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Posts posted by DocN

  1. There are 5 common rules that Lord Buddha announced for Buddhists to follow;

    1.No killing to any live creatures.

    2.No stealing

    3.No commit adultery

    4.No lying.

    5.No drinking alcohol.

    (And 227 rules for monks!!!)

    Anyway, Visakha is the most important day for Buddhisms which is not good to say a joke.

    Oh it is good to make a joke.

    Because if all (you?) Thais are so much following Buddha...why do you need a ban on alcohol?

    Shouldn't that be a totally normal thing to do?

  2. One more question: usually, when the "reds" assemble with more than 150 people and for more than an hour, there are those who call them "stupid" and buffalow sh1t" and" accuse them of being unemployed and paid by Thaksin.

    I am waiting for this crowd to be called out like that.

    Oh no...they are true democrats and the Bangkok elite...like the ones that occupied the Government House and the 2 airports.

    I am waiting ....coffee1.gif

    P.S. not a red-shirt supporter, so...save your breath!

    • Like 2
  3. Of course, the fact that I don't smoke matters.

    It is called tolerance!

    So: I want people to be allowed to smoke in bars and pubs.

    Anyone who ever (i.e. before the smoking - hysteria went overboard) was going to a bar and pub, KNEW that there would be smoke.

    Stay away from there OR go to bars and pubs that CHOOSE to be non- smoking. Don't exist? I wonder why!

    Restaurants and non- smoking: I totally get it, though I would like them to provide (at least a covered outdoor smoking area.

    And outdoor- areas, where smoking is not allowed are complete bullsh1t!

    There is wind (that magical thing, that blows smoke away) and there is more pollution anyways, so...farg off!

    Yes, I am for peopel being allowed to smoke.

    Is it unhealthy for me?


    Is smoke coming from the back of a truck unhealthy for me?


    You can do something against traffic- airpollution...but of course it is much easier to take peoples personal choices away, than controlling factories, cars, busses and companies to keep the air- clean.

  4. @utalkin2me (...and I truely wish, I wasn't!)

    You are at Swampy....that means probably you were IN Bangkok or you are going to be.

    And you worry about the 5 seconds, you pass a smoking room, where "toxic"- level secondary smoking fumes are out to kill you?

    You are funny, dude!

    Ban all smoking everhere?

    You are the pinnacle of tolerance, man!

    I wish we had more people like you, who make THEIR standard the standard for us all.

    I hope you live a happy and healthy life...I just doubt the happy - part, if you really think, the smoke in Swampy is a major problem for you!

    ...or anyone for that matter!

    Chill, man!

    That is what the thread is about: if others should have to be subjected to a carcinogen to no fault of their own. I say no, you say yes. So be it. I have never said "ban smoking everywhere" in this thread. I have repeatedly stated that I think it would be great if smokers fronted the cost for their own EFFECTIVE smoking rooms. What on earth is wrong or intolerant about that? Oh, you don't know, you'd rather change my position at your convenience to make all this easier for you. It seems that is the whole problem here that people DON"T GET.... people that want others to make their life easier for them at the cost of others.

    Your "chill" is sentiment s very annoying. Yeah, just chill while I smoke my cigarettes in front of you, cool out man. Yeah, this is the sentiment we have all been dealing with for decades. It is arrogant, self serving, and outright wrong. People should not "chill", when their health and the health of their pregnant wives and children are at stake, quite the opposite actually.

    I am a non- smoker, so I would not be smoking in front of you.

    Chill, while "I" am banned from smoking in bars, pubs, restaurants, airports even open-air locations in Bangkok ...BANGKOK....

    Tell me EXACTLY where your and your pregnants wife health is more in danger: passing a poorly ventilated smokers- room at Swampy (by the way...are you usually forced to stand right next to one??) for 5 seconds ...or generally and basically EVERYWHERE for the rest of the 23 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds of the day?

  5. @utalkin2me (...and I truely wish, I wasn't!)

    You are at Swampy....that means probably you were IN Bangkok or you are going to be.

    And you worry about the 5 seconds, you pass a smoking room, where "toxic"- level secondary smoking fumes are out to kill you?

    You are funny, dude!

    Ban all smoking everhere?

    You are the pinnacle of tolerance, man!

    I wish we had more people like you, who make THEIR standard the standard for us all.

    I hope you live a happy and healthy life...I just doubt the happy - part, if you really think, the smoke in Swampy is a major problem for you!

    ...or anyone for that matter!

    Chill, man!

    • Like 1
  6. Terrible.

    Were these people not aware of what happened to the little girl a month ago.

    RIP little man.

    Sadly enough, your answer shows how much you know about Thai people and their way of life.

    Thai people don't like to be bothered with what happened yesterday.

    Yesterday is the past.

    You can not change it anymore.

    Looking backwards will hinder you in progressing forward.

    Thai people are not concerned about what happen to anybody.

    If anybody get sick or die, it is only because carry have a bad Karma from their present or their previous life.

    Sharing your feelings with the sick or the dead will bring bad Karma over you as well.

    It is not your fault.

    So stay away from it

    you got it right.

    seriously... how people think that they are poor because of Karma?

    they are poor because they want to stay poor, that's all.

    this Karma thing is worse than religion

    Are they really poor?

    I see every day many Thai people passing my house.

    Drink water sellers, street food sellers, teachers, factory workers, etc.

    Every one of them has 1 thing in common.


    I also see many foreigners and a few "rich" Thais walking or driving in my street.

    Every one of them has 1 thing in common.




    Foreigners who earn in a month what the common Thai people earn in a year.

    Yet, they are not happy.

    Rich or poor is not only the money you have but it is also the joy of life in your heart.

    Living "Sanook".

    Try to life the "sanook" way and you will live a lot longer than chilling every day about what happened yesterday.

    Just my two cents answer ...

    Edited for grammar errors

    I could answer to this piece of cr2p...I just don't know where to start...jerk.gif

    • Like 1
  7. Enjoy the success, it will be Myanmar as number 1 for the next 10 years.

    Another TVposter, who have acceess to secret information, that are not available to the the proffessionals in the hospitality industry!!

    Before Myanmar is going to get some serious tourism, I guess they have to stop killing their own citizens.

    "Todays special: 2 day trip to the Muslim Village of x, to see it be torched by good Buddhists"

    They totally have to get rid of the killing, tru...true...

    Like Thailand has gotten rid of "the killing" in the south, the killing and raping of tourists and expats, the constant political killings by yellows and reds and...oh...oooops....

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