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Everything posted by SABloke

  1. Well, those findings are in another country therefore do not count. (Just ask our resident Heroin minister)
  2. How many restaurants have over 200 employees? Seems like the restaurant association only represents the big chains. Also, if your business is a restaurant, and you list imported food as competition, I suggest you food must be really crap if people are willing to wait days to eat 555
  3. Yep, over 50 years for LM - and what did that guy do? He posted video of a person doing something in public - since that person can do no wrong, the court should be charged with LM for claiming the actions of that person in public was anything less than holy.
  4. Clever clever - import the live prawns and then start farming it yourself. Touche China 🤣
  5. They were going strong until they got lazy and used "potholes" and "engines running" in the caption. Surely there was space for rapids, turbulent waters and keeping new car sales afloat etc. 😁
  6. Ah yes, the completely new, previously untested, Bangkok - Phuket route 🤫🤪
  7. Wait, isn't he barred from being involved (publicly at least) in politics?? Is this just some <deleted> show to create an excuse for a party dissolution and then a coup? (party gets dissolved and army takes over but Thaksin is allowed to remain in country)
  8. Yet when convenient or politically expedient for some, then the courts do rulings in abstentia.
  9. The most bizarre thing about this case is that at the end of it all, many people might face justice (time behind bars, fines, suspended sentences etc.), however, the driver of the vehicle that killed a cop won't receive any consequences at all.
  10. Writer should've tried a title using hiss-terical instead 🤪
  11. Steel producers complaining about aluminium imports is akin to chicken farmers complaining about pork imports.
  12. Expecting the article to elaborate, then... Absolute useless piece of reporting. Clear as mud.
  13. Which is what they could've done when MFP proposed, PROPOSED! amendments to Section 112. You know, like how parliament in an actual constitutional democracy is supposed to work.
  14. Except that one time when they ignored an Australian drug smuggling conviction...
  15. But what if all 45 million participants decide to spend it all during October (this year)? Where's the money coming from?
  16. Sure, and then spend hardly any time in jail. Sends a message that ruining countless lives runs a very small risk.
  17. Kind of like foreign drug convictions not being recognized. That BS aside, I still call BS on this interpretation from Supamas - I'm pretty sure many visiting professors are called professor when they come to lecture here. Now whether her foreign qualification are legit is a topic for another thread.
  18. "Bullying" is targeted and repeated negative behaviours towards an individual. A 3 year old accidentally or otherwise hitting another kid with a toy is naughty at most. This article is really fishing. 😒
  19. Off topic (slightly), but related to the EC and their decision making process: When was Prayuth made a member of the privy council? I read an article alluding to his position there, but don't remember ever reading about the announcement in the news.
  20. Suggestions for a good spot to watch the England vs India game tonight?
  21. Yes, because Thais do not have properties listed on AirBnB. Also, there is no prostitution in Pattaya 🙄
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