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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:


     More a case of Thailand needs USA more.


    I wonder if it is more the case of foreign multi-nationals using Thailand's cheap labour then exporting to the US.


    How much of that $26.2 billion goes to Samsung, Western Digital, Toyota, Ford, ect. and straight out of Thailand with minimal tax thanks to the BOI incentives?

  2. 55 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    All down to what suits their purposes best, the truth etc is a mere incidental.


    Or possibly due to saving face? On 24 August BP reported that Prawit "again" denied BRN involvement in the bombings.


    Apparently he cited no other evidence other than the government team leading the peace talks had told him so.


    It must be embarrassing, now, that they've all but admitted it!

  3. 36 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

    The whole world called it when they first knew of the bombings! My 77 year old mum called it when I called her 3 days after the bombing.

    "It's the muslims in the south" she said. Everyone knew what was going down. Except those who listen like sheep to every BS thing our dear leader spouts to us over the loud speakers everyday in happyland.


    Geez, settle down there. Funny how the day after it happened you posted a Sun story titled "WHO DID IT?" Where they discussed the likely suspects as Bangkok bombers, Anti-government movement, Red-shirts, or ISIS—no mention of "the muslims in the south."


    Indeed, the very first post you made that mentioned the BRN was the Antony Davis story I credited Father Fintan with - an entire week after Father Fintan posted it!


    As far as I can recall, Father Fintan was the first to specifically finger the BRN, as opposed to just "Muslims in the south" - don't know what about that upset you so much.

  4. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    Do recall when the 2011 flooding was.. then you will see it started late too.. 


    In 2011, the monsoons started in May, and major flooding began as Tropical Storm Nock-ten raged through 14 northern provinces, killing 7, from 31 July. Then, instead of the wet season ending as usual in October, La Niña precipitated heavier and longer downpours for the rest of the year.


    It was 3 August when Drainage and Sewerage Department Director Sanya Shenimitra said that overall, there is nothing to be worried about as the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is capable of handling the flood situation, and expressed confidence that Bangkok would not be severely affected by the swelling river flow.


    From then it was like a slow motion train wreck...

  5. 29 minutes ago, CelticBhoy said:

    Drag-racing a plough, simpletons defined  :facepalm:


    Stupid is as stupid does, but, to be fair, they weren't ploughs - the Iron Buffalo can be used as a plough, but in this case they weren't.


    People all over the world will race literally anything at their disposal (lawnmower racing anyone?), often with disastrous consequences, so I don't see Iron Buffalo racing as particularly idiotic.

  6. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    The Prime Minister has assured the international community that Thailand will always recognize the importance of development that puts people at the center of social progress


    The question is: which people?


    2 hours ago, webfact said:

    Gen. Prayut stated that such a development requires three key components, including global-level partnerships, the creation of connectivity, and recognition of a development approach that is suited to each country’s context


    Ah, right, those people...

  7. 1 hour ago, Michael8511 said:

    Yes if you read correct it's the Danish Goverment not the Dutch. A good idea to read the post before comment.


    As I wrote, only 1 hour—a mere seven posts—before you became the sixth person to correct me, I had already been corrected—and acknowledged my error—16 hours earlier. A good idea to read the thread before posting an utterly redundant comment.

  8. 1 hour ago, Familyaffairs said:

    Hello ! Danish, not Dutch. You must be American...


    18 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Yeah, it was the Danish government.


    17 minutes ago, ThailandLOS said:

    Just want to point out that you got the wrong nationality, it's the Danish that're after him. ;)


    Yes, yes, I was corrected 16 hours ago, mere minutes after I posted. Do try to keep up. :thumbsup:

  9. 9 hours ago, Hawk said:


    The police should have given a physical demonstration on how the guy managed the impossible, to hook a sock to a shiny sloping hinge. 


    Anyway, I believe a normal (basic instinct) reaction when one cannot breath is to claw at the item that is strangling you, even if you are semi-conscious, that's why people who get hanged have their hands tied behind their backs.


    Considering how partial the police are to reenactments, it does seem fishy that—in this case—we have to make do with a crude artist's rendering.


    Could it be that there was no way they could actually make the sock stick to the top of the hinge?

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