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Posts posted by mrwebb8825

  1. When I left the states 14 yrs ago, poverty level was $15,500 in the states before you owed uncle sam and working overseas you needed to make more than $80,000 a yr before you owed taxes. My sister, who also did all my taxes back then, told me I didn't need to file anymore after I'd been here for 3 yrs because I didn't earn enough to declare and living overseas, also didn't qualify for the "poor people refund" either.

    About 2 yrs later I recieved my elidgibility staement from the IRS stating that when I reach full retirement age (66 10 months) I would receive about $1,000 every month.

    A question came up a couple of yrs ago so I sent an e-mail to the SS office in Manila and they told me all is well. Last yr I had to help the bank fill out their wonderful new "I'm An American So Screw With Me A Bit More" forms to open a new account.

    As a teacher in the provinces, I doubt I'll ever earn $100,000+ a yr so I'm not too overly concerned with it. I'm sure someone will get a call or a letter addressed to me if anything ever changes. My ebassy knows where I am. My immigration office knows where I'm at. My local police friends know where I'm at and my bank knows where I'm at. So does the SS office in Manila. :)

  2. Not sure about the office you're going to (avoid) report to but in Chocheansao the 90 day reports are in their computer data base which just might be tied into Bangkok's main data base which just might be cross-referenced with immigration's new computer data base tracking folks.

    You really want to run the risk of all the possible horrors of the bureaucratic machine and possible computer snafus based solely on the discretion and the present mood of an immigration officer over a lousy 2000 baht and a couple of hrs of inconvenience? thumbsup.gifrolleyes.gif

    And people wonder why things are getting tighter.

  3. Just redid our (my) non-O at Chochensao last week so not sure if it will happen for others but, we had to bring mom again as they were required to take a photo with 1 of the diligent immigration staff interviewing the 3 of us. They also required my wife and I to sign 2 forms, 1 stating that we were aware of the new penalties for overstay and the other stating that we understood how and why said visa (extension) could be nullified.

  4. "We again ask that citizens obey the commands of police officers in order to prevent these tragedies from occurring in the future," the association said.

    Only if it is a lawful order!

    I DO believe that when a person is caught in the act of committing a crime, "Get down on the ground" IS in fact, a lawful order.

    Mango66 ~ have you ever actually read any history?? The only time 'criminals' were 'released' from Europe and sent to another country was the UK shipping it's prisoners to Australia so they wouldn't have to support them or risk escape and need to fight them again.

    The original settlers in America came from several different areas of Europe to find a better life and get away from the tyranny of their home countries.

  5. How are you and he at computers? Maybe you could help get him interested in programming, graphic design or some other computer skill that will benefit him later. Same could be said for auto repair, motorcycle repair, woodworking, etc. There are a lot of things he may be interested in and have a real aptitude for but just hasn't had anyone help him along the path.

    It seems more like you're concerned with keeping his mind occupied in a constructive fashion more than needing help paying the bills.

  6. He may very well win. And if WWIII started while he was in office, at least it wouldn't be by surprise, being attacked without warning from some lying, two-faced country leader faying peace. Bet he wouldn't have taken 9+yrs and 2 presidencies to find Bin-Laden. Might be just the wake-up call the US and the world needs to stop playing patsy to every terrorist group waving a religious banner and worrying about hurting their poor little feelings.

  7. I don't believe they are mentally anything. I do however believe they were morally educated incorrectly. You have to keep in mind that they are in fact, children. Children are what they are taught to be until they develop enough to start making informed decisions about right and wrong. Anyone recall Lord of the Flies? Not so far from reality as you may have thought. Are they too far gone to be retrained as it were? Only time will tell. But, they need nurturing care as well as stricter discipline and not just "studied" and evaluated. A wary eye needs to be cast at their parents as well for not keeping closer tabs on their internet usage, not teaching them correct ethical and moral behavior or even just staying involved in their day to day lives explaining what's real and what's fantasy.

  8. this is a troll post, right? Why not take your vast fortune that allows you to live here and procreate and couple it with your nordic roots and open a Viking Tutorial Center? You could teach the local natives to sing and drink like vikings. Have personalized skullcaps made with those pointy horns and enter them in the dragon boat races. Don't bother yourself with all those trivial details about degrees, tests and actually being able to speak/type in correct English. Have some fun. You'll be the hit of the village and Lord of the Flies in no time. clap2.gif

  9. personally, I use Comodo Dragon Firewall. It filters all incoming traffic and destroys these virus/malware attacks. I use YAC to back that up and I also create restore points at least 5 times a month. Lastly, I make computer back-ups on my 1Tb external drive as well as store my movies and music there. Also copy all my photos to PhotoBucket as it's free and in the cloud.

    To help you with your issue, give this a read and try the fixes listed. http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/mmpc/shared/ransomware.aspx

  10. the bike tour could still work with tandems to match those who can't ride with someone who can. The Chao Praya river tour is fun. You could also load everyone up on the train and take a trip over to Kanchanaburi or up to Auttiya or even over to the floral gardens in Pattaya. They have a really great set of shows that end with the elephant show taking participants from the audience to join in the fun. The kids would get a kick out of being carried around by an elephant. There's also the water park that can be fun for the whole group.

  11. 1 more thing that I didn't see mentioned - buy the smallest notes you can here with your baht as they are cheaper than the large notes. Then change everything into the largest notes you can in the UK before coming back and you'll get a higher rate of exchange upon your return. Did this last year when going to the states. Bought all $20s here and paid less than the $50s or $100s. Went to the nearest bank in the states and traded straight across for $100s to reduce the bulk. :) I made about 5,000 baht.

  12. Personally I don't understand why you keep leaving Thailand every 90 days if you have a 1 year visa. Why not just spend 10 minutes at immigration and do a 90 day report? It's free. As for a renewal/extension, just take your documents to same said immigration office and ask them if they can process it. If they say no or give you grief then just do it while you're in the states as they seem willing to rubber stamp you for $200.

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