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  1. New phone is only way. Reason being is the bank apps need probably Android 11/12 at a minimum because of their security software. A phone of 8 years old will probably not meet the requirements. The website access has no such requirement...just internet and browser.
  2. Well as a non American. I'm extremely pleased I'm not. Whoever wins, it will bring chaos and perhaps anarchy, perhaps a new Civil war won't be far away.
  3. You do post some BS at times, but I think these latest posts above are some of your worst yet. Unbelievable that someone is still using nearly 10 year old Android software. Most Bank apps need at least v11 or v12 to work correctly. Oh well each to their own.
  4. Not required anymore. Anyone can shop at Makro now.
  5. Wow...perhaps a few too many coffees today
  6. I thought April 1st had passed already.
  7. Yes definitely. Find someone. When I build (12 times in Thailand already over many years) I am there every morning to check with builder on the days work, and then onsite at least 3-4 hours a day. Then I can rectify problems or changes immediately on the spot. On one build I was out of the country for a while and hired a farang friend (qualified builder) to oversee the construction. Plus using telephone, online chats and videos the build went well.
  8. No...nobody knows when, but probably July or August.
  9. Using a person as a human shield is only 'violating protocol'....
  10. The only person naive here is you (not the profiles). Better to stay in your room methinks.
  11. Your post has absolutely nothing to do with the thread topic.🙄
  12. Even though I'm supposedly grouchy, a bit of info. If you are using Android, then check the version number. Any version lower than 11 probably doesn't work properly with many apps.
  13. Everyone here has told you the links are still there, so only you have this problem. So reinstall the App or go to the Bank to sort it out.
  14. Which is what was written in the original article.
  15. Seems like you need to get out more.

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