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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. My understanding is that for you to register your business it has to be in a majority Thai ownership. For the company to legally employ you you need 2 thai employees who are actually on our payroll and are being paid a legitimate wage. As an aside what will you tell your clients about this? Another option would be to have your business use an address in your country but then you are going to have to pay taxes in your country.
  2. The courts do not side with the rich against the poor. They side with those that help the cause and those that do not. The power in this country has been and always will be with those who are loyal to the dollar and the betterment of the elite. There was an article in a newspaper not discovered here that outlined the history of the country and showed that the elite and the military have always controlled the country and when they start to lose it all of a sudden there is a riot and protest that needs the military to resolve it. The next election can, in fact be the most contentious yet in the history of the country. Some experts think that MFP will be hurt by not taking power. I think that it is a smart move not to be in power because they can train their people and get rid of the kinks and loopholes that have haunted them. Also, people are going to remember the deals that were made (PT joining with the military, DEM voting for a PTP prime minister and of course the military giving special treatment to Thaksin after all their screaming) People are going to vote on a 1 party agenda so that the Senate does not have the power to control the country.
  3. And the army is buying this farce. This will hasten the end of the Dem Party and boost the MFP . The younger Thais and Thais working in the cities will have a field day with this.
  4. The other catch is this idiot got so drunk that he passed out in the street. I am sorry but rolling a drunk was an easy way to make money before CCTV
  5. I would look at a Muay Thai facility. Especially a Thai one that has lots of yourng Thai students. I am sure you will get volunteers and help. You might lsolearn a few things LOL
  6. That is what I meant about tests that matter right now they don't. showed a couple of sutdents the OSSLT test they have in ONtario that students have to pass to go to university. They both almost had heart attacks lol
  7. Is it my imagination or are more Thais wearing them these days?
  8. Did you mention it when you were leaving. I hve run into that a few times. Once mentioned it to the lady in charge told the girl she was short. I know that with a oil massage time in shower is part of it. I agree though the farther away from tourist traps the better also if you go to the same spa just mention it and ask why it seemed so short. Usually, they will tell you and you can move on from there
  9. Then peyhavs to drive back to cities for work on Tuesday. Yep great plan. Will be interesting see how many bars are open at 6.
  10. There's so many issues you need to blow the whole thing up. Change the rules in one school. Have tests that matter Get rid of social pass. Create a test that's mandatory for students to pass. Give it to the teacher to see who is capable.
  11. Why not train at muay Thai I am sure you will find someone there by
  12. Siam is still trying to figure out automobiles and democracy. The challenge is that you have a small group at the top and a large but relatively quiet group at the bottom. In between you have the people who have no idea how to do anything but play solitaire or WhatsApp on their computers or smartphones. That still believe in the good old days when Thailand was a power in SE Asia. Where the monks were to be revered and held to high esteem Anything that was not in the true sense of the Bhuddist life they were brought up in was wrong. The oldest son was responsible for looking after his parents as they got older. Basically, the good old days. The small group at the top may not be that smart, but they hire people who are and know how to use ignorance or nostalgia as a means to keep control. Consider why so many people support the military and revere it. It is going to take a few decades to get over this. Many countries are in the midst of this in Asia and I fear in Africa also. India is gong through this change. Pakistan is going through it as women get access to the internet and thereby the world. In the 90's the 3 biggest letters feared were M T V.
  13. If you go to her tiktok page there is nothing but crap She was is tryi8ng to generate clicks the easy way just like a lot of guys do taking vid on walking street. Her mistake was in her choice of words.
  14. Forget about knights in shining armour would you want to upset any of those lades along the soi in public? I have a feeling it could be dangerous.
  15. If you are an asian or African lady and you are dressed nice and standing along the street between Suk and Badshah on that side of the street you are going to get approached. It is the main chain of friendly ladies. If she were to go to the Ruamchit Hotel and stand out front the same thing would happen the catch though is if you are a lady that is probably the safest part of the city to be standing. I don't care what city you are in if you stand or walk in the stroll you are going to get approached. JUST SAY NO and people will walk away.
  16. If he dress classy and act classy guys may approach you the same as anywhere. But remember most guys on nana are looking for a gf and most girls on nana are looking for either short or long time boyfriend
  17. Thai tourism still thinks the Vietnam war is going on. At least, that is the premise I think for their mindset. Thailand has nice temples and nice hotels BUT that is all and you need more to draw people. An example is aska a thai in Bangkok if they have been to dreamworld. Most don't even know where it is There needs to be family centered or kids centered activities. Also there needs to be a development of the computer era. There are many Thai students who are taking coding and computer university courses. They need to start trying to compete at the international level for jobs with China.
  18. I wonder if the rules abut urine sample here are like the ones for DUI in the state adn Canada. Yes you can refuse the test but that gets you a trip to the police statin ntil they can get the warrant to mandate U P
  19. About 100 metres from the factory, officers spotted a damaged dark blue Honda motorcycle with registration number กวบ 628. The rider, a 73 year old Thai man named Pramote Tangthong, was seen lying in a pool of blood. Pramote was pronounced dead at the scene Need to read the whole articles
  20. Definitley has the portfolio that she could run a large business and has the international chops. Might be interesting to see if the old guard can stand a non-military woman from one of Thailands richest families in charge.
  21. The catch is that the gy filing is a strong man for the PPRP. He is the one tht filed all the papers on the MFP and will continue as a watch dog to file on anything he thinks is wrong. Better someone does that than no one does anything.
  22. Yeah the catch to it is that it was a chartered flight probably with select passengers landing not at one of the major airports. This guy will be sent back to Aus if they are smart on a chartered government flight.
  23. Naw you would just buy more products andiss the rest of the year. 😂
  24. If you resolve the issues then you fix the image They will be very interested in solving this before the un human rights anti trafficking gets into action. Also Pattaya has enough issues without being a top 10 for pedophiles
  25. missed that still would not bring any gf there or let people know I lived there.
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