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Posts posted by mrwebb8825

  1. 41 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    I despised Clinton. I kind of liked Bill. But Hillary, no way. Bill was extremely competent when it came to running the economy. Far better numbers that Trump. Not kneeled at all. I am probably far less compromised, when it comes to allegiance to the dems, than you are to the GOP!


    I see things are they are. I criticize dem leaders, as I do GOP leaders. However, the willingness to do so by the GOP, has virtually disappeared, in the cloud of dogma and lies. 

    I have no party affiliation. I too kind of liked Bill but thought he had/has horrid taste in women from the ones he banged in the oval to the one he married. He also couldn't make a good deal as was proven by NAFTA. (his numbers dropped off after that deal)

    President Trump has the American people at heart with everything he's been doing and is trying to do. He's not PC in his approach and it appears to be working just fine. If he had proper backing from the career politicians (both sides) we would currently have some 10 million less illegals in the country sucking the resources dry. Money that could be being used for our homeless and vets.

    Do I like and agree with 100% of everything he does and says, no but for the 1st time in a long time we have a president that isn't trying to score political points and make a buck for himself.

    I could go on but I dislike typing ???? It IS however refreshing to have a discussion w/o personal attacks based on difference of opinions. :wai:


    ETA: Biden couldn't possibly win until he figures out who China is besides his son's meal ticket

  2. 2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    He only has six Puerto Rican supporters, after botching the post hurricane rescue operation by historically tragic standards. The effort was so poor, it looked positively deliberate. It is quite obvious he despises people of color. 

    You know this of course as you were 1 of the volunteer truckers stuck on the docks waiting to deliver the rescue booty delivered by FIMA and funded by said president. Maybe you personally interviewed all 6 of his Puerto Rican supporters and they told you?

    I'd like to meet some of the amazing people that the so called news claimed had gone weeks without water.

  3. On 6/2/2019 at 10:17 PM, xylophone said:

    don't want to make America cringe again.

    The only people in America that are cringing are the self appointed gods turned losers that tried to deny due process and reverse the choice of the people who are sick and tired of the same old BS being shoveled by the dems.

    Get your copies of the books signed by Comey, Clapper, etc. before they get sent to prison. It's already too late to waste your money on the Clinton book tour or the Broadway play as they have both been shutdown. Mostly because they couldn't pay people to attend and fain interest.

    Was surprised by so few nasty posts here. Maybe too much crow and humble pie to reach the keyboard? :wai:

    • Confused 1
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  4. You need a work permit to get a TL and you need a TL or waiver to get a work permit. Welcome to the world of teaching in Thai government schools. :wai:

    Yes, it seems a catch 22 scenario but there is a way to do it.

    You get a job, take that paperwork to TCT, take that app and receipt to the labor dept, take that reciept back to TCT and in 3 months (with no hitches) you go back to the labor dept with your licence or waiver.

  5. If your wife is Thai then I'd look around the Dok Mai area. Mega Bang Na is south for shopping. King Rama IX park is west for doggies. Thana City and Lakewood country clubs are SE for golf and there's a major golf center at Fashion Island west of the airport on outer ring road for golfing needs. Still puts you within a couple of hours of the nasty tourist beaches.

    Rent and research from there. :wai:

  6. International schools in Thailand do not follow the standard Thai curriculum and are basically a private business unlike the government schools. Just take the documents from the school and go to the MOE. They will check their "Private School Approval" list and put a stamp on the documents if it's on the list. Take a Thai speaker with you. Preferably a government worker as they speak the "language". :wai:

  7. Look for the most farming, you'll find the most dirt roads. Another option you and your friends might try is a trip similar to a TV poster that takes bike trips from here to Cambodia and back. He posted the last trip a couple of months ago and there were lots of dirt roads, hills, mountains and beaches without pavement. I can't remember the poster's name but someone on here will know.

  8. On 4/19/2019 at 4:36 PM, Tony125 said:

    Never happened to me in Thailand but did at a condo in Fall River ,MA USA. Pressed button and worker answered said he would work on doors. After almost 40 min in hot elavator i called the police and Fire Dept and told them me and 2 girls had been stuck on the elevator, cell was running out and please help us. heard sirens 5 min later and they arrived.  They pried doors above us open a little and handed me a pike. Toldme to look for a latch on left side of above doors. After I unlocked the latch I helped boost the girls up to fire fighters and then they pulled me out. Wasn't a pleasant experience 

    Must have been ugly girls. ????

  9. On 4/20/2019 at 7:44 AM, elgenon said:

    Are we allowed to say names? I got stuck in an elevator, not a lift, in the Prince Hotel in CM. No alarm, no phone. I had no phone. Just started banging on the door. Was stuck between floors and, when help finally came, I had to crawl out. On top of that, i am claustrophobic.


    Ever since, I am very wary of both lifts and elevators. ????

    Actually, lifts are things short people put in their shoes to fake being taller while elevators are what the Ottis company build to transport you from floor to floor. (don't flame me, read the plaque: Ottis Elevator Co.) ????

  10. On 3/12/2019 at 12:04 PM, Loaded said:


    The Teacher Knowledge Test from Cambridge English.

    Never heard of this before. Had something similar when taking finals for my B.ed so maybe that covers it.


    I'm wondering if all of this will only effect new teachers and those on waivers or will it include those of us that have already jumped through and over the 1st 100 hoops and hurdles and we'll need to get our track shoes out of the closet again.

    As for Kurusapa being established in the 90's, I'd like to see a link on that. When I moved here 17 yrs ago, the MoE was issuing Lifetime Teacher's Licences (I have one ???? ) and then someone decided there was more money to be made from foreign teachers and TCT was born and created the renewable 5 yr licence. I actually went through the Thai Culture course and am currently on my 2nd 5 yr licence. (they changed the rules on the lifetime licence to expire if you ever changed schools after it was issued)

  11. On 3/16/2019 at 6:34 PM, Jerry787 said:

    who wants to meet trump anymore ... ?
    Xi is too busy improving China economy and expanding world trade, not to meet a loser showman, with racist and supremacist ideas... 



    "In a draft law on foreign investment released earlier this week, Beijing proposed greater intellectual property protection for overseas firms operating in China and to refrain from interfering in the operation of foreign businesses. The law, published by the top legislature, could help address long-standing U.S. concerns that China is systematically stealing American companies’ technological know-how."


    Perhaps this is the new trade laws referred to above. And as for Xi being too bust growing China's economy:

    "The move came amid continued signs that China’s economy is losing steam. The government reported that industrial output grew in November at the slowest pace in a decade, in good part because of the trade war with the United States and a drop in domestic auto production."




    There's therapy for your TDS available somewhere. :wai:

  12. On 3/14/2019 at 7:00 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I suggest someone should invent a female spy who pretends to be a hot gogo-girl.

    She get's what she wants because the guys are lining up to rescue her from the bar life.

    I am sure that would be a successful movie. And all feminists should be delighted to have a female hero. ???? 

    Have you forgotten "Get Christy Love"? ????  How about "Charlie's Angels"?


    Suppose they could get Ellen Degeneres to be a sudo-female Bond. Add a pop-up, rotating "toy" in the Aston Martin passenger seat perhaps. :wai:

  13. 1 hour ago, ozmeldo said:

    The elephant in the room of course is how poorly written and designed all Thai standardized exams are. I often joke that the best excercise Thai students get in critical thinking are these exams - to guess and infer what the answer is despite all the choices appearing to the contrary. Not to select the best choice, but the choice the exam writer believes is the best choice.

    There is a stadardized core curriculum which every school prints out and puts on display every time the Ministry of Primary/Secondary Education inspectors come calling.

    http://www.act.ac.th/document/1741.pdf        <--English version)

    Nobody actually follows it or has even read it but it checks the inspection box. I keep my prepared "Dog and Pony Show" ppt handy for those visits and dutifully sit at the microphone in front of the meeting hall and go through it while the inspector and the school director discuss the consitancy and texture of their "kanom" and ignore me completely because they don't understand English.

    As for the tests, students are taught in much the same manner as the tests are written. You can't correct what you don't understand to be incorrect.

    Conflicts arise when we teach correct Conversational English and our "betters" (those in charge [HoDs]) teach their way based on 100 year old British Grammar Rules and have never upgraded their education. I chuckled when I saw our HoD referring to a Grammar book that was copywritten and translated in 2456. I won't ingage in finger pointing and blame games as it has the same impact as the loosely translated Thai saying, "The dog barking at the moon". :wai:

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