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Posts posted by khunlungphudhu

  1. This election was won by TRT weeks ago when the opposition parties started asking for enough votes to form an 'effective' opposition.. That is no way to convince anyone that you could do a better job of running a vending stall, let alone a country! :o

  2. Last year I joined a BKK to CNX flight to find that the first five aboard were of the type discussed above. They had each 'bagged' a pair of seats for themselves by stretching themselves and their possessions over them, and were lounging with seats back and legs hooked over the headrests in front. No Thais would sit forward of them, the crew were obviously hoping they had enough room to the rear of them, and I felt that it was down to me to point out the error of their ways and just how offensive they were being.

    If this makes me into some kind of old f**t I do not care! I might even say I am proud to be one. At least I try to be offensive only to the offensive. :o

  3. I first arrived in Bangkok on a Hastings, returned to Singapore on a Beverly.

    The Bev was carrying two choppers in the hold, and it was the monsoon season over the gulf and turned rather cold so the crew put the heating on, something that had not been done in many a year.

    Within minutes the cabin was full of smoke and bums were biting seats as the rear doors and all hatches were opened and the plane lost altitude exceedingly quickly.

    I have not worried about flying since! :o

  4. Regularly get my hair cut by a young lady operating in Dong Pha Wai, (between Chiangmai and Chomtong), and she always gives a good cut for 20 baht. The last time there she complained she could not reach or even see the top!

    Told her not to worry, nothing up there to be seen! :o

  5. If you already hold tickets onward to Chiengmai try to check in at Heathrow as bound for there, as opposed to Bangkok. I have done this in the past and you avoid the ques and problems of Bangkok, clearing customs at Chiengmai. Baggage is transferred for you and absolutely no hassle. Worth a try. :o

  6. Concrete posts touted as latest tourist attraction

    MUKDAHAN: -- Concrete posts in the middle of a river may not seem like an obvious tourist draw, but local officials in Thailand's northeastern province of Mukdahan hope that French colonial-era pillars in the Mekong River will attract tourists due to its historical importance.

    According to Mukdahan Governor Phairat Sakonphan, the posts in the Mekong River in Wan Yai district were constructed by French army engineers in 1893 when Laos was still a French colony, as a means of showing safe navigation routes.

    Land transport at the time was mainly on elephant, while the French used several steamboats on the Mekong River, some of which were able to transport up to 200 passengers.

    However, the large number of rocks and shallows in the river made navigation posts essential.

    Several of the boats in fact sunk, and one, the Maurice, can still be seen.

    Mr. Phairat noted that the presence of the posts was indicative of the advancements made in French engineering in the 19th century.

    The provincial authorities are now coordinating with local tour operators to organize trips on the Mekong River to see the posts.

    According to Mr. Phairat, the Bt20 trips are already proving a tourism draw.

    --TNA 2005-01-20

    Have they cleaned the concrete posts up!! or are they still painted with Orange Dayglo, a souvenir from 59 Squadron Royal Engineers in 1963, after a sundays Lao Kao convention !! 2 assault boots were lost in the process, I think photographic evidence of our escapade is on display in the RE Regimental museum, along with a piece of concrete from the 800metre by 3000metre slab conveniently left in the paddyfields outside Leong Nok Tha. nignoy

    I heard that a few sapper sprogs were left behind as well(?) :o

  7. First trip '63,(courtesy British Army), second '65, (Army again), went to Pattaya when there was just one hotel and one bar, that was nice! Have travelled Singapore to Chiengmai on the trains, a great rail journey, have worked in Bangkok and Ubon, (Ban Kok Telat,) married two Thais, one from Chiengmai one from Khonkaen, and consequently have made countless trips to the Kingdom.

    I tend to feel that the country's rush into the twentieth century has spoilt much of what was beautiful, mainly in Bangkok and around, but I am still very much infatuated with the country and the people. :o

  8. Missing one small point, fellas, maybe the low season for tourism, but for TG it is high season March thru April with all the ex-pat Thais that are able heading home for songkran. To get a discounted seat at this time of year requires extremely early booking. I booked mine on my way home last year, £480.

    (That has probably stuffed my cheap seat next year!) :o

  9. Your wife could help you no end by applying a rule that I have applied to two families, albeit with them comming to the UK,and learning English, by only speaking to you in Thai and only answering when you use Thai.

    Sounds painful, I know, but for an hour a day, not too much so, and could give you an invaluable grounding to build on later. Could be quite fun too, once she has stopped getting impatient with you.( They all do that!) :o

  10. Married a beautician!!!

    Exited British Embassy, grabbed a cab and got stuck on the lights at the junction. Time we moved again, my nails done, driver's nails done and her's were repainted!

    Kinda glad I did not marry a masuese! :o

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