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Posts posted by khunlungphudhu

  1. Forty years ago I was given an amulet by my wife, and I still wear it today, even though I have since remarried, been given more amulets by my second wife and her family, and on numerous annual visits to my first wife's family in Chiengmai I am always given yet more.

    They each have special memories for me and as such are treasured in a very special way.

    I look at them and know that I am a very lucky guy! :o

  2. Just think if Kampuchea joins into the fray and you'd have five bordering nations up against Thailand... :o


    Not entirely beyond reason considering that Thailand's old 'friend', ex-Prince and ex- ruler of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk, is now reportedly responsible for the Cambodian border regions.

    I doubt there are too many members of this board remember his days of glory, but it used to be quite a circus at times. :D

  3. Just a question RE the cooking, The instructions say to "wrap the rice in muslim"... My wife, her family and anyone else I have seen (in the village) don't do this. Is it a preference thing, or hygiene or something.... ?? :o

    totster :D

    Hygene......have you ever tried to clean one of those baskets? :D

  4. Ignore them Spuds, you have said it already, what really matters is how the two of you feel about each other!

    Others can like it or lump it!

    Their problem is either bigotry or jealousy, niether makes them big enough to be worth knowing.

    Good luck to the two of you.

    Peter. :D:D:o

  5. In a pudding basin, covered with a 'pudding' cloth, in a saucepan 1/3 full of water, topped up as and when necessary, and covered with a well fitting lid.

    Tends to take longer, but experience, through trial and error, you will get the desired result! :o

    Steamars are available through most oriental food outlets.

  6. Been there, done that Dave.

    Many moons ago ran a Jowet with horizontally opposed cylinders and used to put in two gallons of two star, then add two gallons af avgas that I had 'access' to, used to go like a bomb. My superior found out and decided to try it himself on his Ford Consul, trouble is he put the avgas in first!!! :o

    I got the job of rebuilding his engine. :D

  7. Been trying to call the GF, for the past day and the line says there is a fault, or it is not possible to connect.

    Have tried 4 different numbers (her friends) all to the same response.

    Anyone know whats happening?

    Anyone with the same problem?

    Have this problem often with calls to Chiengmai B.S., all I can say is keep on trying!

    I think I have had it all now, service centres, wrong numbers, engineers and even a translation service, all from one number 'permanently' set on my phone. Just keeep trying mate, and good luck! :o

  8. A few years after my first wife died I was able to return and visit her mother, my wife having died in England.

    While there, mother in law kept on about visiting the 'spirit doctor', and I finally agreed, my not being commited spirtually or religously, and so the whole family loaded up into a couple of songtaews and off we went.

    The medium was a middle aged woman and fairly average, and nothing would discern her from the average Thai woman in any way, but at the start of the seance she donned red robes and a turban, sat down, with us all around, and smoked a pipe for about ten minutes. A little conversation with a few of the elders, then seemingly went into a trance for about another ten minutes. No chanting, no incantations, by external view, just meditating.

    When she came out of it she looked at me and said something about how happy we had been together, she also mentioned a couple of things that I will not go into here that I am positive none of the family could have known about. Then she told the old lady not to worry, but my wife was now very happy where she was and should not be disturbed again as she had a new life to live.

    Apart from the few facts she mentioned, it was all pretty standard stuff, nothing anyway remarkable,but those bits of knowledge did shake me.

    At the end of the day I was glad we had gone simply because the old lady was now happy, and had come to terms with her daughter's death.

    Make of it what you will, I beleive, even after twenty years, it was worth doing.

  9. Reading through this thread really dismays me!

    I have been through this business of refusal by the British Embassy and fully appreciate just how the guy is feeling.

    Thank God I did not know of TV,(Don't think it existed back then!) I think I would have joined the LOS sky-divers if I had. Beleive me, the very last thing this guy needs is a lot of 'I told you so' and Thai girl slagging off posts.

    Spuds, you know your girl, in your heart you are committed to her.

    Get off the computer, go for a very long walk, think about her, about the good times, and spend some time with her alone in your mind, go to the pub, do whatever suites you, but most important of all, for you and her, is to get off the computer, and the phone, and wait until you have the refusal notice and something positive to go on. Get some air. It will work out, but only with you being positive, it may not seem like it, but it is not the end of the world, beleive me, please.

  10. So what more convincing do you need then?

    to be honest i was looking for something like come on over man what are you waiting for the water is fine not the hostilities im recieving . more of a welcome vibe

    Them as are already there are protecting their space, while them as who aint are hoping to protect some space for themselves.

    Go for it, if your ready to(?) :o

  11. I'm flying with quantas in may from lhr-bkk,has anyone flown with them before?


    Very likely to find yourself on BA. They share the route and flights. Same feelings regarding service!

    If you can, check out the schedules, if they have flights at the same time and date, then you have just joined their lottery.

    Good luck.

    Peter :o

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