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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. 41 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    Lack of traffic disciplines of the Thai people is the major cause of  the chronic traffic problem. But this could be resolved if Section 44 of the interim constitution is invoked to punish all involved


    As the three posters have said before me, simply enforcing the traffic laws already in place with the police force already in place would "inculcate traffic disciplines" in the population. Obviously, that's easier said than done...


    Is invoking S22 suddenly going to make police do their job effectively? Let's hope.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    The one thing that's more tiresome than the "but, but, Thaksin" is those who feel the need to continually quote it as if it somehow legitimizes a crook on the run regularly shuffling the cabinet of his sister's "government" so all his mates get a turn at the trough. Was it 7 or 8 shuffles in less than 3 years? And all handpicked high performers with expert knowledge. BS.


    There are ways of doing things here. Step outside what's allowed and you get trodden on. Especially once your mates get booted out and new regimes gets it's magnifying glass out.


    I really don't see any people at all trying to legitimise the crook on the run.


    For most of us foreigners the Thaksin era is over, and the vast majority of us are quite happy that it is. But the sad truth is, while we've moved on to rightfully criticising the current illegitimate government, a small number of people simply can not let it go. It's quite sad, actually, that, for whatever reason, they can't compute that criticising the current junta does not correlate to supporting the Shincrims. They keep giving credence to this false dichotomy that if one is against the junta, then one must be for the others.


    There is barely a day goes by that this junta does not bring derision upon itself, and each time it does a sad few feel the need to remind us, again, that the Shincrims were just as bad, if not worse. We get it. We know. We understand. But they're not the ones currently ruining the country - of course, they did their fear share of ruination, but they're not in power any more. These persistent, relentless, utterly pointless comparisons with the Shincrims each and every time someone dares criticise the junta are tiresome and completely worthy of derision themselves.


    Getting back on topic, your last sentence basically agrees that this impeachment ACM Sukamphol is just the way it's done here once one's mates get booted out. This does not make it any less hypocritical, or any less of a witch hunt.

  3. 25 minutes ago, halloween said:

    What's worse than handpicking your entire government is letting your fugitive criminal brother do it.


    And your point? Other than the tiresome and utterly predictable 'but, but, Thaksin!'?


    If you're saying 'yes, Prayuth did handpick his entire government, but but Thaksin handpicked Yingluck's entire government so there' - then you've pretty much made my point for me.


    25 minutes ago, halloween said:

    You do realise that government ministers are not necessarily elected, and those that are usually come from the crony list method?



    Of course I do - and that's exactly the point. This guy did no different to anyone in any government of any persuasion, yet he is impeached?


    If you can't see this as the junta and its backers continuing the witch hunt against the Shins, then your blinkers must be more opaque than I first thought.

  4. 1 hour ago, sharecropper said:

    Does anyone remember a year or so ago some navy personnel being arrested in Cambodia with huge amounts of fake US bank notes? I think in Battambang. Of course immediately the Navy started squealing about how innocent they were and demanding they be released.


    I then read a (non-Thai news) report which cryptically stated that the US suspected a massive counterfeiting operation of high quality banknotes was being carried on "at a secure location" in Thailand. I'm guessing this wasn't it, and I heard nothing further about it.


    This one: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-cambodia-crime-counterfeit-idUSKCN0I10WC20141012



    On Sept. 19, Sar Theth's officers tracked three Thai men in a pick-up truck as it passed through a remote border checkpoint from Thailand. When the truck stopped in the Cambodian district of Phnom Proek, the police pounced.


    Inside, said Sar Theth, they found three cardboard boxes packed with $7.16 million in counterfeit hundred-dollar bills, the largest seizure of fake U.S. notes in Southeast Asia for about a decade and the biggest ever in Cambodia.




    I guess, in the absence of any reports since then, that investigation is still ongoing... 

  5. 6 minutes ago, sharecropper said:

    "RRAAD head Lersak Riewtrakulpaiboon said the department currently has 50 pilots for rain-making missions, but it needs to have 90 to cope with the workload. "


    What workload's that then? Carting wheelbarrow-loads of money to the bank?


    I'm sure the 'earn' potential of these 'departments' is part of the reason behind the coming to power of our Glorious Leader.


    I actually happened upon the Facebook page of the RRAAD pilots the other week - they look to be having an awesome life flying over such a beautiful country in modern well maintained aircraft. There seemed to be no lack of new toys for them to play with. No mention of rain, but they certainly liked their toys!


    16 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    No one and i mean no one in any Governments have ever and i repeat ever tried to influence positions..... this is a unique case........


    I was just thinking the same thing. I mean imagine a Defence Minister having the gall to try and influence the appointment of the Defence Permanent Secretary! This has to be infinitely worse than handpicking your entire government!


    16 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    You were batting for the wrong team mate.


    No truer words were spoken.


    In what sort of a backwards administration does the incumbent have more of a say over his successor than the Minister in charge?

  7. 5 minutes ago, impulse said:

    It was only a matter of time before Uber got its share of butthead, scamming drivers.


    A good thing can only last so long before the bad guys figure out a way to abuse it.  Then change their ID when they get caught and abuse it all over again.  Then again under their brother's ID.


    Yep, unfortunately there is one wildly unpredictable commonality that Uber and taxis share...

  8. 20 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    Police said they were not sure of the exact extent of the figures involved in the operation but said that it was likely to be "massive".


    See! That's why they're the police and I'm not - I would've guessed that, a gang possessing machinery and plates to print off money at will would've only printed a small amount... Lucky we have these Sherlocks on our side!

  9. 7 minutes ago, waldroj said:

    At least RRAAD head Lersak Riewtrakulpaiboon should get an all-expense paid trip to the US as part of a fact-finding mission. http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/nevada-cloud-seeding-drone-increase-rainfall-end-drought/


    If nothing else, at least he could learn a new dance while he's there. 




    Note that the "success" was that the drone released the flares, there was no mention whether the flares actually caused rain, which is a glaring omission.

  10. 43 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    The outcome of this will be very interesting.

    Action against an Uber taxi driver.

    Lets see how different he will be treated to an ordinary taxi driver.


    The very fact that action is being taken against the company, while regular taxi thugs, thieves and rapists get off with slaps on their wrists shows how different it is...

  11. 12 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

    This guy gets my vote:- quoted from the University website.

    Dr. Mark Tamthai

    Dr.Tamthai is the former head of the Philosophy Department, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and the former director of the Institute of Religion, Culture and Peace, Payap University, Thailand. He has taught and written in the fields of Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, and Peace-Conflict Studies. Some of his papers are “Democracy with a Heart”, “The Democratic-Peace Hypothesis and building a Culture of Peace in Southeast Asia”, “Citizenship and the struggle for rights in fledgling democracies”, and most recent, “The Philosophical and Cultural Dimension of Peacebuilding. He is a past president of the Philosophy and Religion Society of Thailand, was a member of Thailand’s National Reconciliation Commission, and headed the government’s peace talks team with the Pattani Movement in Southern Thailand. Currently he serves as a faculty member in the Department of Peacebuilding, Payap University, Thailand.



    An expert?! An expert?! My dear tukky you've lost your mind!


    Dr Tamthai has been involved before, if you can access the page with your current setup, search his name on Google and look for "Cable: 09CHIANGMAI89_a" - it's very interesting reading for a number of reasons.

  12. 51 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    Now, perhaps you, as a non fan of the Shin clan. can explain why she was not negligent in this case, without relying on the "others haven't been prosecuted or had their assets seized" defense which is a nice deflection but irrelevant to her case.


    She. Didn't. Personally. Steal. The. Money.


    How difficult is that to understand?


    I have not once said she wasn't negligent in this case (nice strawman), of course she oversaw a grossly incompetent government scheme that led to the loss/theft of some 18 billion dollars, but she didn't personally steal 18 billion dollars.


    Would you support seizing the assets of Chakthip Chaijinda who, as Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police, presides over arguably one of the largest criminal organisations in the land? No, only an imbecile would make such a ludicrous proposal. You'd prosecute the corrupt, thieving employees.


    But, no, this is somehow different... Somehow we should just let those who did make off with the loot keep their ill gotten gains while pursuing some ridiculous which hunt making her personally liable for someone else's theft.

  13. 4 minutes ago, smutcakes said:


    Um well of course not, its the army.......... therein lies a problem.


    Haha, that's pretty much exactly what I was going to reply! No need now. :thumbsup:


    As aussieinthailand wrote - if she personally gained from the obvious corruption own the scheme, then go after that money. I don't think anyone would complain about that. But to go after her personal assets simply because she was overseeing the policy—even if she was forewarned of the potential for massive losses—while not investigating, nor seizing the assets of those individuals who did personally gain SCREAMS witch hunt.


    Let's face it, if a proper, independent, impartial clean out of corrupt officials were undertaken in Thailand, there would be very very few people left, including the current ruling mob. They are almost all as bad as each other, and the army doesn't have the international reputation is has because it's innocent, so the idea of equating innocence with the lack of guilty findings is ludicrous.

  14. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Dr. Piyasakol reiterated that the Ministry of Public Health never concealed any information from the public


    Probably not "concealed," but certainly omitted, downplayed and blatantly lied.



    Dr Amnuay [said] that Zika infection which used to affect 16 provinces has now reduced to six provinces without any new cases.



    Dr. Piyasakol said infections of Zika have only been found in Chantaburi, Petchabun, Bueng Kan and Chiang Mai with most patients already past a 28 day monitoring period and a general warning already lifted. 



    The spokesman said Thai public health officials have detected Zika virus cases just small in numbers. These cases were concentrated only in some areas and did not spread extensively as feared.


    Nope, you've been completely open and up front about the whole thing...


  15. No mention of how much this scheme is going to "cost."


    I remember, back in March, the junta announced a special "one-time bonus for government officials during Songkran festival." Under this scheme about one million low- and middle-ranking government officials were to receive a one-time cost of living bonus averaging about 1,000 baht each.


    Finance permanent secretary Somchai Sajjapong said then that the special bonus would cost the state 15 billion baht.


    For those still waking up this morning, 1000 x about 1 million = about 1 billion - not 15 billion...

  16. Just now, Valentine said:

    There is no one on trial for those.


    That's kind of my point.


    What kind of country seizes the personal assets of officials responsible for costly, failed, poorly implemented schemes?


    In 2009 Australia's then PM Kevin Rudd implemented the the ill-fated $2.8 billion Home Insulation Program (HIP), part of the economic stimulus strategy after the GFC. Four lives were lost, several workers were injured and about 120 houses caught fire in a program employing more than 12,000 people in the space of a year before it was terminated. The ensuing Royal Commission into the scheme described it as "a litany of errors". There was never a call to seize Mr Rudd's personal assets - the very thought is ludicrous.

  17. 9 minutes ago, baboon said:

    "In a wide-ranging speech to commemorate his cabinet’s two years in power, Prayuth said Thailand has a stronger economy, more social equality, improved safety and general welfare. So good are the indicators, he said, his regime’s achievements could steer the nation toward First World status after his tenure ends."


    That's it; he's lost the plot.


    But, but, Thaksin, Yingluck, PTP or something!

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