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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. From memory and without googling I will say Dundee Utd...maybe 1987.

    I did Google, because I couldn't remember ! smile.png

    Since 1965, when Kilmarnock won the title, only Aberdeen, (in 1980, 1984, &1985), and Dundee United (in 1983) have taken the title away from Rangers and Celtic. That statistic in itself should be obvious that something seriously needs to change, for the good of the game as a whole, in Scotland.

  2. I think the whole Scottish premier league set-up is wrong, there are not enough teams, it gets boring playing the same sides over and over, and there are only two possible winners. The Scottish premier league is the least competitive in Europe, even Spain with it's own two club giants Real Madrid and Barcelona, has seen other clubs win the title in the not so distant past, I can't remember when a team outside of the Big Firm last won the league. (But I'm going to Google it, out of curiosity). Even with a points deduction, Rangers finished comfortably in second place this past season. Before next season's fixtures were announced, Celtic manager Neil Lennon was talking about European competition being his priority next season, which leads to the assumption that he feels the league title's as good as in the bag already. How must supporters of the other clubs in the league feel about that?

    I agree with the comment about the Hibs youth programme being raided by the big two....perhaps a rule to prevent Rangers and Celtic buying more than one player every three years from a rival club would solve the problem ? It would certainly make the league a bit more competitive.

    Where the young, talented, Scottish players have gone is a mystery. Twenty or thirty years ago, most successful English teams had a Scot or two, in their team, but the talent is no longer coming through.

    Scotland's captain, Fletcher, isn't even assured of a regular first team place at club level (when he's fit), so what does that say about the rest of Scotland's squad?

    Maybe it's the life style followed by Scottish kids, too many competing, and less energetic, attractions for their time.

  3. Is there any point in having extra officials when they position themselves so that they can't see properly ?

    The Ukraine 'goal" was over the line, judging from the replays from the left - opposite to where the official was standing - very hard to tell from the normal camera viewpoint, impossible to tell from the right view, due to Terrys socks and the ball being the same colour.

    Goal line technology should have been introduced after the fiascos at the last world cup, forget Blatter's idiotic stance of the same game for everyone, this tournament has seen countless millions invested by the Ukraine, only to see them cheated.

    Was Rooney's goal the luckiest ever scored ? I've been watching football for almost fifty years and I can't remember a jammier one than that - perhaps Uncle Roy has that vital element of the rub of the green. England were lucky, can't recall a single player having a good game.

    The ball was probably just over, but when it is as close as that, no matter how well positioned the official is, the decision is never going to be a matter of certainty. If it doesn't get given, you count yourself a bit unlucky sure, but it's hardly the yard over the line daylight robbery incident we have seen before and ourselves been the victim of.

    As for your bitterness concerning Rooney's goal, what a nonsense. As if out of sportsmanship, Rooney should have let the ball pass his head for fear of the shame of scoring a sitter. It's what a strikers job is. To be ready for opportunities that come out of the blue like that. And he took it. He didn't cheat. Ukraine screwed up, he took advantage. Had that been England's defence screwing up, would you be bitter about the striker who took his chance, or would you be deriding England's crap defenders and goalie?

    Bitterness? <deleted> ? Been "celebrating"?

    Where did I accuse Rooney of cheating ? And one thing I would never accuse Rooney of is sportsmanship, I'd be amazed if he can even spell the word.

    Doesn't alter the fact that due to Blatter's refusal to use the technology that's available, yet another tournament has been degraded.

  4. Is there any point in having extra officials when they position themselves so that they can't see properly ?

    The Ukraine 'goal" was over the line, judging from the replays from the left - opposite to where the official was standing - very hard to tell from the normal camera viewpoint, impossible to tell from the right view, due to Terrys socks and the ball being the same colour.

    Goal line technology should have been introduced after the fiascos at the last world cup, forget Blatter's idiotic stance of the same game for everyone, this tournament has seen countless millions invested by the Ukraine, only to see them cheated.

    Was Rooney's goal the luckiest ever scored ? I've been watching football for almost fifty years and I can't remember a jammier one than that - perhaps Uncle Roy has that vital element of the rub of the green. England were lucky, can't recall a single player having a good game.

  5. A Thai niece of ours gave us three of her puppies, rather than sell them to people in her village, because she said we'd look after them properly, which we have. I understand the Ops philosophy, obviously he cares about his dogs and wants them to be properly cared for. Surely the animal's needs come before worrying about people's sensibilities.

    Footnote ; We did insist on paying her for the puppies, and we paid more than she was asking - well worth it for the good company and laughs they bring to our life.

  6. For me, the difference between this Dutch team and the one that got to the World Cup final, is the absence of Van Bronkhurst. He was outstanding a couple of years ago, and offered the team much greater options in wide positions. His work rate, passing and leadership have been sorely missed at international level.

  7. beware the now non-ponytailed danger that is voronin.

    i can't see ukraine scoring against england unless england do what they did against sweden, which is basically serve up two goals on a plate to your opponents. stay tight at the back and in midfield and england have enough attacking options to beat what is not a very strong ukraine side really. their biggest strong point is home advantage which england should have enough experience to get their heads around.

    With John Terry in defence, my wife's 80 year old mother would fancy her chances at scoring against England !

  8. I'd like to see England start against ukraine with Rooney as sub. The team has done well without him, and in my opinion, if he'd been eligiible to play against Sweden, he'd have been in trouble with the referee, by reacting to all the unnecessary pushes, elbowing, and other niggling fouls that the Swedish team did.

    I'd also drop Terry, he studiously avoided being anywhere near Ibrahimovic, in the Sweden game, so that he didn't have his limitations exposed. His passing has caused problems in both games so far, and he is a liability due to his lack of pace. At times it seemed that the other defenders, (Johnson in particular), were having to do his job for him.

    You''ll not get your wish probably, heard Walcott picked up an injury in training.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Rooney was going to start even if Wallcott is fit, he is a world class player and would be stupid to leave him out, he will be raring to go and i can see him scoring tonight.

    I am more concerned about our back 4 coping with the Ukraine attack, Shevchenko will be a handful.

    Edit just realized it is tomorrow night.

    Good luck England tonight really looking forward to tonights game.

    Depends on your definition of world class, (a much over used phrase in most cases).

    If world class means one of the best 11 players in the world, then for the two forward positions, Rooney would certainly be behind Messi, and Van Persie (who scores more than Rooney and has played at a higher level, the World Cup final), there's also Suarez, Mario Gomez, Ibrahimovic etc.

    Rooney is no doubt a very good Premier league player, but has he dominated a major Champions league final, or played a significant part for England in games that really matter ? That's world class, the ability to play at a high level in the majority of games, especially the ones that decide major tournaments.

    Back to the topic, I hope England go into the Ukraine game with the attitude that they have to work to win. Too many times England have let themselves and their fans down, by thinking they've won before the game starts. I also hope we get a strong referee, I thought Sweden were playing to try and get an England player sent off, by continually doing nagging little pushes and elbows, which the referee should have clamped down on much harder than he did.

  9. I'd like to see England start against ukraine with Rooney as sub. The team has done well without him, and in my opinion, if he'd been eligiible to play against Sweden, he'd have been in trouble with the referee, by reacting to all the unnecessary pushes, elbowing, and other niggling fouls that the Swedish team did.

    I'd also drop Terry, he studiously avoided being anywhere near Ibrahimovic, in the Sweden game, so that he didn't have his limitations exposed. His passing has caused problems in both games so far, and he is a liability due to his lack of pace. At times it seemed that the other defenders, (Johnson in particular), were having to do his job for him.

  10. For those who say No, I wonder why they came to live in LOS in the first place?

    Better to join the Fish and Chips/English Pub brigade in Spain?

    Each has their own answer. I didn't even want to integrate in my HOME country. Seems boring to me.

    For once I agree with you ! I didn't want to integrate in my home country (UK) either.

    Back to the topic, I don't things farangs ever truly integrate, at least in the eyes of Thai people.

    I was in a car park today, and a little Thai kid shouted "Farang" at me, as though I was an alien, but at least the child's mother had the good grace to admonish the girl.

  11. I'm curious about the taking of photos. We had a Princess visit our province a few years ago, and I was told (by the police), that it was illegal to take photos of the Royal Family, even though the Princess was just driving by in a car. Has the law changed or was the policeman just over-officious?

    Good to see His Majesty's health is improving.

  12. The guy in charge of programming, Mr Attapol is an idiot. True Visions 'service' and programming would not be worth having without the English Premier League - yet he claims not to know when the bidding process occurs. It's bad enough that this clown has lost the rights to the Spanish League, and the German League, both of which offer much superior entertainment than the likes of the French and Portugese Leagues, but it seems that he is preparing subscribers not to have English football after this coming season. He seriously expects subscriber numbers to go up, if they lose English football !

  13. @fredob43, (sorry the quotes buttons don't work for me )

    I did my first (one year), driving licence last year, and only had to do the first three tests I described above, due to showing my UK licence. What is K.P.P ??Thanks for the reply in the Makro thread, I couldn't thank you on there, due to the page not fully loading.

  14. Hi, don't know if this helps. I am married to a Thai lady, and stay here on a Retirement Visa. I needed proof of residence for my 5 year driving licence, (I live in Phetchabun). The very helpful young lady who works at the licence office, sent us to see the Mayor. I filled in a form, showed my passport and my wife showed her ID and blue house book (I'm not on it), and 15 minutes later we had a letter, which was accepted at the licence office.

    I had to take the in-office test, colour chart, stop the pedal before it goes red, and balance the two white sticks, along with a new test, where I had to place my chin on a machine, while the tester illuminated various coloured lights at the edge of my field of vision, while I said which colours were lit. I passed and now have the 5 year licence.

  15. I'd imagine so. Where I live (Phetchabun), we've had much more rain already than we had in the same period last year, and eventually it will find it's way down to Bangkok. Can't say I've seen much evidence around here of any flood prevention measures being taken.

  16. @ yermanee (sorry STILL can't get the quote to work !

    Your post number 11. I agree with you, the employers, or possibly more accurately the managers who have signed Barton, are as much to blame as the player himself. He was obviously bought by Neil Warnock, with the intention of having a player who could intimidate the opposition, as it was fairly obvious that QPR were going to be in the lower regions of the Premier League, following their promotion. Some managers like this type of player in their team, (Martin O'Neill with Neil Lennon, and now Lee Cattermole and James MacLean at Sunderland), Arsene Wenger with Patrick Vieira, Alex Song, and personally I think Jack Wilshere is a nasty piece of work too. There are others, and indeed this has gone on for many years. I can remember Tommy Docherty, when he was at Aston Villa, and they were deep in the relegation mire in Division 2, signing Trevor Hockey, who's sole "talent" as a footballer, seemed to be kicking as many opponents as he could ! They did escape relegation, so I would imagine that, as afar as Docherty was concerned, the end justified the means.

    Barton though adds a whole new dimension to the role of "the clogger", he's just as liable to assault one of his own players, (as he has done in the past), as an opponent. It is obvious that whatever psychological treatment he has had, for his past misdemeanours, hasn't worked. Being jailed for previous offences, also hasn't worked. I think it would be advisable for his employers, QPR, to sack him, if he hasn't learned lessons from his past by now, he never will. He is a liability, always has been, and anyone who signs him deserves what they get.

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