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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. A multiple entry non-o will allow unlimited 90 day entries for a year. You will need to leave the country every 90 days for a new entry. By doing an entry just before the visa expires you can get almost 15 months of total stay.

    You mentioned the multiple entry non-o is it the same as the other guy mentioned multi-entry O visa from savanakhet thai consulate?

    You mean I need to leave the country every 90 days for a new entry? Is it a complusory?

    Is your multiple entry non-O same as the multi-entry non-imm O visa based on marriage?

    I'm confused.

  2. It is also possible to renew an "extension of stay based on marriage" (it is not a visa) by showing 40k Bht/month income certified by an Embassy letter. If this is not possible the only alternative would be to apply for a multi-entry "O" Visa from Savannakhet, Laos, which currently requires no "finances" to be shown

    You mentioned the multi-entry O visa from Savannakhet,Laos require no finances.

    Do you mean once I reach there, they can issue me the multi-entry O visa on the spot?

    How much do i need to pay for that multi-entry O visa? How many months will be given for this multi-entry O?

    Thank you.

    The 12month visa will cost 5000 Bht and is applied for in the AM of one day and collected in the PM of the next day.

    You will need your marriage certificate and a copy and signed copies of your wife's ID card and housebook.

    Can I check with you again this 12month multi-entry O visa for 5000bht is it the same as the Non-imm O multi-entry visa based on marriage?

    Does it apply to all nationality? As for the no finances required, is it a ongoing privilege? Any cut off period?

  3. It is also possible to renew an "extension of stay based on marriage" (it is not a visa) by showing 40k Bht/month income certified by an Embassy letter. If this is not possible the only alternative would be to apply for a multi-entry "O" Visa from Savannakhet, Laos, which currently requires no "finances" to be shown

    You mentioned the multi-entry O visa from Savannakhet,Laos require no finances.

    Do you mean once I reach there, they can issue me the multi-entry O visa on the spot?

    How much do i need to pay for that multi-entry O visa? How many months will be given for this multi-entry O?

    Thank you.

  4. Could you divulge what you mean by conveniently ?

    Without proof of funds no extension is possible save for 60 day extension based on wife or child.

    Or go to Savanakhet Laos for a multi entry non o,no proof of funds required.

    Thank you for the reply.

    The conveniently which i mentioned is for the choices of travelling eg: air ticket out/in or to border immigration if I am in Bangkok.

    Can the 60 day extension u mentioned be granted once I enter to Thailand?

    Sorry, I am clueless for all these stuff.

    Lastly, will I able to renew the 60days based on child or wife consecutively without rejection by the immigration officer?

    Eg: i am in Thailand 2 months and I flying out and in again. then I apply for the extension based on wife/child. Coming 2 month due date, on the day i go out thailand and come in, again i apply for extension based on wife/child continuously. Will the officer reject me like how they reject some tourist re-entering thailand too many times?

  5. Currently having a valid non-imm o marriage visa.

    Not going to renew the non-imm o marriage visa due to insufficient proof of 400,000 baht saving.

    Have a newborn baby, everything registered in the birth certificate.

    What will be the process in this case?

    How many months will the immigration officer grant him since he is not eligible for the 1 year marriage visa but he is officially married and have a thai baby?

    How much total cost need to pay every extension of stay is done?

    Any recommendation of to get the extension stamp conveniently?

  6. Deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Jaktip Chaichinda said he could hardly believe it when he was informed certain Thai persons were behind the bombings.

    Why doesn't he believe it? Is there a difference between killing a person and killing a group of people? Killing a person is lesser guilty than killing a group of people? Killing a person is lesser evil than killing a group of people?

    Let's look back at the history. How many people died in the previous political unrests? Has the police find out the perpetrator? What are those perpetrator's nationalities?

    Remember a bullet in the head? Who is the gunman? A Thai or foreigner?

    Look at the daily news, people are robbed and killed. Ladies are raped and killed. Child was abused and killed. Love couple was killed out of jealousy. Who did all these? Foreigner?

    Some people got silenced due to money issue, family issue, working issue, love issue. Who did the killing? Paid hitman. And who are these hitmen? Thai or foreigner?

    It shows that some Thais will do something bad for money or personal reason regardless how severe it is. Remember the Top police chief said before, "some thais has no thai heart".

    The police can believe it is not done by their own beloved Thai people but let's get the mind straight and find the real truth without prejudice, justice need to given to the victims.

    We do not wish it's done by Thais as well.

    Let's recalled the news at the 2nd bombing at the sathorn pier. If i remember the news correctly, it reported the 2nd bomb at sathorn pier was also placed at the same day and almost same timing as the bomb at Erawan shrine? Then the cctv video surfaced showing a blue shirt man placing the bomb at the sathorn pier. Couldn't really see the face but the police has concluded is a asian man. Can we also concluded he can be a Thai as well? Since some Thais also has fair complexion as well, there is a possibility as well.

    Let's see the video again. He came to put the bomb but he kick it off into the water. It's quite unlike from the Erawan shrine. No doubt the bombers definitely want to see dead corpses in this deadly mission. Why did this blue shirt man throw the bomb into the water? On one side at Erawan shrine, they want people died. On the other side at sathorn pier they just want to intimidate the people by trigger off the bomb under the water? Inside the video, the blue shirt man was on the phone and then he start to throw the bomb. I personally don't think the caller ordered him to throw into the water. I believe they want to see dead people as well in the sathorn pier mission. I personally feel that either this blue shirt Asian man has a Asian heart OR this blue shirt Thai man has Thai heart who do not wish to see people died but still need to execute his work. So how can he save them and did his job at the same time? He just throw the damn bomb into the water and pretending unsure of it. And it is also interesting that the bombers are wearing yellow and blue shirt.

    Of course, this is purely my speculation.

    This bombing incident has many fingers pointing across at innocent party.

    Need to know the fact to prevent unnecessary feuds.

  7. There are photos circulating in the facebook showing the victims. Those victims are inside the shrine area. Can see a photo of a victim kneel praying and the poor lady just died in that way. Another photo of showing scattering body parts. Whole thigh lying on the road by itself.

    It is a damn nasty planned bomb attack.

    Watching the news, wifey sitting beside crying.

    I pray for the affected people to be strong and may justice will prevail soon.

  8. This school rivalry stuff need to get rid asap. It is crazy. They are fighting just for the sake of fighting. No significant purposes. Just because of different school logo?

    Just make a standardised uniform for all schools. Since they like to fight against each other, why not create opportunity for them to meet more often?

    School activities, sport. Put them in the same team. As time goes, I believe enemies will become friends.

  9. She hit the car.

    A person is dead.

    She is traumatised.

    She did not give any statement.

    No testing for drink driving as well.

    She can leave the scene openly.

    The next day she went to station to give statement.

    She was tested for alcohol consumption (Great! How many hours has passed?)

    She said she willing to compensate the deceased family.

    A witness saw she and a big bike racing at high speed.

    She told people that she hope this will be a lesson for others to prevent such accident occur.

    I believe She is an angel.

    It is a honest mistake.

  10. Some has suggested giving vouchers instead of cash. Actually they can squander the voucher away as well.

    Just resell the 400baht voucher to others at 300baht rate. Then the drunkard father or the gambling mother get the 300baht to buy lao khao or play the "dummy".

    Eventually everything is in the parent's hand. Government is helping them, the parents need to help themselves too.

  11. The small vendors are telling the key issue about their overpriced tickets. The problem is very clear. It is always the big cash buying and reselling to these lower end vendors. Easy quick profit turnover.

    is there a way to stop this?

    If the government want the ticket officially sold at 80baht, then they need to explore new regulations for all vendors to purchase the tickets at the same cost price. Find a way to prevent them from resell the quota.

    When the sellers bought at 70baht, some bought at 74baht, some bought at 75baht, the sellers are not in a fair level. When some sellers pushing hard to sell off 1000 tickets (for eg. cost price is 75baht), they earn 5000baht. While some others are also selling away 1000 tickets but they have already earned 10000baht, because their cost price is at 70baht.

    You can see every level is not consistent from the top end vendors to the very low end ticket sellers. But the government wants the selling price fixed at 80baht, is it feasible?

    In order to get the 80baht policy done, perhaps they need to rethink the quotas handling out to the vendors.

    For me personally, I would prefer the lottery tickets sold by the GLO itself (no one is going to benefit by reselling the tickets to lower vendors) OR simply give the quota only to the disabled/ handicapped personnel. ONLY REGISTERED PERSONNEL beforehand will be given the quota and the quota will be share out evenly to the handicapped vendors.

    This ticket selling is a too easy job for the healthy people. I believe since those healthy vendors are able to have big cash for the quota, they can also make a good living doing other trade as well. I would rather implement a policy to cater only just the disabled citizens for their living.

    What is the objective of selling lottery from the GLO's point of view?

    I would rather give more happiness to the poor Thais than making the rich become more richer.

    I believe there are many jobs available for the healthy group at anytime.

  12. imo, holding a thai passport does matter to him alot.

    Why did Surapong fix a new passport during Yingluck administration period and all the way send to him if he is not interested in the thai passport and at that time he already holding foreign passport and could travel around the world enjoying his wealth?

    EVen now, the current government is revoking all the thai passports, Surapong vow to get the thai passports back for Mr. T should PTP got elected again. So why are they so keen on the thai passport if Mr. T is not interested for those passports?

    The objective of the thai passport is not for travel purposes but rather is a symbol of recognition or sense of belonging.

    Likewise to Mr. T court cases, he has already self-exiled and living abroad. His wealth can last him staying out freely a peaceful life but you see the last PTP government has tried to put him into amnesty bill so that he can come back to homeland as a free man. Why?

    Afterall he is a Thai, Thailand is his home where his family and friends are here. A man no matter how bad he did outside, he still love his own family. He miss them. It's a matter of sense of belonging, I guess.

  13. The students should be told that there is a democratic civilized country not far from Thailand is also not allow such protest to held in public places, unless they got approval and the protest is only done at some designated speech corner. Not as and when u like.

    Ps: The peaceful protestors in that country are been charged as well.

  14. If this general is indeed involved, good to see him apprehended. It will hurt some people feelings that their beloved RTA has done something bad. People need understand there are always have bad apples in every sectors of our society. To withhold the dignity strongly, the incharge more need to deal with those bad apples and not covering their asses. By doing so, people will maintain having full respect for the RTA. No doubt There will be disappointment in it but it feel good as well that the current leader is wiling to act on it.

  15. A ship is sinking. Loads of people are trap inside the ship. Water are leaking into the ship from a broken hole. People start drowning. The leftover people start having conflict over how to save the sinking boat.

    1st group said "lets patch the hole and throw out the water."

    The 2nd group said: since there is a hole causing the water leaking into the ship, it is also possible to make another hole to let the water flow back to the sea."

    Since the 2nd group has outnumber the 1st group, the minorities can only pray hard for a miracle.

    Suddenly! A third group appear. They are the ship crews. They are armed with weapons. They ask the illogical group to step down and do the necessary work to save EVERYONE in the sinking ship.

    Peace and happiness once again is found in the ship.


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