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Posts posted by mrwebb8825

  1. 1 minute ago, VocalNeal said:

    Was drinking 2.25 to 3 litres of liquid a day and then stopped. 


    What about severe dehydration?

    I thought about that too but ruled it out. My calf muscles cramp when I stretch and point my toes down when I'm getting dehydrated and that's not happening. Been upping my water intake to replace loss of beer intake. ???? 

  2. 10 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    And if the doctor tells you it's something serious and it need expensive attention then what? Would you prefer to die instead of using all your money to keep you alive?

    Good question. Kind of a catch 22 there. If I use all my money to keep myself alive, what would I use to live on? I know, kind of morbid thinking. I've decided to go see a doctor but need to find a good 1 that is reasonably priced to see if it's controllable or not and at what price. I'll post the results but it'll be at least next week as my wife had to go home to help mom for a few days since she had an accident.

    There was an earlier post recommending a good hospital so I might go there while she's away. I'm undecided if she should or shouldn't be there for the results. 

  3. My questions are pretty much what the topic says. I hope this is the correct place to ask. Most of my "injuries" were sustained while in the military but that was several years ago when they just cut you loose without benefits or evaluation. Ruptured eardrum resulting in hearing lose and tinnitus (which developed after discharge), bulging discs which were treated with light duty and pain meds. Later cracked 3 vertebra, crushed 1 disc and herniated 2 others. Was a civilian but my then wife was in the USAF. The doctors then said I was too young for surgery, plates and screws as it would cause accelerated arthritis and lose of motion (which it did anyway) and I would never be able to lift more than 10lbs again.

    Things have gotten to the point that I must adjust my position between sitting, standing and lying down every 30 minutes or so or my right leg "burns" inside and I lose all feeling to the touch as well as chronic back aches and occasional migraines.

    I've already retrained myself 3 times to be able to continue working as I never thought about asking for government help in any form. The last 2-3 yrs have been really tough and it keeps getting worse. I haven't got the 1st clue about what I need to do to apply for assistance other than contacting the US government offices in Manila.

    I got an auto-reply that I need to wait 10 days for a reply. That was 2 weeks ago. I don't have my original medical records anymore due to divorce and relocation so I was wondering if anyone here has been down this road and could offer some advice on how to proceed.

    This kind of goes hand-in-hand with my other medical post on dizzy spells and vision interference. I know I need to bite the bullet and go see a good doctor for a complete physical evaluation and tests but I have no clue as to paperwork.

    Any help pointing me in the right direction and/or contacts to get that started would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to wait until I can claim SS so I have insurance through medi-care but that's a couple more yrs away.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. @Sheryl - If this was a neurological event that has past, what are the chances of a correct evaluation based on describing everything to a doctor?

    In my family (that I'm aware of) I had a distant cousin with full blown epilepsy and my daughter developed petty-maul epilepsy around the age of 5 and it went away with treatment by the time she was 12.

    Other than that, even the smokers in my family lived 80+ years with a few reaching late 90's.

  5. 12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I do think cuts are inevitable though but likely more towards younger people as far as rising retirement ages. 

    Yes it would really be nice if those damned politicians would keep their greedy mitts off of our money. The only reason I can see to keep raising the FRA limit is it gives them more time to steal it and us a better chance of dying before complaining. Another pro for claiming early.

    • Like 1
  6. Just an update: No insurance means trying homeopathic remedies based on input from "mom" (mil) and the elderly of the village. Cleared up the cyst with these strange gooy patches that drew out all the toxins. The dizzy spells and blurred tunnel vision just went away as did the bloodshot eyes and imbalance.

    Still get the occasional spots circling around the peripheral vision area if I cough too hard.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    I have never read even one source that suggests the breakeven for a single person is ever under 77. Not interested in following your math. Sorry. How is it that your conclusion is different than what you can easily find on scads of credible sources? 





    OK, you got me. The obvious answer to why my calculations are off is I was thinking FRA at 65 and 10 months when it's actually 66 and 10 months. Glad I caught it before you did so at least I can make myself feel besot. ???? 

    Now it's even more clear that I should start on my 62nd birthday. ???? 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    I think you're mistaken.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    you get 72% (+/- 1%) at 62 of what you would get if you waited til 65 and 10 months (current FRA) so for simplicity use $100. That's $72 at 62. So 72 x 46 = 3312 head start on waiting. It would take you 33 months (rounding down) at FRA to match that so age 69. During that time you would have already collected another 72 x 33 = 2376. It would take 2 more yrs at FRA so now you're 71 so you need to add another 72 x 24 = 1728. At FRA it would take another 1 1/2 yrs to earn that so now you're 73. During that 18 months (rounding up to keep it even) you would have received 72 x 18 = 1296 putting you between 74 and 75 before the 2 numbers match.

  9. Anyone know if Cubi Point is still there? It is/was the sub base a short way from Subic/Olongapo. Watched most of that video but that guy is really boring. Was wondering what the exchange rate is. By that I mean, would you get more Pesos taking Baht from here or trading it for USD 1st? A lot of Filipinos coming here for work to send it back there.

    The Las Vegas shooter had a Filipino wife. Do you think Filipino women cause more mental instability than Thai women do?

    I know there will never be a US military base here but what about reopening any of the 3 that used to be in the Philippines? Would that cause a dramatic shift in the exchange rates as more USD would flow into the PI? After president Trump finishes with XI in China, will the Chinese influence of currency manipulation revert to some degree here?

    Are there NO grocery stores in the PI like here where you could just buy and cook your own food? Used to love San Migel beer. Head and shoulders above the swill they brew here in Thailand.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I don't see how your break even can possibly be only 74.


    The minimum for a single person anyway is 77 and this article suggests not to even look at it if you're married.





    Social Security ‘break-even’ calculations can be misleading




    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




    I get $XX at 62 and $YY at 65 and 10 months according to the SSA office in Manila. Multiply by 12 and add til the 2 numbers match. It ain't rocket science.

  11. Met mine the old fashioned way. Her friend knew my friend and they arranged an introduction. Connected by mail then email then phone and finally in person under the watchful eyes of chaperones.  Stayed that way for 2 yrs and we decided to get married. Just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary last month. I'm 8 years her senior (if that really makes a difference) and we've only ever filed 1 TM30 ???? (sorry, had to throw that in)

  12. For British movies, nothing beats the Monty Python trilogy; Holy Grail, Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life which I'm sure spurred the Mel Brookes movies; Blazing Saddles and History of the World part I. (also well done) Can't see either set of flicks being released and accepted today.

    All time favorite/most watched would be Patton.

    Best horror movie that I've only seen once (so far) "It" by Steven King. I still don't like clowns today.

  13. This new law is designed to help bar girls fleece and deport those that won't pay up otherwise. A cut for the lawyer, a cut for the police and a cut for the judge and she can increase her monthly income by 300% and not have to put out nearly as much. :wai:

  14. On 8/23/2019 at 11:10 AM, elgenon said:

    So you believe those countries have no pesticide and herbicide problems? Or farm run off or factory run off?


    The American president is good at reversing what Reagen did. Wasn't he the one who created the EPA? Anything that's good for business is good for the U.S. Huh?

    Administrator Ruckelshaus was confirmed by the Senate on December 2, 1970, which is the traditional date we use as the birth of the agency. Five months earlier, in July 1970, President Nixon had signed Reorganization Plan No. 3 calling for the establishment of EPA in July 1970


    You only missed by a few presidents. :wai:

  15. 18 hours ago, Wongkitlo said:

    Thanks. Was very sudden. Woke up to go to the toilet and had trouble walking.

    Sent from my SM-J730F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Similar for me. Went to bed and was fine, woke up and was not so fine. It has been lessening for the past 2 days. Only persistent symptom is the temporal ache on/over the right temple.

    A clinic doctor didn't seem sure and gave me antibiotics, mostly for the 6yr old (?) cyst that comes and goes over my left shoulder blade. (my wife made him look at it while we were there) Never gave it much thought as it never caused me any discomfort until last week when I thought an alien was growing inside me. It has since reached the surface and has been expelling its contents for the last 4-5 days.

    I am grateful for all the advice and will set my sights on a visit to the eye doctor near Mahidol university since I can get there from work fairly easily.

    ETA: I did notice a small fleck next to the iris some years back but the eye doctor told me it was normal and nothing to worry about. I only ever wear glasses for reading as I'm slightly far sighted but getting older.

  16. On 8/29/2019 at 12:30 PM, taninthai said:

    I dunno if that’s sarcasm but vertigo is nothing to do with fear of heights it’s to do with problem in ear canal ..lol...yes google is your friend I started suffering with vertigo about 4 years ago it’s horrible you just have to sit still till it passes normally 3 or 4 days,,had it about 3 or 4 times over 2 1/2 years,,,not had it for around 2 1/2 years now.

    Apologies, it wasn't meant as sarcasm. I thought it WAS fear of heights. ????  I've had issues with my ears for years and tinnitus for about 30 years. Started back in the good old days in the military when they just discharged you instead of giving you benefits and treatment.

    My wife noticed that when I got dizzy and my vision blurred my eyes were bloodshot. When I lie on my right side it's worse and my eyes feel 'loose' and heavy.

    I have no vehicle so have been waiting on the wife to have free time to hit the doctor. She works a lot.

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  17. Just now, timendres said:

    My favorite hospital is Samitivej on Sukhumvit 49. BumRunGrad on Sukhumvit 3 is also a good choice. And I have been treated well at Rama 9 Hospital.

    I have no idea where those are but I'll google them. I'm pretty close to Suan Dusit university for work and Bang Son MRTS for living.

    2 minutes ago, taninthai said:


    I do live on the 7th floor and teach on the 3rd. ????

    • Haha 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, timendres said:

    These symptoms are extremely important and should not be ignored. Get to a real hospital immediately and have a competent doctor check you (i.e., do not go to the local clinic). It could be something simple and easily resolved, but it can also be the symptoms of something life threatening.

    I'm currently in Bangkok for my job, any recommendations?

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