to dissuade people from drink driving, but that's STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE BUNCH OF WHINGERS on here.

    If this move stops even one or two potential accidents and accidents that could cost a life or serious injury, then it has done its job.

    You are not going to get a single solution to this, yes educate by all means, but that's a very long term process, and we do need something to happen right now - yes, enforce the regulations - so now he is adding a little more disincentive to being caught - public loss of face.

    Good - at least he is trying...more than can be said of many.

    What drugs are you on?

    P1$$1ng from a bridge into a river and laughing about it, is doing something, too...I guess!

    There is a REAL problem here and this needs REAL solutions!

    Not one guy going rouge and posting random pictures on Facebook!

    On what base is he doing this?

    Is there a law, that allows this?


    Are there many laws that regulate drunk driving?

    I guess so!

    Are they enforced?

    No way!

    And please: facebook?


    Can you please tell us how you are sure that it is against the law - I suppose wanted posters are as well?

    I am not sure...but I assume it is.

  3. Reality is that its always the tourist who gets priority (thats all) protection in the press.

    I like to suggest to shift the protection issue to expats as well.

    who knows, i might be staying here for ever!!!

    Maybe that is the reason, why...thumbsup.gif

    But on a serious note: as a tourist you get priority?

    Well...depends on the definition, I guess.

    You get priority in being fined for littering on Sukhumvit!

    You get priority on overpricing.

    You get your full name mentioned in the press, when you are a rape- victim...

    Not quiet the priority I'd like to have!

  4. Blimey! So many 'experts' coming out if the woodwork! I can hear the barstools wobbling in disgust...

    Give the fella a chance at least.

    At least he seems to know there ARE problems which need to be addressed...

    That alone for me, is a good start....

    I guess, by your attitude, that everyone criticizing these things sitting drunk in a bar, that are here for quiet a while.

    How many times, did you hear things, similar to this, gave it a "fair chance" and in the end were dissapointed?

    Let me guess: 99%?

    Smile- things might be worse!

    So I smiled...and things got worse!

    • Like 2
  5. I am always amused to see, how the displays of EST on-the-shelves in local supermarkets, remain curiously full & undisturbed. Must please the shelf-stackers !

    Although my taste-consultants (the rugrats) tell me that the green one is almost drinkable. laugh.png

    If only we might see the return of Sprite-Zero, and Dr-Pepper at a non-imported 55-60 Baht/can price ! rolleyes.gif

    I (personally) have tried the whole range and compared it to the others available. Est in all its flavors is by far the worst.

    I find Big Orange surprisingly good (not as sweet).

  6. Clanger Alert re Veronica Pedrosa clip:

    est is NOT the first home grown Thai softdrink e.g. Royal Crown cola is still widely available in Bangkok at corner shops: tastes like 'the real thing' only far less gassy and many prefer it.

    BTW I believe their other flavor is a root beer.

    Maybe it would be a good idea to clean the pipes before botteling Est Cola...

  7. Considering this matter is about temple, a so-called house of God, although I doubt if God would be allowed in there without a permit, or by having to prove his allegiance to one side or the other, perhaps he could show his hand, create an earthquake in the area and demolish the building completely?

    I`m sure that would solve the problem.

    Which God are you talking about? Although it originally started out as as a Hindu Temple around the 9th Century, most of it and what still remains was built around the 11th century in the name of Buddhism which doesn't have a God.

    Aaaaaaahhh...so you do not even understand humor!

    Any statistics to back up your claim?

    Humor used to comment on a subject needs to include some reality or understanding of the subject and not based on something that makes no sense. But if you found that one funny then how about this ... Since motorbikes are built for God I bet even he/she would be required to pay 200 baht if he didn't have a license on him.

    But in reality what you incorrectly think was a joke is actually sarcasm, even if based on an incorrect assumption, and for some reason you need to tell the world you let you panties get bunched up once again by posting non-relevant and inaccurate information over something not directed at you and which was simply correcting somebody's misunderstanding of a subject.

    Try the ignore feature if you can't control yourself after reading my posts .... it works for others.

    What about sticking to your own advice?

  8. Considering this matter is about temple, a so-called house of God, although I doubt if God would be allowed in there without a permit, or by having to prove his allegiance to one side or the other, perhaps he could show his hand, create an earthquake in the area and demolish the building completely?

    I`m sure that would solve the problem.

    Which God are you talking about? Although it originally started out as as a Hindu Temple around the 9th Century, most of it and what still remains was built around the 11th century in the name of Buddhism which doesn't have a God.

    Aaaaaaahhh...so you do not even understand humor!

    Any statistics to back up your claim?

  9. Guys...seriously...

    Some Thais win an ice-sculpturing event in Japan, some chefs win and award in god- knows- where and a youth- team builds a football- playing robot.

    The Nation starts huffing and puffing like someones just ended world hunger and you start crying that not everybody is in stitches about those major Thai- achievments.

    Maybe more people would react positively to this (really good thing) if not every warm wind that escapes someone , is celebrated like the greatest thing on Earth!

    By the way Zhou Zhou...I am still waiting!

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