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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 117 seconds  
  2. Why did you quote my questions without answering any of them?
  3. I read many references to "...Thaksin supposed to stay out of politics by terms of his parole...". Is this actually true? Anybody have a source for this? And, if true, why was his parole not revoked? Answers not really necessary!
  4. Driving at speed. Wrongly using lights and siren??
  5. I guess my basic questions are: is this a grasshopper and do they do more harm than good?
  6. And yes, I see the ugly white trails the formerly formidable leafockers left.
  7. Over the last 14 months, I've been plagued in my 3 indoor tents (4x4, 3x3, 2x4). 1st Plague: Probable Septoria, started right when it got cool in December 2023 and I just left the doors wide-open, wind ripping through. Put down by April 2024 using Lost Coast: 10ml bottle, off Lazada. Note my optimism! πŸ™‚ Plague 2: Thrips in trips: Started ~April 2024. Pretty much have them put down, using my buddy Lost Coast and a similar homemade product, both in sprayers. Purchase Lost Coast: 20ml bottle off Lazada. Note my pessimism. 😞 The Time of Interplaque: purchase Lost Coast 250ml bottle and a 1,500ml handheld pump sprayer off Lazada. Keep spraying. Note my Defiance and Fighting Vigor. Also note my Lazada Loyalty. Plague 3: Happy New Year. Doors open, but SCREENS up!! No recent sign of thrips, but...A new visitor was first noted TODAY, January 10. A single grasshopper. Good? Bad? Male? Female with eggs!? Gack. Thrips seem to be gone (connection???). Some leaves that were yellowing (fading) have some chewed spots. I'm unsure when the gods will smite me (as they probably should) using the remaining 4 plagues. In the meantime, should I catch-and-kill or whisper sweet nothings to this creature?
  8. Not exactly. So, 2 foreigners cannot marry in Thailand anymore. I thought Thailand was a prime location for destination weddings. Or is this rule only for registration for the big Jan 23 event?
  9. 7 guys is a "gambling ring"?? Only if they were actually in a circle! πŸ™‚
  10. What happened? He forgot about "To see the temples and play golf"
  11. Looks like the guy was on his phone getting directions on how to use the AED! Another guy just holding the head. Good thing there was a student there!
  12. I swear it feels like I'm reading headlines from 2005!
  13. What should be done with the domesticated elephants? Many are former work elephants- logging, hauling, that sort of thing- that no longer have work. Their food is funded by touristic activities.

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