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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. 1 hour ago, amykat said:

    Are you asking if she has insurance? Or if Thailand is somehow paying for this?  Or you just want to know if she paid this directly ?


    **Somewhere in these threads was a post that stated her bills were about 755,000 baht if I remember correctly but I don't know where that came from.


    Arm Worawit from Matichon Online tweeted that her hospital bill had reached 745,443 Baht a week ago. Probably much more than that now.


    Good to hear she had insurance and that she can focus on her recovery.


    Hope the BiB don't use her departure as an excuse to drop the case and the scum goes away for a long time.

  2. 1 hour ago, canopus1969 said:

    My question is why reject the translator from the EU - what is the military tribunal  trying to hide  ;)


    Most probably the real motive.


    So they can reject a (presumably screened, professional) translator offered by the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress over some "national security" issue, but can wheel in any old immigration detainee whose language just happens to begin with the same letter?!?

  3. The problem is they have 21 police precincts with jurisdiction over their own territory, as well as City Hall, Transport Ministry, Land Transport Department, Highways Department, Rural Highways Department, Harbour Department, Public Works Department and the Army ALL tasked with alleviating congestion - none of these agencies have any kind of coordination (let alone expertise).


    How often does one get directed left at an intersection, only to hit a wall of traffic because the cop at the next intersection is from a different precinct therefore has different (for want of a better term) procedures? And he can't do anything because there next precinct up the road is doing something else. 21 police precincts with jurisdiction over their own territory! No wonder the traffic is <deleted>!


    What they need is the political will to create one agency, which is tasked with asking for international assistance, and then the desire to actually implement the experts' recommendations.

  4. 7 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

    There is no duty on exported items, unless there are specific export controls on things like high technology, which Thailand does not export.


    Strange that the Thai Customs site specifically mentions payment of something that doesn't exist...



    3. Payment of Duties and Taxes: The third stage is payment of applicable duties and taxes and/or guarantee. There are currently 3 means for payment of export duties and taxes: payment at the Customs Department, payment via e-Payment system, and payment at banks.



  5. 59 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

    A horribly written news article that makes no sense, or was translated wrong. Thai SMEs would not be asking the THAI government to lower import duties so they can sell and export more of their products to China, they would be asking the CHINESE government to do that. On the other hand, if they are asking for Thailand customs to be lowered, then they are planning to IMPORT more products from China to sell in Thailand, which would help importers, but not Thai exporters.  


    They are not be asking the government to lower import duties, they are asking the government to "consider lowering the duty on exported items."

  6. 4 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    "Most are detonated more to shock than kill "

    Crazy analogy!..........Never ever heard of any terrorist that makes, places and detonates a bomb so as not to cause harm.......


    Koh Samui, April 2015. Car bomb detonated in a reinforced concrete basement carpark around 11pm, when there were hardly any shops open, and even less cars in said car park. Do you really think that that bomb was placed with maximum casualties in mind? That the bombers couldn't have found a more crowded place in Chaweng on a Friday night the an almost deserted reinforced basement car park?


    1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

    What is the denial?


    "Even on Tuesday (Sept 13) - after police had already issued six warrants of arrest for suspects, all from the deep south - key officials continued casting doubt on the possibility that southern insurgents could have orchestrated the August attacks.


    Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said: "I don't any potential (threat) from them. If we drag that (BRN) name in, wouldn't it risk other countries' intervention?""


    Obviously, apart from the obvious reasons noted in the article,  if the govt were to accept the southern insurgents were responsible, how could they blame the bogeyman in Dubai?

  7. 2 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    Arrest the cops messing with the traffic lights, instant 90% improvement in all areas. Deport them to Mars to make sure they'll never get their incompetent fingers on the switches anymore.


    But that is how they control traffic. Just the other week it was reported that al lights were to be switched from automatic to manual in an effort to alleviate the traffic woes... :thumbsup:


    Region 9 commander Jiraphat Phoomijit presenting the initiative said: "There is a perception among the public that wherever there are police there is bad traffic," reported Sanook. Hmmm... I wonder why that perception exists!

  8. 16 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    AIS have to prove they didn't consent to the breaches of confidentiality, and if they can't ?

    Some innovation by NBTC though as they've sent up a panel NOT a committee.

    Will they operate under the often used standard procedure of starting with the final conclusion and working back to ensure it's justified ?


    You answered your final question with your first.

  9. 19 minutes ago, halloween said:

    And as I pointed out, his foresight or lack of it, is totally irrelevant, unless you want to take a cheap shot. He has NO right to stop prosecution of criminals because of the financial cost.

    And the contrast to the previous government, who decide the law was theirs to ignore or break, is quite relevant.


    Oh for crying out loud. It was a cheap shot, a cheap shot specifically at his lack of foresight - what part of that didn't you get?


    For you to ignore/not comprehend that, then dig out an irrelevant part of a link—that had zero to do with my cheap shot at the PM's lack of foresight—and spend the next few posts repeating the relevance of an argument—whether I agree with it or not—that has zero to do with my original cheap shot at the PM's lack of foresight beggars belief!


    For the umpteenth time, I feel the same about the previous criminal dynasty as I do for the current one; in my opinion they are just as bad as each other - but there are many reasons why I dislike the current mob more.

  10. 36 minutes ago, halloween said:

    Pointless and utterly irrelevant to comment on your link, which included PTP carrying out "business as usual" enriching themselves at the expense of the Thai people? Perhaps you don't see the contrast of one government enforcing the law even if there is a cost, and the prior breaking the law with their corrupt scams.

    The PM has every right to express concern over the  possible loss of tourism, and no right to condone illegal activity, even if it makes some people richer.


    Again, my comment was purely in response to the PM expressing concern over the possible impacts from the "zero-dollar" laws being enforced after seizing of 13.2 billion baht is assets and imprisoning tour guides for 5 years, and how stupid that lack of foresight appears.


    It was not a comment on the enforcing of the laws themselves, positive or otherwise, and I was certainly not making any comment on the PTP - which just happened to be a part of the story I linked to, but in no way related to the point I was making.


    That you failed to comprehend that the PTP was not not even a part of the point I was making—even though I removed the irrelevant reference to the PTP in the title of the article, as that was not the point I was making—but felt the need to mention them speaks volumes.

  11. 46 minutes ago, halloween said:

    PTP are no longer in power.


    Pointless and utterly irrelevant comment in response to my post.


    46 minutes ago, halloween said:

    Under the current government, laws are enforced even if they affect cash flow. Some see that as an improvement.



    My point is not that (some) laws are being (occasionally) enforced, nor the laws in question being enforced, but the PM expressing concern over the possible impacts from the laws being enforced after seizing of 13.2 billion baht is assets and imprisoning tour guides for 5 years. Some see that as shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.

  12. 44 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    Can this actually be, are we heading towards being told something dangerously close to the truth ?


    33 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    Wonder how they will deny this to save their tourism?


    Settle down lads, it's a Reuters article - just wait for the NNT to come and whitewash it with lies and obfuscation. 


    Should only be a matter of minutes.

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