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Everything posted by thainet

  1. Yes but you were sensible and had them on hand if required.
  2. Start a thread for this trivial item. Just make copies of all pages and give them what they need. Make a note for next years renewal.
  3. This is one strange post even for you Jt
  4. A 'goody-two shoes' ..It is not your business..leave them alone.
  5. Yep same as 'Zero Flu' or 'Zero Head colds' or 'Zero Fever'...never attainable.
  6. Yes took the IDF nearly 8 months to rescue 4 of them....not the greatest military force in the world.
  7. Yes and I heard polio is making a comeback...you seem rather paranoid SJ.
  8. Not sure what you mean by 'Agents stamps'. Agents don't stamp your PP. They only facilitate the process and of course the stamps come from the IO. And I can't fathom you wanting to pay 75k, for a 1900 baht process.
  9. Unfortunately that will be a multi year process. But if you are young then you have many years to spare.
  10. Thailand/Pattaya has all of the above..no need to sit for 8 hrs of boredom
  11. For this particular story the ChatGP version is quite laughable, but it does show the amazing capabilities of AI
  12. Martin the Land (whatever type of Chanute you have) is obviously in her name, so there is really nothing you can do if she doesn't want to sell. If you had a 'goodwill' agreement between the 2 of you, and it is not documented, then sadly there is nothing you can do.. you just DO NOT own anything. And going the Court/Lawyer route is going to be a long drawn out process, with perhaps costs more than the land is worth.
  13. probably silly question...have you verified that you actually have money in your account. If yes did you try to withdraw money at the Bank thru a teller? (as you said you were physically at the Bank).
  14. Yes I missed that..I think there are too many unknowns in this topic, so will just stay on the sidelines for now.
  15. You are being a tad overzealous there RP. As someone noted above, it is not practical for most people, but if you find the time, and have the nous to do it, then great, but don't put others down for not considering it for their own circumstances. Calling people insane is a bridge too far..be nice.
  16. The worst thing is the mental state of the girl after transgressions like this. My daughters best friend had similiar assaults at a well known Bangkok School about 8 years ago, and she went into a depressive shell for a very long time and still has nightmares. The boys of course (all rich family) were given some school cleaning duties for a week. This behavior really sucks.
  17. Less than Android 8 was back in the Stone age.
  18. Or Channel 32..they love that type of issue.
  19. I wouldn't be contacting a Lawyer. I would be contacting the Equaliser or the Beekeeper.
  20. If indeed this is a correct assumption, then pay 1900 baht every 6 months, leave the country once a year to reactivate the entry requirements and carry on like this for 5 years. No 400/800k in the Bank (or account needed), no extensive IO visits for Extensions. For some people with limited funds this sounds a good outcome..IF true. Actually sounds too good to be true (for 19500 baht), so it remains to be seen. Many agents would be out of business. PS: but I thought I saw somewhere (as someone mentioned above) that the Visa was valid for 5 years but could only be utilised for 2 entries (not multiple). Thoughts!
  21. Sorry, that's just rubbish. You have obviously not understood what the Bank said.
  22. This is correct. But with Bangkok Bank you can get a Mastercard and a Unionpay debit card for the same account. So theoretically both persons have a card. Also make sure the account is 'either/or' if you want only one person to be able sign/operate. If you don't stipulate at the beginning then both signatures will be required for any transactions. But even with the 'either/or' it takes both signatures to actually close the account. Hope this helps.
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