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Posts posted by khunlungphudhu

  1. A pleasant hour can be frittered in Big Dogs, at about 10pm.

    The state of some of the guys coming out of there with their beloveds.

    Its like Nerd-Grand-Central. The unwashed and the unloved personified.

    You can give a cheeky wink to their 'conquests' who will return a wry, post-modern ironic grin.

    "Yes, I know' says the smile. 'He's absolutely ghastly isn't he'.

    At least those shabbies have forked out dollar. Worst of all are the 60+ old codgers who are too stingy to pay barfine (presumably they have a heavy day tomorrow teaching English).

    Anyway, these old gimmers make a beeline for the Katoeys prowling the entrance, whereupon they enter into earnest, barfine-free, negotiation.

    Sounds like it has not changed much at all in the last forty years.

    I used to love bird watching there! :o

  2. My objection to the Americans teaching English remains the same as before. It is NOT due to the use of slang, which happens within any language and/or nationality, Thai being a classic with the regional differences, and the United Kingdom, which most of our cousins across the pond consider to be England, is in fact four seperate Nations with their own language. English, for better or worse, is their common language.

    My objection is the American habit of misspelling English words, sticking them in a dictionary and calling the compllation English! They want their own language? No Problem. If you use a language, use it by the rules, they are there for a purpose.

    Point is, try misspelling some Thai words the way Americans misspell English words and live with the result! If you can! :o

  3. The impression I have got from a few of the local High Street agents is that they are not yet offering West Coast holidays, so how do they know the price is too high? Asked specificly for Phuket and got a big sigh and weird look! Perhaps the larger reductions will allow them more per booking? :o

  4. I am very black and white on this subject. I would also expect anybody who thinks that the sex trade is so bad, never to have had a drink in a girlie bar , as by doing this would be supporting the trade, no?

    Sounds a little like saying I don't like football because I have never played and have never seen a game!!! :o



  5. We've been poking around the paths on Doi Suthep recently. These seem to be in profusion, and difficult to work out in relation to the complex topography.

    The best we've found is a 1:50,000 ordinance survey type map - no much good for walking, of course.

    Are there any maps available? Has anyone done any 'mud maps' for walkers?

    Have you asked the Rangers?

    Failing that I am sure one would be willing to act as a guide for a day, (at a price!) :o

  6. I was awaked by the sound of fire crackers, frightening away all the foreign devils,

    which no doubt is intended to include myself?

    For a nation that claims to be Thai, it is remarkable how many people celebrate the New Year of a different nation!!

    Perhaps it explains the paranoia shown by immigration over a few farangs who would like to make Thailand their home.

    Is there any celebration the Thais do not celebrate? I cannot think of any, and I have been around them a long time! Happy New Year, again. :o

  7. I have been on these, (10mg) for about a year now and understand that I will have to take them for about another year. There are side effects, most commonly reported being nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, wind, indegestion, headache, muscle pain, weakness and diarrhoea and insomnia. there are others, but not necessarily linked to the drug itself.

    I am fortunate in that I do not have to pay for them, but in Thailand, with the cost etc., I would also be inclined to look at all the other ways of reducing cholesterol, the best of the lot being stopping smoking, diet and regular exercise.

    I did suffer cramps and joint pains at first, but a change of brand sorted that, but not an easy option if you are buying them. The other options will be effective, just require greater effort. Good luck!

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