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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. LOL love your choice of words. Think about the different iterrations of the PTP the FFP the MFP Yes, it is, and it is the same as all the other parties that the military has disbanded. The interesting thing is that if they disband the BJT, the coalition will be very weak. They would only have 220 seats in the house. It would also remove Anutin from his power place and give the Dem party a reason to move back to being against Thaksin. IF the MFP can time it right the day that they announce the dissolution, they can move to raise a non-confidence vote.
  2. check some of the curio shops in old part of town. I think the only way to find is to use shoe leather and get out and look. You might actually have better luck looking for an antique
  3. I would make it part of my will that she has access and gets all monies. Get it done by a good lawyer and have them be the executor of the will or assist in it's execution.
  4. Send him an email and advise him that you are willing to do the exchange at YOUR local police station if he wants. Or you can set up a location that is favourable to you to meet him in public.
  5. Remembering will be easy other parties will remind them. They will also remind people about how many PTP promises have been made and either broken or turned out corrupt.
  6. The challenge is that most people can not retire anymore. They need to work to pay bills. Same all over the world. The OP is dealing with a women that mostly has Thai customers. Don't like the service fine just don't let the door hit you as you are leaving
  7. This is also part of roads lol Just as we don't want drunk somchai driving on the roads I really don't want stoned somchai driving either. I think what we will see is all shops will have to be licenced and available for quality inspection. They will only be allowed to sell to a person with a doctor prescription. No shops allowed on or near schools and universities.
  8. I know that there are a lot of guided tours from BKK. I am wondering if it is better to take them or to travel on my own. I want to see the military sites as well as have a nice weekend away. Any assistance would be greatfully appreciated
  9. My 90 days did not have the time needed, so it was not approved this month. I just went in and got it redone when my visa had to be renewed. The best way I found is to redo the 90 days at the same time as you renew your 1-year visa that way they basically end around the same time.
  10. I did not say you could get the proper visa your question was do I need a degree to teach. 2 different things. If you are looking to get a work pernti to teach then you need to have a non o visa. Getting the proper visa is different a you need a non O and then you would need a work permit to teach that the school would have to arrange.
  11. You are missing one point I agree to get the licence or the work permit that you need the degree and to go through the hoops, BUT I can guarantee that the rules for hiring teachers are not always upheld. I worked in 2 different high schools and only had a TESOL degree. There are schools and agencies one is near Victory Monument that will hire and use anyone they can get.
  12. What part of the country are you living in? We are now in a more multi-coloured country than we were 10 years ago. Then it was red and Yellow Now, it is RED YELLOW AND ORANGE politically, and if you consider the LGBTQ+, add in the multi. This is a country more divided than it was when it was just red Yellow. I think it is also a more confused country. People that were strong believers in the colour of their party are now seeing them blow up in the name of political expediency. Consider 10 years ago, if you wore RED, that meant that you were against the military and pro-democracy. In all likelihood, a strong believer in the Thaksin parties. BUT WERE DEFINITELY NOT FOND OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY OR THE MILITARY ELITE THAT SUPPORTED IT. If you wore yellow, then you were a strong supporter of the King and all that he stood for, along with the military. You felt that the military had all the right ideas and that the elite were the people who knew. You probably voted DEMOCRAT, and heaven forbid thinking that Thaksin had any ideas he was the antichrist. Now you have the Yellow and Red joining forces, and you have the DEMOCRAT party all but extinct and supporting the PTP. You have Yellow and red joined together in government Now you have this hybrid that is a mix of Yellow and RED = Orange That people are flocking too. NO, this country is still colour-coded and will be for a long, long time.
  13. You need a TESOL certificate more than a degree. The issue is more about where you are going to teach and what you want to teach. If you are teaching in BKK, they will need one, but I am willing to bet that if you teach in the country, it is a different story. Schools and agencies will hire you the issue is the quality of the school. You may find that you can do just as well if you tutor after hours. You possess a niche in that you are, I would assume, multilingual. There are also colleges here in the country that can provide you with an educational degree to teach
  14. The challenge is that the Government and OLD GUARD want to have control. It has been that way since the start of the last century. Consider the education system. It does not deal with any outside information or challenge students unless they are elite. The system is still the same as it was when they started educating. The original schools were only to teach students of government employees how to do a job and replace their parents. NO MORE NO LESS Schools now are only teaching students enough to fill the jobs in Thailand and protect those jobs for Thais. There are a few that will go on to Western schools, but they are usually the elite and are going to replace their parents or network to improve the family business. GETTING BACK TO 2-5 If you take a look around the big cities or tourist areas, you will see that there is no 2-5 restriction. The only areas that have that restriction are in areas where there are a lot of Thai workers and not so much drinking tourism. Walk around the Pattaya Beach Road area, and you will see nothing but open bars with people drinking at 10 am. Same with NANA
  15. Have you ever lived in a Muslim country? Yes, Islam restricts what people can do, BUT I think if you look at Christian countries, you also see oppression, misery, trouble, and conflict. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, when followed by radical extremism, are problems. However, when you live according to things and live a moderate life, then you find peace, and the religions are not bad. There are many Muslim people living in Western society who have no issues and get along great with others. Remember that a lot of the issues in early society were caused by the radical beliefs of Christians who felt that unless you believed and lived a true Christian life, you were evil.
  16. So now, instead of Paetong, we will have Prime Minister Thaksin. OH JOY Also, anyone that does not think that once he is free, he will have a miraculous recovery that will allow him to go home and play golf and run the party is smoking the bad stuff they are selling on the streets.
  17. Try tilalegal.com But agree you are going to have to take the docs to the Embassy yourself. because they are probably going to want a stat declaration
  18. Nope not even close. There are many more important laws to change. That being said I can understand 2 to 5 closing restricts late lunch and drunk drivers at rush hour.
  19. In most cases I have been told you need 2,wills 1thai 1 home country. But there are lawyers that will help you
  20. Forget about the fact that they now get home at 5:30 or 6 and then have to be at work at 5 or 6 the next day.
  21. People get upset that there is an increase, but eventually, I think they will find that it is still the fastest and cheapest way to go. Also, remember that the first week was the NY, so ridership for a couple of days was down. I think weekends could be affected but people are still going to use it to get to work. I did, though, notice last week that it was easier to get a seat at Khu KLhot at 6 and usually have to wait for 2 trains. If raising the fair makes it easier to get a seat then HELL I am all for it.
  22. There is no issue with medical use, but the guy on the corner that has a little stall is not selling high-grade Medical Marijuana. The businesses at NANA or on walking street in Pattaya are not selling Medical prescription Marijuana. ANUTIN, as is his penchant screwed the pooch on this one. He opened the lamp, let the Genie out of the lamp, and now is in a position where he can do nothing about it and has no ability to put the Genie back in the lamp. There are a lot of Elite that own either the businesses or the property that the businesses are on, paying high rent that is not going to be happy. Just walk around NANA, and you can see how many shops have shown up since the law was passed. Then, figure out how many of them will still be in business if they restrict it to medical prescription only. I figure only 1 on Suk and that is because they have their own doctor. The challenge now is that they have to license and have a system where they can check the quality of what is being sold. The Indian on the corner with the below-price MJ is probably not selling good stuff.
  23. WOW you can't be that old YOUNG FELLA Crawling around tanks and doing army stuff was a great deal for kids in my generation. Military air shows, building stuff and working on tractor-trailers was cool almost u[p there with dirt stock cars
  24. Don't theyhave to get municipal and police approval to film movies in Pattaya so the powers that be knew it was coming
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