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Posts posted by Dararasmi

  1. My aunt used to hang small plastic bottles filled with water in her garden. Don't know if it works but apparently since cats don't like water they dont go near.

    Just a idea.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A popular method here in Japan involves filling empty 1 liter clear plastic beverage bottles with water and placing them around "protected" areas. Though, I have my doubts about this method's efficacy.

  2. Just one cat? Shouldn't be too difficult to dispose of its droppings. Be honored your garden was chosen. As we all know, cats are quite finicky. smile.png

    If it were a dog, would anyone be saying, "just one dog"?

    As a dog owner, my neighbors demand i pick up after my dog, even when it does its mess in inoffensive places like public litter-filled scrubland. I have no problem with this, as it is what i'd do anyway. However, these same neigbours, some of them anyway, own cats, cats that walk over my cars and leave scratch marks, cats that kill animals and leave the remains in my garden, cats that do their business, which stinks much worse than dogs mess, in my garden.

    People who chose to have cats as pets, should in my opinion be held to the same level of responsibility as us dog owners. If that is not possible to do, they shouldn't chose to have them in the first place.

    This is a stray cat that's dumping in the dude's garden. No owner, I'd guess.

    Anyway, it's just cat crap and dead critters. Happens in my garden on a daily basis. I just suck it up (so to speak) and dispose of it all. It's no reason for me to become all pussified. laugh.png

    As all cats roam about as they please, not sure how exactly we determine the strays from the not strays.

    Anyway, do you not agree that cat owners and dog owners are held to a different level of responsibility in the way people demand they take care of the animal... a difference that is not really very fair... and if a cat scratched up your car, would that not annoy you, especially if the owner of said cat, was the same woman who rushed to the front of her property to glare at you, when your dog did its business in the street near her drive (not even on it), even though you were ready and at hand to pick up the mess with a plastic bag?

    An owned cat usually has a collar. And in Thailand, more often than not, it's a collar of the Doraemon type (with a bell). ^^

    I do agree that cat and dog owners are held to different standards. And that's as it should be. Cats relieve themselves in secluded, out of the way areas (like peoples' gardens). Dogs crap/whizz wherever they might be when the mood strikes. (Sidewalks/footpaths seem to be a favorite place.) I think a big part of your problem is with the glaring woman. Did you talk to her?

  3. Just one cat? Shouldn't be too difficult to dispose of its droppings. Be honored your garden was chosen. As we all know, cats are quite finicky. smile.png

    If it were a dog, would anyone be saying, "just one dog"?

    As a dog owner, my neighbors demand i pick up after my dog, even when it does its mess in inoffensive places like public litter-filled scrubland. I have no problem with this, as it is what i'd do anyway. However, these same neigbours, some of them anyway, own cats, cats that walk over my cars and leave scratch marks, cats that kill animals and leave the remains in my garden, cats that do their business, which stinks much worse than dogs mess, in my garden.

    People who chose to have cats as pets, should in my opinion be held to the same level of responsibility as us dog owners. If that is not possible to do, they shouldn't chose to have them in the first place.

    This is a stray cat that's dumping in the dude's garden. No owner, I'd guess.

    Anyway, it's just cat crap and dead critters. Happens in my garden on a daily basis. I just suck it up (so to speak) and dispose of it all. It's no reason for me to become all pussified. laugh.png

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  4. So, a lot of old has-beens are coming to Pattaya. And this is news? LOL.

    Jimmy Page a has-been? Obviously you don 't keep up with musical news; he is still dong great and extensive work; and still looked upon as a musical giant among the newer brigade.

    Jimmy Page is a genius, a guitar god, and will forever be a major influence for all rock and roll musicians, young and old. Having said that, his own new musical output has been irrelevant since Led Zeppelin's In Through The Out Door. (OK, his solo on The Honeydrippers' version of Sea of Love was brilliant.)

  5. I don't know why we should make such a big deal of this. Corruption is what drives US conservative politics, drags the rest of the world into horrific conflicts, and rapes the 3rd World of it's resources. Relatively speaking, Thai corruption is for the most part localised. US corruption global.

    Umm...how about we stay on topic? It's amusing how many of these forum discussions regarding Thailand turn into "America bashing".

    (Yes, globally beneficial.) thumbsup.gif

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