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Posts posted by mrwebb8825

  1. What would I do? Grab him and go through his pockets then throw him out physically with his belongings following him.

    If you are not physically capable of doing that, pay someone else to do it.

    Call that guy who looks after the health and welfare of the bar girls in Pattaya. Can't remember his name but I'm sure some here do. :)

  2. I work at a public government school and we have a new teacher that started this year. He was brought in by and agent. He inquired about when he should expect to be getting his WP and was told by said agent that he didn't need 1 because he was too old (over the age of requiring a WP to work). He's 63 years old and the agent told him that people over the age of 60 are not required to have a WP because the retirement age in Thailand for working is 60.

    He's not a TV member which is why I'm posting this on his behalf. Hoping some of the more learned members could shed some light on this as I myself will be hitting the magical 60 in a few years.

    Thank you in advance. smile.png

  3. JMHO ~ Why not organize a track out at Don Mueng airport using 1 of the old runways? Organize it with safety checks for both bike and rider. Charge 100 baht per rider and 20 baht per spectator. Use the money for prizes, maintenance, cleaning, ect. It's not like the noise would bother anyone out there. The military has a base next door to provide emergency medical services and security.

  4. just curious but, why would anyone with an American and Australian education want to teach a British Primary curriculum? Not to start any fights but the British Empire has fallen and many schools like the cleaner pronuncian of American English.

    ps. I sent you a PM

  5. "For instance, a mining licence would require an approval from the Industry Ministry as well as the Resource and Environment Ministry among others," he said.

    This law does not apply to licences or approvals for projects involving natural resources and environment.

    So, if they can't even explain what they are trying to do, how on earth will they ever do it. Pretty sure I've never seen a man-made products mine before. coffee1.giffacepalm.gif

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  6. Spend the same amount of money as the pipeline by building a new Canadian/American joint venture refinery on the border near the oil and those temp jobs can become perminant. It would also reduce the spillage factor as there would be a very minimal distance of transportation required.

    How do the refined products reach their destination from the northern refineries?

    Surely you are not suggesting the refined oil would be consumed in the local area of the refinery.

    The Keystone pipeline is planned to connect with existing pipelines in Nebraska from the North Dakota Bakken oil field.

    The proposed Keystone XL Pipeline (Phase IV), which would essentially duplicate the Phase I pipeline between Hardisty, Alberta, and Steele City, Nebraska, with a shorter route and a larger-diameter pipe. It would run through Baker, Montana, where American-produced light crude oil from the Williston Basin (Bakken formation) of Montana and North Dakota would be added[7] to the Keystone's current throughput of synthetic crude oil (syncrude) and diluted bitumen (dilbit) from the oil sands of Canada.

    The Keystone XL proposal faces criticism from environmentalists and a minority of the members of the United States Congress. In January 2012, President Barack Obama rejected the application amid protests about the pipeline's impact on Nebraska's environmentally sensitive Sand Hills region.[13]TransCanada Corporation changed the original proposed route of Keystone XL to minimize "disturbance of land, water resources and special areas"; the new route was approved by Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman in January 2013. On April 18, 2014 the Obama administration announced that the review of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline has been extended indefinitely, pending the result of a legal challenge to a Nebraska pipeline siting law that could change the route. The challenge has been taken up by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

  7. Spend the same amount of money as the pipeline by building a new Canadian/American joint venture refinery on the border near the oil and those temp jobs can become perminant. It would also reduce the spillage factor as there would be a very minimal distance of transportation required.

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  8. With so many dogs being rescued from the illegal dog meat trade, your money would be better spent helping one or two of them. Soi Dog would love it if you walked in and offered to give a home to them. Many are domesticated dogs, ripped out of their neighborhood. It's a tragic situation. I am not advertising for Soi Dog, but advising that they need help with helping thousands of homeless dogs.

    Thousands of homeless dogs vs. millions of starving children...Hmmmmmm

    @OP ~ Fatten them up, then starve them for a week. Feed them a large portion of dry, uncooked rice with seasoning followed by a large serving of water. When the rice expands...(I won't add the details in between)...Then enjoy your expensive (?) gormet meal, then use the hide for golf club covers. wai2.gifwhistling.gif

  9. Biggest 1 I ever saw was down in Prachup Kirikhan. My friend and I were going fishing on the jette across the bay from Amanou. We were walking in the water along the shore as it's smoother. He grabbed my arm pointing (he's Thai) and pulling me up short. I saw what looked like a stingray tail coming from under a 4meter high boulder. It suddenly vanished and up on top popped a monster. Must have been 3 meters long with a crab in it's mouth. It lept from the boulder to the hill behind it and crashed off through the trees like a rough elephant. We could see bushes and smaller trees moving for nearly 200 meters til it crested the hill.

  10. The female teacher that had these classes last term is gone (part of the Filipino clan) and her gay male counterpart handed me two pages, photocopied from the index of some mysterious book that doesn't seem to exist at school, as the "curriculum" that he/they "wrote" to conduct the classes. <- insert sarcastic tones)

    I really dislike some of the out and out garbage that these kinds of people get away with, but that's another story.

    M3 is supposed to cover "Puberty Through Adulthood" including pregnancy, prevention, diseases, emotional changes, peer pressure, etc. The M1 and M2 classes are supposed to cover subjects like hygiene, diseases, symptoms, peer pressure in relationship to drugs, nutrition, weight management, etc.

    I'd really like to find material I can put in their hands and eventually create a "student book" for each level that will actually benefit the students in their education.

    I can write up the vocabulary lists, definitions, curriculum and syllabus easily enough once I have all the core material organized. Just looking for help in locating material online for free (in keeping with the school budget).

    Thank you harrry for the link - I will use it for the M3 and maybe even the M2 classes. Do you happen to have the link for the Chiangrai Tessabahn 6 English Program you mentioned?

    Thank again folk for the assistance.

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  11. I've been tasked to teach Health in English to our MEP to M1, 2 and 3 students. My problem is, there are NO books, NO curriculum, NO syllabus, NO lesson plans, NO handouts and NO help.

    This topic seems to have been sluffed off from teacher to teacher since it's introduction to MEP. I would like to do it properly so I'm asking here if anyone has any material and/or websites that can help me.

    The school library has a copy of the Prentice Hall Teachers book for Health but it's an American Text written at American high school level and these students would never understand it.

    I should add that I am in the provinces so do not have easy access to any of the great book stores of Bangkok.

    I will keep trying to search the web in the meantime but thought it might be a good idea to ask here as well.

    Thank you in advance for any helpful links and advice.

  12. I applaud your thinking and enthusiasm and as you will soon learn, these seminar's are 1 of the many requirements to getting your licence from TCT. Those on here calling them BS are the same "Teachers" who will be back here crying that they have been rejected as teachers because they used up their waivers.

    As for seminars you can attend, check the Teaching Section on here, Google the Oxford University Press, look on ajarn.com. Also, there are Teacher/Teaching Facebook groups such as https://www.facebook.com/groups/TEFLTHAILAND/ that have a large network of folks teaching here as well as agencies and recruiters with plenty of information.

    Good luck :)

  13. My 2 favorite stories happened back when I had 1st moved here over 12 years ago.

    As soon as I moved here I tried to start picking up the language by asking a couple of friends I had met who were Thai and spoke good English. 1 of the few fruit items I like are bananas (I know of you are snickering already) but I asked my friend how to say banana in Thai so I didn't have to just point saying "uh uh". I was sure I had this word down pat and a few days later, the friend that had taught me and I were walking past a market. I stopped and Proudly asked the elderly lady selling fruit Mi Gluy Yai Mai?. My friend nearly chocked he was laughing so hard and the poor old lady just looked really perplexed. I found out later that the word for banana and the word for a man's "Johnson" are incredibly similar and I had in fact asked that poor lady if she had a big Johnson instead of big bananas.

    The 2nd was a bit more subtle but still makes me smile. Out eating lunch with the wife and her lady friends from the rajabaht she works at. My wife knows I enjoy eating shells and orders them for me in Thai. Her friends started smiling and giggling when 1 asked me if I really like to eat shells a lot. I said yes to which she replied "Puying mai ging hoi" and they all started having a good laugh. I found out later the secondary meaning for "Hoi" and now it makes for a good joke whenever we go out with "the gang".

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