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Posts posted by jshorts

  1. Why would anyone today pay in cash for any major purchase and not a credit card?

    Some homeowner rider policies might cover losses such as this.

    To save 2%?

    I have never come across an airline website that has a credit card surcharge.

    And, even if the reasoning were to save 2%, we have a great example here of penny wise, pound foolish.

    Also, one is not forced to insure homes and cars and lives for full value and this, too, would save lots of money.

  2. I guess there must be more families out there where communication and understanding are problematic than I realized. That's too bad. Anyway, thank goodness we have freedom to express and share our various opinions, whether we agree or not.. tongue.png

    Around the world (not only in Thailand) teenagers do not discuss sex with their parents. Did your family have an open discussion about all the "ins and outs" about the "birds and the bees" when you were growing up?
  3. The essence of terrorism is its unpredictability.

    Usually all the measures that are taken in the face of it amount to "locking the stable door after the horse is stolen". They deter future terrorists from using exactly the same method in the same place.

    Not effective, but they give the public, who sees these measures and thinks that at least something is being done about it, a certain amount of consolation. Rest assured that the authorities are doing the best they can.

    I have rested.

    Are you immune to irony?

    I must have been too obtuse. "I have rested assured that the authorities are doing the best they can." :)
    • Like 1
  4. It's funny how all 1.6 billion Muslims are co-opted into being offended by disrespect towards a terrorist and would be murderer. One would have thought most would wish to disassociate themselves with such an individual and therefore afford him no respect or consideration whatsoever.

    I did not co-opt anyone. I was only speaking for myself. I found the "joke" to be in poor taste and the idea of poking fun at a ladyboy not funny.
  5. You sound like a real barrel of laughs to live with Mr shorts.

    So muslim's desire to convert the whole world to muslim, including you and me, at any cost, is not objectional then. Glad we got that clear.

    Many, if not all, religions would like to convert the whole world. I am unclear where you found the "at any cost" idea.

    I am considered by some to be quite the "life of the party" with a dry wit and try very hard to bring joy into this world.

  6. Sorry, gotta disagree with this also....religion is the cause of most wars and a lot of the misery in the world, and ALL the car bombings, suicide bombings, foolish "holy wars", misogyny, IED's, not to mention intolerance towards anyone who doesn't believe in "their" own particular type of religions nonsense. People talking to their imaginary friends who tell them to go blow up innocent people, or priests who are supposed to be trustworthy but instead abuse and rape little boys deserve our respect? Sorry, not from me.

    Do away with all organized religions and this world is a much better place!

    It appears that inadvertently I have created an off-topic sub-topic.

    I believe that you have made sweeping generalizations.

    I wonder if we did away with all organized religions if you would replace them with anything else.

  7. The essence of terrorism is its unpredictability.

    Usually all the measures that are taken in the face of it amount to "locking the stable door after the horse is stolen". They deter future terrorists from using exactly the same method in the same place.

    Not effective, but they give the public, who sees these measures and thinks that at least something is being done about it, a certain amount of consolation. Rest assured that the authorities are doing the best they can.

    I have rested.
  8. Well he wont be walking to Soi Muslim to screw a Ladyboy anymore............

    In poor taste and not funny.

    I don't know if you are suggesting we should feel sorry for this animal, but he wouldn't have thought twice about blowing the legs off children or innocent passers by, so he deserves everything he got.

    Glad to clarify. I was not suggesting that anyone should feel sorry for the suspect. I believe any comment which shows disrespect to any religion is objectionable. Further, that the poster attempted to make fun of a ladyboy in this context was also unnecessary.
  9. Iranian suspect held as blasts rattle Bangkok

    by Anusak Konglang

    BANGKOK, February 14, 2012 (AFP) - A suspected Iranian bomber had his legs blown off as he hurled a grenade at Thai police Tuesday, officials said, with Israel accusing Tehran of being behind the third attack in world capitals this week.

    The explosion in central Bangkok came a day after bombers targeted Israeli embassy staff in the capitals of India and Georgia, with a female diplomat critically wounded in New Delhi, in attacks Israel said were plotted by Iran.

    Thai bomb squad experts were called out to the Sukhumvit Road area in the east of the city after a blast at a house, following which three men were seen fleeing, authorities said.

    One of the men hurled an explosive device at a taxi, which refused to stop, and then tried to throw another at police, triggering a blast at the side of a busy road which tore off his legs, they said.

    Police said they found Iranian identification on the injured man, who was admitted to a Bangkok hospital for emergency treatment.

    "So it's likely that he's an Iranian national," Major General Pisit Pisuthisak, deputy commander of Bangkok Metropolitan Police, told AFP.

    A high pressure water cannon was used to defuse another device found inside the same house, police said.

    Authorities detained an Iranian man at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport for questioning but it was not immediately clear if he was one of the other suspects, whose motives were unknown.

    Bangkok has been on the watch for a terror attack since police last month charged a Lebanese man suspected of planning a strike following a US warning that tourist areas maybe targeted.

    Thai authorities alleged the Lebanese man had links to Hezbollah, an Iranian- and Syrian-backed Muslim Shiite group that is blacklisted as a terrorist organisation by Washington.

    Israel was quick to accuse Iran of involvement in the blasts in Bangkok Tuesday.

    "The attempted attack in Bangkok proves once again that Iran and its proxies are continuing to act in the ways of terror and the latest attacks are an example of that," Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said.

    The country assailed Iran as the world's "biggest exporter of terror" after Monday's attacks in India and Georgia, amid rising tensions in the region.

    The blast in New Delhi blew up a car, critically wounding the Israeli diplomat and her Indian driver.

    In Tbilisi, an Israeli embassy employee found a bomb on his car and contacted police who were able to defuse the device before it detonated, according to Georgia's interior ministry.

    Thai police said they had found no direct link between Tuesday's bombings and the earlier threat but had received a separate warning from intelligence sources about a potential new attack.

    "There was some warning of a possible attack and police were monitoring, but we did not know where it would happen," national police chief Phrewphan Damapong told reporters.

    The United States condemned the Bangkok blasts and voiced concern about a worldwide "uptick" in such violence, including some with alleged links to Iran.

    "We're concerned about it. Some of these (attacks) have been linked to Iran," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned Monday's attacks in India and Georgia in the "strongest possible terms", although the White House reserved judgment on who was responsible.

    Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast has rejected the accusations that Tehran was responsible. "Iran condemns all acts of terrorism," he was quoted as saying by Al-Alam television.

    Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra urged people not to "jump to conclusions" and urged people not to panic.

    The safety scares are another blow to the kingdom's tourist-friendly image, which was badly dented last year by devastating flooding across much of the country, as well as rounds of rival political protests in recent years.

    Security has been stepped up around possible targets in Bangkok, including the Israeli embassy and the Khao San Road backpacker district.

    Britain on Tuesday warned its citizens in the country to be on guard following the latest incident.


    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-02-15

    It is ok for Israel to use a terror group to kill Iranian scientist, but no ok for some other Iranian group to retaliate against Israel

    I would like to understand how you see these recent explosions as retaliation against Israel.
  10. I think there are a lot of things about this story that have been left out, or are simply unknown. I can understand, to some degree, a suicide if death from cancer in imminent, but not naked, and not by diving from the 18th floor of a condo. There are other ways that would, in my mind, seem somewhat more "appropriate". Something about this story just doesn't sound right.

    I'm wondering what you see as being "appropriate" as a method for suicide.

    It is, indeed, a cowardly act.

    i never understand that term, why is it a cowardly act?, if ones state of mind is so bad and theres no end in site from a problem its one way to end it. i remember the poor waiter in the 9/11 twin towers jump being branded a coward. unless you have been there mentally its some thing you could never explain, but i certainly would not consider it cowardly.

    jshorts holds strong religious views which dictate that suicide is wrong; however those same religious views do not prevent him calling a dead man he never knew - who obviously had problems he cannot know about - a coward.



    I don't see the disconnect.

    Regardless of any underlying problems (e.g., illness, loss of fortune, loneliness, indebtedness, betrayal) I find suicide abhorrent.

    My religious views do not prevent me from expressing my opinion about a dead man's absence of courage to face his problems nor his lack of appreciation for the life given to him.

  11. I think there are a lot of things about this story that have been left out, or are simply unknown. I can understand, to some degree, a suicide if death from cancer in imminent, but not naked, and not by diving from the 18th floor of a condo. There are other ways that would, in my mind, seem somewhat more "appropriate". Something about this story just doesn't sound right.

    I'm wondering what you see as being "appropriate" as a method for suicide.

    It is, indeed, a cowardly act.

    i never understand that term, why is it a cowardly act?, if ones state of mind is so bad and theres no end in site from a problem its one way to end it. i remember the poor waiter in the 9/11 twin towers jump being branded a coward. unless you have been there mentally its some thing you could never explain, but i certainly would not consider it cowardly.

    It's a cowardly act because one does not face his problems head on.

    If one's state of mind is so bad then seek help before it gets to the point of commiting suicide.

  12. There seems to be an implication from the article that this was suicide over health issues.

    I don't know. If I were about to throw myself off a balcony to "end it all," I don't think I'd do it naked?

    Regardless, RIP, Mr. Schmidberger.

    Why wouldn't you do it naked?

    On the other hand, why bother to get undressed first ?

    Living alone, why would he bother to get dressed in the first place?
  13. I wonder if the next time you reply to one of my message if you would "test the waters" to see if you truly understood the basis for my message.

    Wouldn't you find it a bit more civil if you wrote someting like, "I don't believe what you wrote to be true and wonder if you would elaborate."

    I am not interested in any "elaboration" you may have to offer old chap - my knowledge about the subject is based on actual personal experience of many similar situations, your opinion is merely based upon giving credence to what most people believe to be little better than a fairy tale.


    I believe you have perhaps misinterpreted my last message.

    Regardless of our respective positions on this subject and before you read something into my message that was not there, I was asking that your communication take on a tone of civility, old chap.

  14. Well the "gift" in this case was beyond it's shelf life. What about when that life is at it's end and served it's purpose with nothing more then suffering ahead, is it still being "destroyed" or the end just being expedited on one's own plan. Doesn't a thinking human being have that right of personal determination? I see now the problem with your comments and opinion as it is always a problem for the "deeply religious" to allow others their own life's beliefs without interference but you must remember it's not YOUR life, do with your's what you wish and allow others to make their decisions without judgmental, religious bias..

    Taking your own life is never "cowardly" unless you take other innocents with you, incidentally another tool of another recently prominent, "deeply religious" cult and they believe just as strongly as you that their cause is righteous too.. However they're just as mistaken and misguided for thinking so...

    On occasion it may be considered selfish though. People who are not diagnosed as terminal or who have been fighting a terminal illness for long periods have no informed clue of the effects it has on a person and their family and even they may get relief from not watching their loved one deteriorate into nothing and suffering not to mention the families financial resources.

    A terminally ill person who has controlled their entire life suddenly has NO control over anything the more they deteriorate and that's hard for many thinking, free willed people to confront and this is the ONLY decision they have COMPLETE control over the rest of their lives, literally. It's a way of taking back the control the disease commandeers over one's life..

    I certainly understand your position.

    Briefly, I do believe that each of us has free choice which includes suicide.

    And, I certainly never said that anyone should interfere with this right of the individual, except for the obvious ones of stealing, killing, etc.

    With the above in mind and after having read your thoughts, I do still believe that suicide is never the best option.

  15. I think there are a lot of things about this story that have been left out, or are simply unknown. I can understand, to some degree, a suicide if death from cancer in imminent, but not naked, and not by diving from the 18th floor of a condo. There are other ways that would, in my mind, seem somewhat more "appropriate". Something about this story just doesn't sound right.

    I'm wondering what you see as being "appropriate" as a method for suicide.

    It is, indeed, a cowardly act.

    "Suicide is for cowards" another, sadly typical, macho, "nothing can reduce me to that stage" statement. Meaningless and untrue.

    Over 40 years ago I worked for the original Samaritans organisation in London, shortly after I arrived in Thailand in the early '70's I was one of the founder members of the Bangkok Samaritans.

    Suicide is never an easy option - and forget about the “old wives” lore which claims that those who talk about committing suicide never really intend to do it, that too is nonsense.

    In London, and later in Bangkok I have talked with over 120 people who were truly intent on committing suicide, and to my certain knowledge, despite everything I and others tried to do to help them, 37 eventually did kill themselves. Certainly some of these were down and outs, homeless, drug addicts etc., but many were educated and successful people who simply could not adapt or accept a sudden change in their circumstances or lifestyle.

    Certainly, some of these people were talking to us in the faint hope that we would be able to suggest a way out of their predicament, but the majority simply wanted to talk to someone, even – maybe even preferably – a stranger to explain their decision and assert that it was not a character deficiency which brought them to this final decision, simply an acceptance that their lives had failed and it was time to move on.

    On another subject this man was apparently not directly connected with Red Bull, the main Company. It seems he lived in Mombassa, Kenya, was the local Distributor for Red Bull and was an Austrian citizen.

    People have connected "Red Bull" and "Austria" and made a wrong assumption.


    I wonder if the next time you reply to one of my message if you would "test the waters" to see if you truly understood the basis for my message.

    Wouldn't you find it a bit more civil if you wrote someting like, "I don't believe what you wrote to be true and wonder if you would elaborate."

    In this way you would get your point across without invalidating someone else's opinion.

    My feeling concerning suicide has its basis in deeply religious grounds. Life is a gift and not for us to destroy.

    I applaud your work with the Samaritans.

    By the way, I am probably the antithesis of what you might consider the typical macho stereotype.

  16. There seems to be an implication from the article that this was suicide over health issues.

    I don't know. If I were about to throw myself off a balcony to "end it all," I don't think I'd do it naked?

    Regardless, RIP, Mr. Schmidberger.

    I share your view! If someone wants to end his life, why should he first undress? What is the purpose of this act? I suspect more than suicide...

    But let's keep it clean as the moderators asked for. It's deeply regretted but very suspicious!

    What makes you feel that someone who is single isn't already undressed? Why would you suspect more than suicide?
  17. Maybe this is why Thais let foreigners buy condos here. Does not sound like suicide to me. Where else do you hear of people falling from a condo to end it all. Something wrong but the police have their excuse not to bother to investigate I guess. All nice and cleanly wrapped up!!!!!!!

    I don't understand what relationship there is between a foreigner buying a condo and suicide. What are you implying?

    If someone jumps from his balcony, what is so difficult to understand?


    Many of these condos guard rails are to low and if one more rail isn't added, a tall person can and do fall over them, usually drunk or drugged, in this gentlemens case, fear, anger, pain he could have jumped. I find at 73 with Hep-C and living on the 17TH floor, when I start to get to sick to keep on truckin and can't find some morphine to OD on, I might take the plunge, back side, so not seen by anyone except guard and I probably will be wearing my best, if I'm not to lost with-in.

    I find many men come here to fill their dreams with a young lady and to die.

    When the pain outweighs the pleasure, it might be time to end our movie.

    So why would a billionaire come to Thailand for this? I fi was him I would spend my life with Ms December the playmate of the year not Ms Conbahnock and I would choose a less terrifying way to go, like drinking coolaid.

    Are you really trying to analyze the thinking of a man with cancer?
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