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Everything posted by SABloke

  1. Does anyone know the exact requirements for changing a leasehold property to a freehold property. Is it just a case of the owner willing to sell as freehold instead of leasehold? (Seller is Thai and buyer is Thai)
  2. If the EC didn't provide enough evidence, then they should lost the case. Isn't that how it works? The court asking for more evidence is basically them saying "Find the evidence so we can provide a guilty verdict". Total BS
  3. I've heard that theory many times over the past 15 years, but it doesn't really hold true. People charged with 112 often have an allusion in the article to what the charge was about e.g. Move Forward charge
  4. Would be great if any of these articles alluded to what he actually said in that interview. 🤔
  5. No, but it does seem odd that once you are convicted of a crime, there is then a statue of limitations of serving the time. I think some things have been lost in translation in this article.
  6. Wait - so he's saying that all candidates would vote for themselves?? In this scenario he plays out, does it not then lead to everyone receiving one vote and nobody winning?
  7. So this is the photo of the alleged thief. Lucky someone was there to take it 🤪
  8. Does anybody have recommendations for a pool cleaning service in Hua Hin? Any info about pricing would also be greatly appreciated.
  9. Let's not be hasty to judge. Just because he's tatted this way, does not make him a chav.
  10. Nothings says "Buddhist Country" more than "peacekeeping in Central Africa". Spreading the peace - how nice of them 🤣
  11. So we're supposed to believe this lady agreed to borrowing 10,000 THB at 1,000 THB daily interest? Why didn't she just wait 10 days and save the 10,000 herself? Well, because this story is total BS, that's why. Now is there an element of truth? Perhaps - like the lady initially borrowed 10k for daughter's education, but then borrowed some more, or never made any payments at all - a lot of facing saving in front of daughter possibly??
  12. The whole article (including the Thai archeologist) state that it is Khmer from the era when the Khmer Kingdom existed on current Thai geographical land. Where is the "Thai ego" you're talking about?
  13. Moreover, how is "others" a professional category? Surely having "others" negates the need to have any specific categories at all. 🙄
  14. When a "joke" is prefaced with "Funny joke following:" 🤣
  15. Value of vehicle is probably 11.2 and repair cost 1 million. ChatGPT messed up and got its digital wires crossed which is common. I especially like the "Father Onew" slipped in there 🤣
  16. Actually, the initial promise included ALL Thais above the age of 16. This new "plan" is already a step away from the initial promise
  17. Showering won't make a dent as water is practically free. AC can run 500 - 3000 Baht depending on how many units are on. You shouldn't pay any commission to anyone (that's the owner's problem) What's your budget per month?
  18. "Over 210,000 people have informed the Election Commission (EC) of their wish to run as a Senate candidate and the EC expects at least 100,000 candidates to run." More like, "the EC will allow 100,000 candidates to run". Why would 210,000 people inform the EC they wish to run and then suddenly 110,000 decide they don't want to? Farcical
  19. That's the first part that made my jaw dropped. It then dropped some more when later in the report it mentions that the case was dismissed by another court, which only resulted in his sentence being reduced? WTAF. So we've learned two bizarre things: 1) rape penalties are ridiculously light and 2) you can have a case dismissed but remain in prison.
  20. Was he prepared to pay for the promotion to his current rank though (not as expensive) or was it purely a merit promotion?
  21. I've never heard them claim that's it's higher, but they always dub it the "7 deadly days" to make the people think about driving safer. Labling some days as deadly isn't the same as saying they're more dangerous than other days.
  22. That link only references Thai people working abroad, not unemployed spouses using foreign spouse income (as is mentioned in the article).
  23. Interesting take, since the paragraph preceding this one states... How can you pay out on an outcome that has been officiated yet, if not for some sort of pre-arranged fixing?
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