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Posts posted by mrwebb8825

  1. So, a LOT of wishful thinking and even 1 "tried and convicted" and his 1st trial doesn't even start for 3 months. I find it difficult to fathom the depths of the hatred from the losing side.

    It took better people than Mueller and his team 9-10 tries to get the teflon don convicted. Good thing he's not being tried here. You lot would have him hung by a noose hovering over the witness chair to answer questions.

  2. 14 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    'The lowest unemployment in 40 yrs?' - thank you Obama

    'The highest GDP since WWII?' - again, thank you Obama.

    'The fact that there are now more jobs than people looking for jobs?' - Yup, you guessed it, that'll be the O man again.

    'His 53% approval rating on the economy?' - which is nice since he only has a 36% rating as a president - the lowest of the last 7 POTUS's.

    'Bringing back billions in USD from overseas?' - proof please.

    'The clamp down on China stealing intellectual property from American companies?' - trying to but the jury is still way out on that one

    'The massive rebuild of the US military?' - give you that one. You can always trust the Republicans to put the military before the needs of their own people.

    ' The meeting with NK to try and stave off a nuclear war?' - pleeeeeeese. The guy played Trump like the fool he is, getting promises of everything without any commitment whatsoever. 'NK is now no longer a nuclear threat' - apart from all the nuclear bombs and stuff.

    May want to review your "facts" about your "O"-man:



    keep this link and check it every 12 months, especially after President Trump is re-elected in 2020. :wai:

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    supporting the destruction of a once great country.

    Which part is the "destruction" part? The lowest unemployment in 40 yrs? The highest GDP since WWII? The fact that there are now more jobs than people looking for jobs? His 53% approval rating on the economy? Bringing back billions in USD from overseas? The clamp down on China stealing intellectual property from American companies? The massive rebuild of the US military? The meeting with NK to try and stave off a nuclear war?

    • Thanks 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    A personal insult? You're comparing your legal knowledge to that of the NY AG. Sorry, you're going to lose that one.

    I made no such comparison but your leftist views would of course, blind you to that fact. I simple noted that another leftist blow-heart is wasting taxpayers money trying to impress leftist voters by filing a dead-on-arrival lawsuit against an administration that is doing the same thing 4 administrations did before, hoping to get it in front of a leftist judge (like they did in HI) only to waste more taxpayers money as it will then go to the SCOTUS who will overturn any decision that has to do with immigration because they have already ruled that the POTUS has broad powers when it comes to immigration.

    Separating criminals from their children has been going on since the dawn of time. If you totally agree with this then you should rally all your friends to give back the tax cuts that my president gave you to help fund several housing projects as NY state prisons are full of criminals that have been legally separated from their children. :wai:

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. Pros:

    It would save most of CA. from Nacey Pelosi

    It would make a smaller area responsible for border security

    It would make the rich and elite area (proposed as Central CA.) pay more to the rural areas for resources such as water. (spread the wealth)


    It would (possibly) create more liberals in DC

    It would raise the cost of living in the elite area (proposed as Central CA.) to astronomical levels

    The current flag would become obsolete as there would be 52 states

  6. I've been curious about this since seeing it in the news and wondered what people thought about it?


    It would save most of CA. from Nacey Pelosi

    It would make a smaller area responsible for border security

    It would make the rich and elite area (proposed as Central CA.) pay more to the rural areas for resources such as water. (spread the wealth)


    It would (possibly) create more liberals in DC

    It would raise the cost of living in the elite area (proposed as Central CA.) to astronomical levels

    The current flag would become obsolete as there would be 52 states


    Just tossing out some food for thought but would really like to know what folks (mostly Americans) think about it.

  7. On 6/14/2018 at 7:47 PM, bristolboy said:

    If he did, he would have had the self-restraint to keep it to himself. 

    Really? You mean like:

    "But the real subject of his farewell address—a presidential tradition since George Washington himself—was our nation's "democracy," ignoring the fact the United States is a constitutional republic. But then again, he did say the Constitution is "just a piece of parchment."



    Or maybe you mean like:

    "Obama Told Aides He’s ‘Really Good At Killing People,’ New Book ‘Double Down’ Claims"



    Or maybe you just mean like:

    of course, none of this would have been funny coming From President Trump.


    President Trump went into and came out of his meeting with eyes wide open. He also had to good sense to completely ignore all the Failed BS spewing from the exact same people that spewed it before with the Clinton deal.

  8. On 6/9/2018 at 11:20 AM, spidermike007 said:

    This man has to be one of the worst negotiators I have ever seen. The art of the deal? Fake news. He cannot make a deal to save his life. Sure, he made some deals with some unsuspecting investors, who got fleeced, and some people desperate to sell buildings. But, when it comes to real negotiations? He is completely out of his element. Kim has already taken him for a ride, and the summit has not even happened yet. This has already gone from "we will not meet the North Koreans unless we get major concessions and promises in advance of the summit", to "well, it is only going to be a meet and greet sort of thing, and I do not have to prepare, because this is all about tude baby. And I have attitude in spades. I am ready. Boy, am I ready!"


    To define this guy as a loser would be an insult to the losers of the world. Sure, he has a stolen fortune. Nearly anyone can make alot of money if they are willing to lie, cheat and steal. Most of us are not pathological, desperate enough, greedy enough, or lacking in conscience to the level Tiny D. is. There was a reason why he was party to 3,600  lawsuits, at the time he took office. What kind of hooligan is party to that many lawsuits? As stated above, it is alot easier to fleece a small contractor, than a guy like Kim, who is worth ten times what Donald is really worth, which is probably a billion, or less. And there is no doubt who the smarter and more cunning man in the room will be. And it will not be tiny d.


    Triple D. (draft dodging donald) - moving America backwards at an alarming clip. Lowering the quality of life, for the average American, while making his friends, and the clients of every lobbyist who has ever asked anything of him, richer. Re-populating the swamp with incompetent crocodiles. 

    The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. 

    The art of attempting to lead a nation, while being infected with the thinnest skin of a world leader, in history. 

    The art of not having a diplomatic bone in his body, and destroying long held alliances, with hate, hubris and a horrible lack of intelligence, vision and talent.

    You ever going to back up your tirades with facts or is this just another dip into your "I Hate Trump" folder on your desktop?

    I'm stocking up on crow and humble pie. I'm going to make a fortune in here.

    Perhaps many of you have missed the fact that there are No Reporters nor photographers allowed on the island during the meeting(s).

    The meeting has been set up in Singapore with the Singaporean government providing high security with their military. The Singaporean government has already tried and convicted Kim for ordering the murder of his brother in their country. 

    I see an extremely likely scenario where Kim tries to play President Trump. President Trump walks out of the meeting. The Singaporean military arrest Kim and all who have attended with him without the press watching. Pompeo meets with Kim at the prison outside the execution chamber and says President Trump can help but you need to... :wai: 

    • Haha 1
  9. On 5/25/2018 at 10:01 AM, spidermike007 said:

    He is headed toward the humiliation of his lifetime. 

    More like you are when this is all over and you're still crying and he's still president.


    What a bogus, made-up story. "Sources say...", "Couldn't be confirmed...", "Some said this but some said that...".


    Sorry to disappoint boys but the Ukraine doesn't need a "back-door channel". President Trump has already sent them arms to fight against Russia.

  10. To fix mine I had to click the "Unsecure" at the left of the url and then select "allow" and it made it go away. Hasn't happened again since. Just found it very strange that it would suddenly decide all on it's own to change from secure https to unsecure http.

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