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Posts posted by shrimpythailand

  1. 8 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    There is no possible source for this as it is completely untrue.


    In Thailand, most COVID deaths have been in people aged 40 -65. I don't offhand recall ever seeing a report of a COVID death in someone over 80 here, if there were any they were very, very few. There have been deaths in people well under 40 and even in children.


    Even in Western countries where the disease has swept through old age homes, the average age of COVID deaths is  below 80. 

    in the UK the average age for death by covid is 82 years old - and with co-morbidities - is on the interweb

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  2. so the article doesn't actual say that Chaiwat was dead at the scene... just laying on the ground hold the knife...  gawd - loaned a brother in law 5000 bt - ain't ever going to get it back as he is sick - had some same deal - 3-4 year old loan for 5k baht to some guy - sure wouldn't think of killing him over a measly 5k baht  - just one for the cause that one - bro in law ...so they were "best buds"  oops 

  3. the little pharmacy down suk soi 11 I went to a couple of times - yes they take a blood sample tho - was like 500 bt but that was years ago - in and out in 15 minutes with the correct page filled out - I didn't know you could just get a physical and that tested for it  - out in rangsit now is like 600-700bt at the hospitals for the blood test - 45-60 minute wait and bam you are done 

  4. Yes - why go back to 1957 fer christ's sake - 1997-2008-2011 and now is good enuff  - I just had to go back and get my user name and password  5 5 5 

    Jeezuz H Christ - 10-20 million actually out of work here... yah my company is open - we do sell some essential hospital item - but mostly industrial seals and gaskets and o rings and stuff - lots of big customers like steel mills and others still open and we are still shipping - plus export orders for big mining trucks and excavators in a few countries as well - so is selling to 2000 factories qualify as essential biz? yah  i think so - they are still open and still sending quotes and orders in every day - ok a little slower at the moment  - but siam yamato steel and saharvaryi steel and many others - siam toyaota are still open 

    anyway - am glad we ARE still open - it ain't over yet but have to flatten the damn curve down and get thailand biz back open - from big to small - I don;t have enuff in the bank to NOT be working - not rich - not poor  - but kicking ass and taking names every day 

  5. one more - was downtown on soi 11 one night - finally got the taxi - thought ok great 500 bt... ok 300 for cab and 200 bt tip ok... get to the first tollbooth and give the driver 100 bt for the 30 bt toll and then he wants to keep the change... and on the drive from downtown to Rangsit - halfway out he says "oh so far to Rangsit - have to be 700 bt" and i say no.... it is 500 bt as we agreed - and he still has the 70 bt in change from the toll booth - so I told him to keep it.... so we get out to my street - bok soi from Viphawadee as i had had enough of this jerk and could still get motorcike taxi home - and he says " oh i am out of NGV - where is a NGV station ? " well i had to laugh - I say to myself serves you right you jerk... good luck getting back downtown... but i did tell him there was a 24 station back by future park 5 5 5 hope he made it there... - but yah - some lovely experiences in taxi's from Downtown over the years...

    Stevev Blunder


  6. had to post on this one - been here 15 years and driving the whole time but have had a few taxi experiences - i live out in Rangsit - but what happened to the american guy on suk soi 50 that got into an argument and then got killed with a sword by the taxi driver over a 50 bt fare?

    Came back from phuket to Don muang in 2008 and got in a cab - driver said no meter once in and wanted 300 bt for a 100 bt fare to future park area... well the wife said no - stop the car - the driver then stepped on the gas and slammed on the brakes twice- trying to give us the bang your head syndrome on the front seat from the back seat of the cab - and we were still in the airport road ! ... well jeez - finally got him to stop and I wanted the get another cab as was about midnight - the wife was having none of that - marched us back to the cop station at the airport and told the cops and guess what - they went out and got this guy - he had gone right back to the taxi line up ! - brought him inside for the witness deal and I think fined him 500 bt on the spot - maybe he was on drugs don't know..... yah good drivers out in the burbs mostly - some won't go downtown - ok no prob - i did meet one guy and got his number so he will go anywhere if not busy and he smokes - so can smoke in his cab...5 5 5 - down on suk soi 11 a couple of nights and nobody wants to go to Rangsit - had to ask 4-5-6 taxi's and I would tip big - but have had to cough up the 500 bt no meter for the 300 bt ride a couple of times...one night was the night that the guy driving the Porsch at 270 kpm hit the SUV on the Viphawadee tollway - we didn't see the accident - but we were there right after - and I swear the SUV was a good 100 yards up in front of the Porsch - couldn't believe it... I now drive home in the slow lane on the tollway and keep an eye out for crazy race car drivers late at night if coming home...one night in the middle lane at 1 am cruising home and a Ferrari went by in the fast lane at 200+ and scared the bejesus out of me - I didn't see him coming at all in the rear view mirror he was going that fast...

    anyway - some of my taxi stories - mostly been fine - one old guy in and old taxi asked me how many wives i had - I told him only one - one is enough - then he tells me he has 5 wives - had to laugh at that one...

  7. thought it was bt 200 per day late if over - 12 years ago after my first 2 years i was 40 days over and thought oh oh 200 bt per day so i took bt 8000 out and went to the old imm bldg and got there at 1 pm after lunch - gave my new paper to the girl and she gave it back stamped it and gave it back and already to go for the next 90 days without ANY fine... man was I happy - but found out later the max was 2000 bt or 10 days over the 7 I guess... but that was 12 years ago 5 5 5

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  8. yah 500 bt or 15 bucks for a falung is no big taxi money from the airport to downtown if the normal meter might be 200-250 bt - but these guys are all running NGV or LNG or whatever gas and the cost for LNG is like 50 bt from the airport... anyway - yes it is low cost taxi's here ...but if the airport liscened guy is jacking it up to 500 bt... man i got in a sumi airport a few months ago and i live in Rangsit - 45kms and the meter cost was like 300-350 and i gave the guy 500 bt - 150 bt tip maybe 200 bt tip...and i always give a 100 bt + tip if i have to take a cabbie downtown - but i drive mostly but yah - i will give the cabbie a half decent tip - but when downtown the odd night and need to come back to Rangsit - after 4-5 cabs say no and you realize that the NGV cost not very much to drive out and back - real cheap - maybe 100 bt max... - but they all say - "no no too expensive" ...one story from a couple of months ago - agreed on 400 bt from downtown to Rangsit... ok fair price as would be 300 on the meter and was 2 am...and at the tollway I had to change a 500 bt bill so he has 460 baht in his hand and now wants 460bt for the fare... i hem and haw for a second and say ok ok ok ... so we get out to the end of the tollway and down to my street and he pulls over to drop me off and he says his tank is empty... 5 5 5 so now he wants to know where the NGV station is to fill up ... well ... my arms come up with palms up and the " I don't know sorry look" Pom Mai Sap buddy - but there was a place just back aorund the U turn and I told him - but was too funny...and he was high on something as well which i didn't notice until a few miles into the drive... anyway - would have been a laugh to have seen the cab conk out of fuel after he dropped me off but am pretty sure he drove the u turn and found the ptt gas... but maybe not....5 5 5

  9. n210mp - hey great thread old buddy... so if you know a monk and he can walk you thru the deal and can clear it all with the Wat the go for it - try it out for 1-4 weeks and enjoy old bean... I have not done the Wat thing myself - been here 14 years but in the back of my mind... as i have no pension and f all to provide any support if I cannot work my job - I have thought that OK ... find a Wat and teach english or music or something if all goes south and I cannot go to work or something else happens... so it has been in the back of the old brain case for a couple of years these thoughts... but if you know the forest monk and can try it out - what the heck - try a couple of weeks ... as I said - if i cannot actually work my job for some reason and have to call it quits in the working world - my first stop will be to a local Wat and try to organize a falang monkhood - yah do all the stuff - but can teach english and music to kids and would be a way to live without pension or social security money which i have nothing coming to me so that thought has popped up... 10 years ago I went toeh Wat at suk 101 and a guy there said he would mail me a book - well a week later i got this big 700 page book on the teachings of Ajahn Mun and his students... was awesome... i wrote teh guys name and number in the book - well last week at work I showed the booked to our secretary and it seems she is a huge Ajahn Mun fan and she called the same guy and talked to him and he is going to send her a bunch of stuff now... she was tickled and the huge book I am going back now and rereading but the the stories from all of Ajahn Mun's students are great .... and they were also lots of forest monks... anyway - up to you - but you can certainly try it all out for a few weeks - especially if you have a friend monk who can get any red tape cleared up ... but yes - when I get 70+ and cannot work I am going to offer my talents to a Wat for a few years before i can't move and help some thai orphans and Wat kids learn english or piano... anyway that is my idea for future when no money is happening....



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  10. had an american friend got caught on overstay-2+ years - into the immigration jail - actually klong 6 for 2-3 weeks while he tried to get anyone to pay the 20 thou and buy a plane ticket - in the end the american gov had to buy the ticket and I guess pay the 20 thou after checking all family in the usa for money - hand over your usa passport until paid off the plane ticket and overstay or whatever the us embassy did pay - one falung I know with thai wife and house here went to visit him in the klong 6 jail and the cops wanted 200,000 bt cash and his house title book for insurance to let him out... the mutual friend said "sorry - no thanks" to that offer...

  11. just went to a SCB ATM and the english button didn't take me to the english screen - i got a thai screen message.... tried again and on the main page screen with the english button it had a list of cash withdrawl options which was nice - otherwise i would not have wanted to guess on the thai screen - but I think most all Mall branches would be open over the next 5 days ... maybe some will close - don't know but they are open 7 days a week usually... hey as long as the ATM's don't shut down or George Soros doesn't make another thai baht takedown over the next 5 days it should be ok right? but I think he is too busy taking russia and the ukraine money right now 5 5 5


  12. so no emergency brake? would think that maybe rear ending a car or three would have been safer than making a sudden turn sharp enough to flip the bus over might have been safer.... of course going too fast and not being able to stop is a problem and that is a big tour bus....

    pumping on the brakes and pulling the emergency handle while trying to stop and rear ending a few cars has to be safer than a huge turn and flipping the bus on it's side... hmmm haven't been in that situation myself tho...

    and "blaster hospitalized" <deleted> ? that must be the pick up truck rescue guys right?

  13. Crickets - man you better learn patience here - that is what living here teaches you ... either that or you are going to wind up in a "world of Hurt" ... damn man ... if the wife is the car with me - not allowed to honk the horn .. i do honk sometimes.. been driving here a lot in 14 years - and man let me tell you - it TEACHES you how to be patient if you want to not get in a fight with some crazy thai driver... better take some meditation classes or something...I live and work out in the north burbs - Rangsit - motocikes all driving the wrong way down big roads like Viphawadee out here - the last thing you want is to hit or be hit by some thai guy on a motocike or even driving his BMW down the curb lane the wrong way of traffic so he can get to the next road or whatever ....have had a few incidents with the local goofs in their car on the tollways doing the zig zag driving at 160+ kms - either rush hour or late at night... but man chill down or you will get hurt by someone if you cannot control your "impatience" is all i can say ...I must admit i drive to and from work on the tollway about 60kms total every day - but yes I do have to mix it up on some main raodss and man - you just never know what is going to come at you - was in a car with an Italian friend one day who is a real aggresive driver and it just turned me right off... you just don't need or do not want to do that here... you have to watch everybody every second while driving here.. downtown is one thing - out in the burbs maybe worse as way more motocikes driving the wrong way - cars as well the odd day... but hwen you piss off a thai you better watch out... american taxi passenger samuri'd on suk soi 52 over a 50bt cab fare.. dead... anyway - you have to Jai yen yen here OP 5 5 5

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  14. ok martial law in bangkok is a done deal - when is the Army and thai police going to really declare martial law in the south... southern thailand looking a lot like iraq and syria with ISIS except on a smaller scale... these separatist muslim murderes are getting away with everything in the south... army and police always reacting instead of PROacting... they have to declare full martial law and take control back to stop these killings of innocent people all over the 3 southern provinces.... jeezus... what a mess....I think the red shirt in bangkok problem is under control - let's see how the new gov decides how to stop the south BIG problem...???

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  15. I met one of the ex-state railway guys that was selling the spare parts for the transmissions on these 50+ year old trains a few years ago and we quoted the special cast iron rings to him but never got any orders... Japanese copies of old american 1940? design - automatic transmissions on the engines.... anyway - not sure how much the railway makes in a year or not - but it sure seems to me that any money made dissappears into back pockets and am not sure when a new train car or engine has ever been bought - as they are real good and replacing all transmissions parts to exact 50 yr old spec.... so no need to buy anything new and following that logic means more back pocket money... have only been on 2 train rides in my 14 years here and no problems...also a few years ago an auzzie company we dealt with brought up an expensive track checking train car and did extensive track checkong all up and down thailand - laser checking for bad rails, ground, gravel the whole works...I think they spent 6 months here on contract - maybe a year going all over the tracks... but if Thailand cannot even get 50 year old slow trains to stay on the tracks and mark any crossings then it will be interesting to see how you implement billion dollar high speed tracks and trains...

    here is what happens when a usa train hits a truck loaded with watermelons.... but don't think anyone died....the trains are a bit heavier and don't come off the rails...

    even at a controlled crossing with lights

    and some other train hits

    and this is a good vid - crazy usa drivers trying to get across tracks... good vid....

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