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huahinjoe last won the day on January 9 2012

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    Szeged, Hungary

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  1. Just made a short video podcast out of this topic using free stock media and some AI tools. It's not perfect but somewhat crazy what world we living in. It analysed 6 pages of conversation and built up a conversational type podcast featuring the highlights of the subject based on the discussion. 1208.mp4
  2. I'm drinking already my favourite is the unfiltered Weissbier made by wheat from Germany https://tenor.com/xzIY.gif
  3. I was a Windows fan for a long time but I'm suggesting to look into Macbook Air, pretty much pleased with it in the past 12 years, good hardware-software combination, maybe you could sell your old pc and buy a new or second hand Mac, I only had to change battery and charger by myself so far in the past 12 years, and it's working superbly for the tasks I needed for personal and work related stuff.
  4. On the side note You can also make on your own with a dedicated or vps server, or get a VPN server router or hire an IT expert to setup it for you and place it in your own or your friends, relatives house back home so there will no monthly costs as well and you will even access the local network to share videos or files securely for example.
  5. You could also rent an old minivan and make it as a temporary home, travel far as you want and explore local lifestyle on your own and stay low on radar. You can get showers at any gyms as well, life is an adventure, just sayin'... Greetings from Hungary
  6. We currently living in Europe and it really sucks compare to Thailand, everything expensive now and the people are boring, selfish, anti-social since the Covid sham. Thailand was way much better, lived all around from Bangkok to Samui for 12 years, really loved the great weather, the daily pool use, the good food and the friendly people. The only thing keep us here in Hungary is the free school for the kids, the free hospital care and we got a good running family business.
  7. I like Bangkok Pat's videos as well, he is going on great lengths of excellent explanatory regarding history, culture, daily life.
  8. We stumbled upon the same issue this year when traveled with EVA and it turned out you can choose seats for free before 48 hours of the flight, but very likely the good seats will not be available at that time already.
  9. You could play loud meditative music for a straight 48 hours if it doesn't work, try with a catalonian one
  10. I agree Onnut is a good location I used to live there too for years and loved it. Stumbled upon on this decent looking condo inspired by this thread to search some so I found this for example at Lumpini mixx near Srinakarin Rd 6500 baht seems not too bad choice for a low budget but there are plenty of facebook groups as well offering similar properties https://www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/6129437497110555/?media_id=0&ref=share_attachment
  11. 30-40 minutes at least, on the elevated highway... actually the trip shouldn't take more than 20 minutes but the traffic is bad in the morning
  12. In Hungary there is a german factory warehouse where they play the sound of predatory bird like falcon repeatedly every few mins to repell the pigeons around their warehouse.
  13. I sent my scooter and boxes with the Thailand post from Bangkok to Phuket, it was the cheapest option couple of years back. I had to keep the tank nearly empty as a precaution and when I'm arrived to Phuket I was able to pick it up in the post office easily.
  14. Kathu is a great choice, nice condos and houses for rent. I used to live there for years and loved the wide roads around, easy access to Central as well as the cheap markets, food stalls and the Golf range with the nicely paved jungle road around the Bang Wad Dam was absolutely fantastic.
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